122 research outputs found

    Casimir eigenvalues for universal Lie algebra

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    For two different natural definitions of Casimir operators for simple Lie algebras we show that their eigenvalues in the adjoint representation can be expressed polynomially in the universal Vogel's parameters α,β,γ\alpha, \beta, \gamma and give explicit formulae for the generating functions of these eigenvalues.Comment: Slightly revised versio

    Minkowski superspaces and superstrings as almost real-complex supermanifolds

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    In 1996/7, J. Bernstein observed that smooth or analytic supermanifolds that mathematicians study are real or (almost) complex ones, while Minkowski superspaces are completely different objects. They are what we call almost real-complex supermanifolds, i.e., real supermanifolds with a non-integrable distribution, the collection of subspaces of the tangent space, and in every subspace a complex structure is given. An almost complex structure on a real supermanifold can be given by an even or odd operator; it is complex (without "always") if the suitable superization of the Nijenhuis tensor vanishes. On almost real-complex supermanifolds, we define the circumcised analog of the Nijenhuis tensor. We compute it for the Minkowski superspaces and superstrings. The space of values of the circumcised Nijenhuis tensor splits into (indecomposable, generally) components whose irreducible constituents are similar to those of Riemann or Penrose tensors. The Nijenhuis tensor vanishes identically only on superstrings of superdimension 1|1 and, besides, the superstring is endowed with a contact structure. We also prove that all real forms of complex Grassmann algebras are isomorphic although singled out by manifestly different anti-involutions.Comment: Exposition of the same results as in v.1 is more lucid. Reference to related recent work by Witten is adde

    Uniformizing the Stacks of Abelian Sheaves

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    Elliptic sheaves (which are related to Drinfeld modules) were introduced by Drinfeld and further studied by Laumon--Rapoport--Stuhler and others. They can be viewed as function field analogues of elliptic curves and hence are objects "of dimension 1". Their higher dimensional generalisations are called abelian sheaves. In the analogy between function fields and number fields, abelian sheaves are counterparts of abelian varieties. In this article we study the moduli spaces of abelian sheaves and prove that they are algebraic stacks. We further transfer results of Cerednik--Drinfeld and Rapoport--Zink on the uniformization of Shimura varieties to the setting of abelian sheaves. Actually the analogy of the Cerednik--Drinfeld uniformization is nothing but the uniformization of the moduli schemes of Drinfeld modules by the Drinfeld upper half space. Our results generalise this uniformization. The proof closely follows the ideas of Rapoport--Zink. In particular, analogies of pp-divisible groups play an important role. As a crucial intermediate step we prove that in a family of abelian sheaves with good reduction at infinity, the set of points where the abelian sheaf is uniformizable in the sense of Anderson, is formally closed.Comment: Final version, appears in "Number Fields and Function Fields - Two Parallel Worlds", Papers from the 4th Conference held on Texel Island, April 2004, edited by G. van der Geer, B. Moonen, R. Schoo

    The hypertoric intersection cohomology ring

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    We present a functorial computation of the equivariant intersection cohomology of a hypertoric variety, and endow it with a natural ring structure. When the hyperplane arrangement associated with the hypertoric variety is unimodular, we show that this ring structure is induced by a ring structure on the equivariant intersection cohomology sheaf in the equivariant derived category. The computation is given in terms of a localization functor which takes equivariant sheaves on a sufficiently nice stratified space to sheaves on a poset.Comment: Significant revisions in Section 5, with several corrected proof

    Twisting gauged non-linear sigma-models

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    We consider gauged sigma-models from a Riemann surface into a Kaehler and hamiltonian G-manifold X. The supersymmetric N=2 theory can always be twisted to produce a gauged A-model. This model localizes to the moduli space of solutions of the vortex equations and computes the Hamiltonian Gromov-Witten invariants. When the target is equivariantly Calabi-Yau, i.e. when its first G-equivariant Chern class vanishes, the supersymmetric theory can also be twisted into a gauged B-model. This model localizes to the Kaehler quotient X//G.Comment: 33 pages; v2: small additions, published versio

