352 research outputs found

    Self Starting Femtosecond Ti Saphire Laser Intercavity Multiquantum Well Saturable Absorber

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    A mode-locked solid state laser is disclosed for generating ultrashort optical pulses from solid state material. The laser can comprise a solid state gain medium, at least one mirror connected to the medium and a semiconductor multiple quantum well saturable (MQW) absorber in contact with the mirror, for mode-locking the solid state gain medium. The solid state medium can be composed of but is not limited to Titanium Sapphire, Cr:YAG, Cr:Fosterite, Nd:YAG, Nd:glass, color center lasers, semiconductor diode lasers, optically active fiber lasers, and the like. The absorber can include a structure consisting of 70 Angstrom wells of GaAs and 100 Angstrom barriers of AlGaAs. The generated optical pulses can be used in a wide variety of applications such as diagnostic testing, communications, computers, medicine, automotive applications and the like

    Mode Locked Laser Diode in a High Power Solid State Regenerative Amplifier and Mount Mechanism

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    A mode locked as a seed source for a solid state regenerative amplifier system is disclosed. The system includes components for forming an external cavity laser with a semiconductor amplifier, exciting and mode locking the cavity laser to emit optical pulses with a linearly time varying optical frequency, collecting and collimating the optical pulses, isolating the optical pulses and amplifying the optical pulses for a selected application. The selected applications include but are not limited to medical imaging, fuel diagnostics, ultrafast spectroscopic measurements, network synchronization, distributed optical clock network, electro-optic sampling, timing Jitter reduction, a source for inducing nonlinear optical effects, and optical time domain relectometry. A mount mechanism support for an optic system is also disclosed. The mount support includes an optic component such as a semiconductor laser diode, a semiconductor optical amplifier, and a fiber optical amplifier as well as moun

    Signal processing using spectrally phase encoded optical frequency combs

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    Methods, apparatus and systems for an optical system for data harvesting and pattern recognition. The system includes a mode locked laser for producing a comb of optical frequencies that is split into two identical combs, a wavelength division demultiplexer eparate the individual optical frequency components of one comb and modulates each optical frequency component with a different one of plural target objects. A second modulator modulates an input signal with the second comb and an optical splitter splits the modulated signal into plural optical frequency components each containing the input signal. An optical combiner simultaneously combines the components containing the real time signal with one of the components containing a target object to produce a temporally modulated interferograrn, and a comparator simultaneously compares the two on a comb by comb basis using balanced differential detection to determine any of the plural target objects are found in the input signal

    Optical disk readout method using optical coherence tomography and spectral interferometry (DIV.C)

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    An optical coherence tomography(OCT) and spectral interferometry imaging probe for the automatic screening and diagnosis of cervical and skin cancer in vivo. The probe eliminates the old techniques of having to perform Pap smears followed by a biopsy, known as colposcopy. The novel probe is cylindrical in shape and has a disposable outer plastic shield. Inside the probe is a motor driven rotatable casing having a planar optical fiber bundle array therein. The fiber bundle array has plastic light coupling lenslet arrays on both ends. The exposed end of the probe has one lenslet array disc that couples light between the probe and an interior of the cervix area being examined. Both the casing and the bundle array rotate relative to the outer probe walls. Inside the casing is a rotatable motor driven scanning mirror which couples passes light from an incoming second fiber bundle array to the lenslet array on the inside end of the rotatable casing fiber bundle array. The incoming second fi

    Multiwavelength Modelocked Semiconductor Diode Laser

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    Single-stripe GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor optical amplifiers which simultaneously generates from four to more than twenty tunable WDM channels. A four channel version trsnsmits approximately 12 picosecond pulses at approximately 2.5 GHz for an aggregate pulse rate of 100 GHz. Wavelength tuning over 18 nm has been demonstrated with channel spacing ranging from approximately 0.8 nm to approximately 2 nm. A second version uses approximately 20 wavelength channels, each transmitting approximately 12 picosecond pulses at a rate of approximately 600 MHz. A spectral correlation across the multiwavelength spectrum which can be for utilizing single stripe laser diodes as multiwavelength sources in WDM-TDM networks. A third version of multiple wavelength generation uses a fiber-array and grating. And a fourth version of wavelength generation uses a Fabry-Perot Spectral filter. Also solid state laser sources and optical fiber laser sources can be used

    Extreme Optical Pulse Stretching Amplification and Compression with Active Dispersion Tuning

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    Methods and systems for optical chirped pulse amplification and phase dispersion, the system including an active dispersion controller for receiving an input optical pulse from a modelocked laser and controlling a third and fourth order dispersion property of the input optical pulse to produce an optical output pulses, a stretching re-circulating loop for stretching the optical output pulses in time, an optical amplifier for amplifying the stretched optical output pulses, a compressing re-circulating loop for compressing the amplified stretched optical output pulse to produce a compressed optical output pulse, and a feedback loop for feeding a feedback optical signal to the active dispersion controller

    Hybrid WDM-TDM Optical Communication and Data Link

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    A hybrid WDM-TDM optical link employing a hybrid modelocked multi-wavelength semiconductor which provides approximately 4 to approximately 20 wavelength channels that makes possible modulated multiplexed data which when demultiplexed by ultra fast optical demultiplexing provides rates suitable for conventional electronic photo receivers. The link uses single-stripe GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor optical amplifiers which simultaneously generate from approximately four to more than approximately twenty tunable WDM channels. Diode laser can also include InP, InGaAlP, InGaAsP, InGaP, InGaAs. A four channel version transmits approximately 12 picosecond pulses at approximately 2.5 GHz for an aggregate pulse rate of 100 GHz. When generating approximately 20 wavelength channels, each transmitting approximately 12 picosecond pulses at a rate of approximately 600 MHz, there is provided optical data and transmission systems operating at rates in excess of 800 Gbits/s

    An Optoelectronic Oscillator Using A High Finesse Etalon

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    An optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) is used to provide a continuous, high Q, modulated signal for a variety of purposes, including a carrier wave for communications, and radar emissions. The OEO of this invention replaces an RF filter in the conventional OEO with an interferometer, preferably a high finesse Fabry-Perot etalon as the mode selector, providing lower phase noise and higher RF frequency stability

    Multiwavelength Modelocked Semiconductor Diode Laser

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    Single-stripe GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor optical amplifiers which simultaneously generates from four to more than twenty tunable WDM channels. A four channel version transmits approximately 12 picosecond pulses at approximately 2.5 GHz for an aggregate pulse rate of 100 GHz. Wavelength tuning over 18 nm has been demonstrated with channel spacing ranging from approximately 0.8 nm to approximately 2 nm. A second version uses approximately 20 wavelength channels, each transmitting approximately 12 picosecond pulses at a rate of approximately 600 MHz. A spectral correlation across the multiwavelength spectrum which can be for utilizing single stripe laser diodes as multiwavelength sources in WDM-TDM networks. A third version of multiple wavelength generation uses a fiber-array and grating. And a fourth version of wavelength generation uses a Fabry-Perot Spectral filter. Also solid state laser sources and optical fiber laser sources can be used

    Ablative Material Removal with a preset Removal Rate or Volume or Depth

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    The present invention includes a method of surgical material removal from a body by optical-ablation with controlled pulse energy from an amplifier including inputting an ablation-threshold-pulse-energy-for-material-being-ablated signal; controlling the energy of a pulse and the pulse repetition rate and by knowing the type of material being removed, the system can control the removal to predetermined rate and, thus knowing the removal rate, it can know how long to run to stop at the predetermined volume
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