46 research outputs found

    Postquench prethermalization in a disordered quantum fluid of light

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    We study the coherence of a disordered and interacting quantum light field after propagation along a nonlinear optical fiber. Disorder is generated by a cross-phase modulation with a randomized auxiliary classical light field, while interactions are induced by self-phase modulation. When penetrating the fiber from free space, the incoming quantum light undergoes a disorder and interaction quench. By calculating the coherence function of the transmitted quantum light, we show that the decoherence induced by the quench spreads in a light-cone fashion in the nonequilibrium many-body quantum system, leaving the latter prethermalize with peculiar features originating from disorder.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    A new vibrational level of the H2+_2^+ molecular ion

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    A new state of the H2+_2^+ molecular ion with binding energy of 1.09×10−9\times10^{-9} a.u. below the first dissociation limit is predicted, using highly accurate numerical nonrelativistic quantum calculations. It is the first L=0 excited state, antisymmetric with respect to the exchange of the two protons. It manifests itself as a huge p-H scattering length of a=750±5a=750\pm 5 Bohr radii.Comment: 6 pages + 3 figure

    Analysis of dynamical tunnelling experiments with a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Dynamical tunnelling is a quantum phenomenon where a classically forbidden process occurs, that is prohibited not by energy but by another constant of motion. The phenomenon of dynamical tunnelling has been recently observed in a sodium Bose-Einstein condensate. We present a detailed analysis of these experiments using numerical solutions of the three dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the corresponding Floquet theory. We explore the parameter dependency of the tunnelling oscillations and we move the quantum system towards the classical limit in the experimentally accessible regime.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Symmetry Decomposition of Potentials with Channels

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    We discuss the symmetry decomposition of the average density of states for the two dimensional potential V=x2y2V=x^2y^2 and its three dimensional generalisation V=x2y2+y2z2+z2x2V=x^2y^2+y^2z^2+z^2x^2. In both problems, the energetically accessible phase space is non-compact due to the existence of infinite channels along the axes. It is known that in two dimensions the phase space volume is infinite in these channels thus yielding non-standard forms for the average density of states. Here we show that the channels also result in the symmetry decomposition having a much stronger effect than in potentials without channels, leading to terms which are essentially leading order. We verify these results numerically and also observe a peculiar numerical effect which we associate with the channels. In three dimensions, the volume of phase space is finite and the symmetry decomposition follows more closely that for generic potentials --- however there are still non-generic effects related to some of the group elements

    Coherent Matter Wave Transport in Speckle Potentials

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    This article studies multiple scattering of matter waves by a disordered optical potential in two and in three dimensions. We calculate fundamental transport quantities such as the scattering mean free path ℓs\ell_s, the Boltzmann transport mean free path \elltrb, and the Boltzmann diffusion constant DBD_B, using a diagrammatic Green functions approach. Coherent multiple scattering induces interference corrections known as weak localization which entail a reduced diffusion constant. We derive the corresponding expressions for matter wave transport in an correlated speckle potential and provide the relevant parameter values for a possible experimental study of this coherent transport regime, including the critical crossover to the regime of strong or Anderson localization.Comment: 33 pages, minor corrections, published versio

    Statistics of electromagnetic transitions as a signature of chaos in many-electron atoms

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    Using a configuration interaction approach we study statistics of the dipole matrix elements (E1 amplitudes) between the 14 lower odd states with J=4 and 21st to 100th even states with J=4 in the Ce atom (1120 lines). We show that the distribution of the matrix elements is close to Gaussian, although the width of the Gaussian distribution, i.e. the root-mean-square matrix element, changes with the excitation energy. The corresponding line strengths are distributed according to the Porter-Thomas law which describes statistics of transition strengths between chaotic states in compound nuclei. We also show how to use a statistical theory to calculate mean squared values of the matrix elements or transition amplitudes between chaotic many-body states. We draw some support for our conclusions from the analysis of the 228 experimental line strengths in Ce [J. Opt. Soc. Am. v. 8, p. 1545 (1991)], although direct comparison with the calculations is impeded by incompleteness of the experimental data. Nevertheless, the statistics observed evidence that highly excited many-electron states in atoms are indeed chaotic.Comment: 16 pages, REVTEX, 4 PostScript figures (submitted to Phys Rev A

    Sensitivity of the eigenfunctions and the level curvature distribution in quantum billiards

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    In searching for the manifestations of sensitivity of the eigenfunctions in quantum billiards (with Dirichlet boundary conditions) with respect to the boundary data (the normal derivative) we have performed instead various numerical tests for the Robnik billiard (quadratic conformal map of the unit disk) for 600 shape parameter values, where we look at the sensitivity of the energy levels with respect to the shape parameter. We show the energy level flow diagrams for three stretches of fifty consecutive (odd) eigenstates each with index 1,000 to 2,000. In particular, we have calculated the (unfolded and normalized) level curvature distribution and found that it continuously changes from a delta distribution for the integrable case (circle) to a broad distribution in the classically ergodic regime. For some shape parameters the agreement with the GOE von Oppen formula is very good, whereas we have also cases where the deviation from GOE is significant and of physical origin. In the intermediate case of mixed classical dynamics we have a semiclassical formula in the spirit of the Berry-Robnik (1984) surmise. Here the agreement with theory is not good, partially due to the localization phenomena which are expected to disappear in the semiclassical limit. We stress that even for classically ergodic systems there is no global universality for the curvature distribution, not even in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 19 pages, file in plain LaTeX, 15 figures available upon request Submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Classical Evolution of Quantum Elliptic States

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    The hydrogen atom in weak external fields is a very accurate model for the multiphoton excitation of ultrastable high angular momentum Rydberg states, a process which classical mechanics describes with astonishing precision. In this paper we show that the simplest treatment of the intramanifold dynamics of a hydrogenic electron in external fields is based on the elliptic states of the hydrogen atom, i.e., the coherent states of SO(4), which is the dynamical symmetry group of the Kepler problem. Moreover, we also show that classical perturbation theory yields the {\it exact} evolution in time of these quantum states, and so we explain the surprising match between purely classical perturbative calculations and experiments. Finally, as a first application, we propose a fast method for the excitation of circular states; these are ultrastable hydrogenic eigenstates which have maximum total angular momentum and also maximum projection of the angular momentum along a fixed direction. %Comment: 8 Pages, 2 Figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Hydrogen Atom in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fields with Arbitrary Mutual Orientations

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    For the hydrogen atom in combined magnetic and electric fields we investigate the dependence of the quantum spectra, classical dynamics, and statistical distributions of energy levels on the mutual orientation of the two external fields. Resonance energies and oscillator strengths are obtained by exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in a complete basis set, even far above the ionization threshold. At high excitation energies around the Stark saddle point the eigenenergies exhibit strong level repulsions when the angle between the fields is varied. The large avoided crossings occur between states with the same approximately conserved principal quantum number, n, and this intramanifold mixing of states cannot be explained, not even qualitatively, by conventional perturbation theory. However, it is well reproduced by an extended perturbation theory which takes into account all couplings between the angular momentum and Runge-Lenz vector. The large avoided crossings are interpreted as a quantum manifestation of classical intramanifold chaos. This interpretation is supported by both classical Poincar\'e surfaces of section, which reveal a mixed regular-chaotic intramanifold dynamics, and the statistical analysis of nearest-neighbor-spacingComment: two-column version, 10 pages, REVTeX, 10 figures, uuencoded, submitted to Rhys. Rev.