2 research outputs found

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri Pembentuk Biofilm dari Tambak Udang Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau Jepara untuk Menghilangkan Amoniak

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    Brackish water shrimp aquaculture activities often result in organic waste from excess of unconsumed foodstuff and biological waste from shrimp biological waste. The high organic contents increase the levels of ammonia, which is toxic to shrimp and many other aqua lives. One of the most widely used organic material biodegradation system as biofilters, biofilm has not yet seen many uses in shrimp aquafarm waste management. This study aims to isolate and screen biofilm-forming primary bacteria with abilities to degrade ammoniacal nitrogen compounds. The processes involved in this study are location survey, wooden and fiber panel installation, planting of panel in the ponds, isolation of bacteria by dispersion method, purification of primary bacteria by scratch method. Ammoniacal nitrogen degradation test was performed by Microwell Plate Chromatogram Assay and UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. The analysis of the bacteria isolates found 66 primary bacteria with biofilm formation abilities. Based on qualitative analysis, 20 isolates displayed potential in degrading ammoniacal nitrogen compound and 7 isolates showed low (<10%) capacity in degrading ammoniacal nitrogen. Ā  Kegiatan budidaya udang di tambak akan menghasilkan limbah organik yang berasal dari sisa pakan yang tidak termakan maupun kotoran udang. Kandungan bahan organik yang tinggi akan meningkatkan kandungan amonia yang bersifatĀ  toksik bagi udang dan biota air lainnya. Salah satu sistem biodegradasi bahan organik yang telah banyak digunakan sebagai bioļ¬lter namun belum dimanfaatkan dalam pengolahan limbah organik tambak udang adalah bioļ¬lm. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi dan skrining bakteri primer pembentuk bioļ¬lm yang mampu mendegradasi senyawa amonia nitrogen. UntukĀ  mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka beberapa tahap penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah survei lokasi tambak udang, pemasangan panel bahan kayu dan ļ¬ber,Ā  penanaman panel dalam badan air tambak, mengisolasi bakteri dengan metodeĀ  sebaran, puriļ¬kasi bakteri primer pembentuk bioļ¬lm dengan metode goresan. Uji oksidasi amonium nitrogen dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode Micro well plate chromatogram assay dan UV-Vis Spektrofotometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil isolasi diperoleh sebanyak 66 isolat bakteri primer pembentuk bioļ¬lm. Berdasarkan uji kualitatif diperoleh 20 isolat yang memiliki potensi mendegradasi senyawa amoniurn nitrogen. Namun hasil uji kuantitatif bakteri seleksi pendegradasi amonium nitrogen menunjukkan 7 isolat yang memiliki kemampuan rendah (< 10%) mendegradasi amonium nitrogen


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    Isolation and Identification of Active Compound Cause Light Emmitting of Bacterial Photobacterium phosphoreum Isolated from the Indonesia Jepara Marine Squid. This research carried out to study the bioluminescence process of bacterial Photobacterium phosphoreum isolated from Indonesia marine squid. The method used in the present study involved isolation, purification, electrophoresis, and the absorbance and light intensity measurement. This result show that the luciferace enzyme of bacterial Photobacterium phosphoreum or called LBPP catalyzes the emission of visible light from the reaction of reduced flavin mononucleotide (FMNH2), molecular oxygen(O2), and an aldehyde (RCOH). The electrophoresis data show that LBPP comprised of two different subunits &alpha; and &beta; with 41kD and 38 kD molecular weights. The absorb pattern showed that the bioluminescence process centered around 516 nm and are consistent with the fluorescence data. This result concluded that the excitation state formed after LBPP bind subtracts and the ground state formed after LBPP releases product and visible light.Keywords: Bioluminescence, Photobacterium phosphoreum, &alpha; and &beta; subunits, absorbance and light intensitymeasuremen