21 research outputs found

    Besteht ein zusammenhang zwischen impaktion des oberen eckzahns und asymmetrie der augen

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    Introduction: Impacted maxillary canines may be in close proximity with related structures, such as the nasal cavity, orbital cavity, and maxillary sinus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of unilateral maxillary canine impaction on ocular asymmetry. The null hypotheses were as follows: (1) there is no difference in the ocular location between the subjects with impacted canines and the control group; (2) there is no difference in the ocular location between the two sides of subjects with impacted canine. Methods: A total of 50 subjects with unilateral palatally impacted maxillary canines were selected as the study group, and 49 subjects without any impacted teeth were selected as controls. Ocular asymmetry was evaluated on standardized frontal photographs of the subjects in both groups, and the results were statistically compared. Results: Unilateral impaction of maxillary canines did not have a statistically significant effect on the vertical ocular location, nor did maxillary canine impaction affect the horizontal ocular location on either side of the face within the impacted canine group. There was a statistically significant difference in the horizontal ocular location between the impacted canine group and the control group. Gender differences did not have an effect on the ocular location in either of the study groups. Conclusions: Both hypotheses were accepted. A relationship between the impacted maxillary canine and ocular asymmetry could not be demonstrated.Einführung Impaktierte Oberkiefereckzähne können sich in unmittelbarer Nähe zu benachbarten Strukturen befinden, etwa zur Nasenhöhle, zur Augenhöhle und zum Sinus maxillaris. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Auswirkungen einer einseitigen Impaktion des oberen Eckzahnes auf die Symmetrie der Augen zu untersuchen. Die Nullhypothesen waren wie folgt: (1) Es gibt keinen Unterschied in der okulären Position zwischen den Probanden mit impaktierten Eckzähnen und der Kontrollgruppe; (2) es gibt keinen Unterschied in der okulären Position zwischen den beiden Seiten der Probanden mit impaktierten Eckzähnen. Methoden Insgesamt 50 Probanden mit einseitig palatinal impaktierten Oberkiefereckzähnen bildeten die Studiengruppe, und 49 Probanden ohne impaktierte Zähne wurden als Kontrollen ausgewählt. Die okuläre Asymmetrie wurde an standardisierten Frontalfotos der Probanden beider Gruppen ausgewertet, und die Ergebnisse wurden statistisch evaluiert. Ergebnisse Die Impaktion eines oberen Eckzahnes hatte keinen statistisch signifikanten Einfluss auf die vertikale Augenposition. Sie hatte auch keinen Einfluss auf die horizontale okuläre Position auf beiden Seiten des Gesichts innerhalb der Gruppe mit impaktiertem Eckzahn. Es gab einen statistisch signifikanten Unterschied in der horizontalen okulären Position zwischen der Gruppe mit Impaktion und der Kontrollgruppe. Geschlechtsbezogene Unterschiede zeigten in beiden Gruppen keinen Einfluss auf die Augenposition. Schlussfolgerungen Beide Hypothesen wurden akzeptiert. Ein Zusammenhang zwischen einseitig impaktierten Oberkiefereckzähnen und Augenasymmetrien konnte nicht nachgewiesen werde

    Various contemporary intraoral anchorage mechanics supported with temporary anchorage devices

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    WOS: 000439324700005PubMed ID: 30112484The aim of this review was to provide an overview of the various types of contemporary intaroral anchorage mechanics that are being used with temporary anchorage devices (TADs) and to briefly mention the design and clinical use of these appliances. Original articles on "mini-implants in orthodontics, temporary anchorage devices, orthodontic miniscrews, mini-implants, and skeletal anchorage" were searched for on the PubMed database. Articles published between 2004 and May 2015 were used. References of 10 articles were also searched for and used. Beneslider, Miniscrew-supported EZ slider, Implant-supported Distal Jet, Mini-implant-Borne Pendulum B Appliance, Noncompliance-supported Maxillary Molar Distalization Appliance, Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Device-Supported Rapid Maxillary Expansion Appliance (RME), Mini-Implant-Supported Maxillary Expansion, Implant-Supported RME, Hybrid Hyrax, Frog Appliance, Palatally Anchored Mesialslider, Mousetrap Appliance, Lever Arm, and Mini-implant System were evaluated. In contemporary orthodontics, TADs have an important place. They can be combined with different intraoral mechanics and be efficiently used. The future of orthodontic intraoral anchorage may be based on TADs