    Mixed Hodge polynomials of character varieties

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    We calculate the E-polynomials of certain twisted GL(n,C)-character varieties M_n of Riemann surfaces by counting points over finite fields using the character table of the finite group of Lie-type GL(n,F_q) and a theorem proved in the appendix by N. Katz. We deduce from this calculation several geometric results, for example, the value of the topological Euler characteristic of the associated PGL(n,C)-character variety. The calculation also leads to several conjectures about the cohomology of M_n: an explicit conjecture for its mixed Hodge polynomial; a conjectured curious Hard Lefschetz theorem and a conjecture relating the pure part to absolutely indecomposable representations of a certain quiver. We prove these conjectures for n = 2.Comment: with an appendix by Nicholas M. Katz; 57 pages. revised version: New definition for homogeneous weight in Definition 4.1.6, subsequent arguments modified. Some other minor changes. To appear in Invent. Mat

    Ramification theory for varieties over a local field

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    We define generalizations of classical invariants of wild ramification for coverings on a variety of arbitrary dimension over a local field. For an l-adic sheaf, we define its Swan class as a 0-cycle class supported on the wild ramification locus. We prove a formula of Riemann-Roch type for the Swan conductor of cohomology together with its relative version, assuming that the local field is of mixed characteristic. We also prove the integrality of the Swan class for curves over a local field as a generalization of the Hasse-Arf theorem. We derive a proof of a conjecture of Serre on the Artin character for a group action with an isolated fixed point on a regular local ring, assuming the dimension is 2.Comment: 159 pages, some corrections are mad

    Global Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, multiplicity one and classification of automorphic representations

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    In this paper we show a local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for all unitary irreducible representations. We prove the global Jacquet-Langlands correspondence in characteristic zero. As consequences we obtain the multiplicity one and strong multiplicity one theorems for inner forms of GL(n) as well as a classification of the residual spectrum and automorphic representations in analogy with results proved by Moeglin-Waldspurger and Jacquet-Shalika for GL(n).Comment: 49 pages; Appendix by N. Grba

    Lectures on F-theory compactifications and model building

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    These lecture notes are devoted to formal and phenomenological aspects of F-theory. We begin with a pedagogical introduction to the general concepts of F-theory, covering classic topics such as the connection to Type IIB orientifolds, the geometry of elliptic fibrations and the emergence of gauge groups, matter and Yukawa couplings. As a suitable framework for the construction of compact F-theory vacua we describe a special class of Weierstrass models called Tate models, whose local properties are captured by the spectral cover construction. Armed with this technology we proceed with a survey of F-theory GUT models, aiming at an overview of basic conceptual and phenomenological aspects, in particular in connection with GUT breaking via hypercharge flux.Comment: Invited contribution to the proceedings of the CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theory 2010, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity; 63 pages; v2: references added, typos correcte

    Fuchs versus Painlev\'e

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    We briefly recall the Fuchs-Painlev\'e elliptic representation of Painlev\'e VI. We then show that the polynomiality of the expressions of the correlation functions (and form factors) in terms of the complete elliptic integral of the first and second kind, K K and E E, is a straight consequence of the fact that the differential operators corresponding to the entries of Toeplitz-like determinants, are equivalent to the second order operator LE L_E which has E E as solution (or, for off-diagonal correlations to the direct sum of LE L_E and d/dt d/dt). We show that this can be generalized, mutatis mutandis, to the anisotropic Ising model. The singled-out second order linear differential operator LE L_E being replaced by an isomonodromic system of two third-order linear partial differential operators associated with Π1 \Pi_1, the Jacobi's form of the complete elliptic integral of the third kind (or equivalently two second order linear partial differential operators associated with Appell functions, where one of these operators can be seen as a deformation of LE L_E). We finally explore the generalizations, to the anisotropic Ising models, of the links we made, in two previous papers, between Painlev\'e non-linear ODE's, Fuchsian linear ODE's and elliptic curves. In particular the elliptic representation of Painlev\'e VI has to be generalized to an ``Appellian'' representation of Garnier systems.Comment: Dedicated to the : Special issue on Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations, SIDE VII meeting held in Melbourne during July 200