    Forces achieved by different material and type of intrusion arches applied in different horizontal levels

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    Background: Intrusion is one of the most needed movements in orthodontics. It is possible to achieve this with arch wires, miniscrews, and bite-blocks. Purpose: This in vitro study aimed to evaluate forces achieved by different types of intrusion arches made of different materials and anchored in two different horizontal levels by either miniscrews or molar teeth. Methods: An upper jaw typodont was applied different types of intrusion arches: intrusion and utility arches, made of different materials (nitinol, beta III titanium, stainless steel) and different wire sizes (0.016” x 0.022” and 0.017” x 0.025”) to the incisors, both anchoring from molars and miniscrews respectively. Each application was measured by a Correx gauge. Each wire was applied to both the auxiliary slot of the triple tube and the slot in the head of the miniscrew. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey’s HSD test, and a paired two-sample t-test were used to analyze the data. Results: In the intrusion arches, the main effect of the material was found to be statistically significant on force values (p = 0.034) while the main effect of the size was not found statistically significant on force values (p = 0.083). In the utility arches, both the main effect of the material (p = 0.067) and the size (p = 0.140) were not found to be statistically significant on force values. Conclusion: Regardless of the anchorage unit level and size, nitinol was the material that applied the lowest forces among all materials. The material is the most effective factor in the force generated, while the anchorage unit level is the least

    An algorithm of dental/dentofacial-based options for managing patients with obstructive sleep apnoea referred to a dentist/dental specialist by a physician

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    Medical Technologies National Conference, TIPTEKNO 2015 -- 15 October 2015 through 18 October 2015 -- 118954There are so many documents in the literature discoursing the aetiology, nature, diagnosis and treatment planning of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Almost all of them mention that OSA has to be evaluated and treated through the multidisciplinary teamwork of physicians and dentists. Due to a lack in the literature, this article focuses on dentists' and dental specialists' role in the treatment algorithm of OSA

    Evaluation of quality and reliability of websites about orthognathic surgery using Google Trends (TM) application

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    Objectives: Orthognathic surgery is the only treatment option for some cases in orthodontics. livo main goals were aimed in this study. The first goal was to determine the top three keywords that Google searchers look for "orthognathic surgery" using the Google Trendsmi application. The second was to assess the quality and reliability of the webpages yielded by searching those four keywords on Google.Materials and Methods: Google Trends was searched using the keyword "Orthognathic Surgery" Then, Google was searched using keywords: "Orthognathic surgery" and the other first three keywords. An oral surgeon and an orthodontist analyzed the quality and reliability of the websites using the DISCERN assessment tool.Results: The correlation between evaluators was low. Forty-six of the 70 websites were the websites of different oral and maxillofacial clinics and orthodontic clinics. The percentage of websites was 11% for personal doctor websites, 10% for academic journals, 7% for institutes, 6% for orthodontic clinics, and 1.4% for denial clinics. Overall rating scores of the websites for researchers were 2.41 +/- 1.35 for oral surgeon and 1.99 +/- 1.49 for orthodontist.Conclusions: The reliability and quality of the information in all of the websites was very low. The data on the websites did not have any scientific review processes such as review-peer review

    Rapid maxillary expansion outcomes according to midpalatal suture maturation levels

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    Background: This study aims to compare the relationship between skeletal and dental outcomes of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) treatment on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images between pre-pubertal peak (pre-peak) and post-pubertal peak (post-peak) patients. The null hypothesis was that there was no difference in the outcomes of RME treatment between the groups. Methods: Thirty-two patients who underwent RME treatment were classified according to midpalatal suture maturation levels and then divided into two groups as pre-peak and post-peak. Skeletal and dental measurements were performed on the CBCT images at T0 (pre-treatment stage) and at T1 (post-treatment stage). Paired sample t test was used to evaluate normally distributed data and P < 0.05 was taken as the significance level. Results: There were significant differences between T0 and T1 within the groups, but the changes between the pre-peak and post-peak patient groups were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Non-significant changes were found between the two groups, and the null hypothesis was excepted

    The evaluation of premolar extraction and non-extraction treatments on facial soft tissues

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    Amaç: Hastaların ortodontik tedaviye yönelmelerindeki majör gerekçelerin başında yüzlerinin daha güzel, daha estetik görünmesi isteği gelir. Bununla beraber ideal yüz estetiğini sağlayacak olan orto-dontik tedavi yönteminin çekimli mi, çekimsiz mi olması gerektiği konusu ortodonti literatüründe hala tartışmalı olan bir mevzudur. Bu çalışmanın amacı premolar çekimi yapılarak ve premolar çekimi yapılmadan tedavi edilen hastaların tedavi öncesi ve sonrası yumuşak doku profillerinin değerlen-dirme sonuçlarının kıyaslanması ile çekimin hastanın yüz yumuşak dokuları üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmanın sıfır hipotezi: çekimli tedavilerde ve çekimsiz tedavilerde yumuşak do-kularda elde edilecek tedavi öncesi ve sonrası sonuçlar arasında anlamlı farklılık olmayacağıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma toplam 28 hastanın (çekimli tedavi edilmiş 14 hasta ile çekimsiz tedavi edilmiş 14 hasta) tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası sefalometrik filmleri üzerinde NLA (Nasolabial Açı), LMA (Labiomental Açı) açıları ve A'(Yumuşak Doku A Noktası), UL(Üst dudak en ön nokta-sı), LL (Alt dudak en ön noktası), B' (Yumuşak doku B noktası), Pog' (Yumuşak doku Pogonion), Gn' (Yumuşak doku Gnathion), Me' (Yumuşak doku Menton) parametrelerinin (True Vertical Line) TVL' a olan uzaklıklarının ölçülmesi ve bu değerlerin tedavi öncesi ve sonrası sonuçlarının kıyaslan-ması ile oluşturulmuştur. Bulgular: Çekimli ve çekimsiz ortodontik tedavinin yumuşak dokulara etkisini incelediğimiz bu çalışmada A' noktası, üst dudak ve alt dudakta istatistiksel olarak anlamlı sonuçlar ortaya çıkmıştır ve klinik olarak anlamlılık sadece çekimli grupta üst dudağın 2mm retraksiyonu nedeniyle görülebilir. Diğer değişiklikler klinik olarak anlamlı bulunamayacak ölçüde azdır. Sonuç: Çalışmanın sıfır hipotezi bir grup parametrede anlamlı farklılık oluştuğu için reddedilmiştir.Aim: The major motivation of orthodontic patients is always to have a more beautiful and more esthetic face. Nevertheless, it still is not a clear point in the orthodontics literature whether to extract or not to extract to achieve an excellent orthodontic treatment. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of extraction and non extraction treatment on the soft tissue profiles of the premolar extraction and non extraction patients. The null hypothesis of the study was that, there was not a statistically difference between the results of extraction and non extraction groups. Materials and Methods:14 extraction and 14 non extraction patients’ cephalometric films were evaluated. In all films NLA(Nasolabial Angle), LMA(Labiomental Angle) angles and A’(Soft Tis-sue), UL (Upper Lip Prominent Point), LL (Lower Lip Prominent Point), B’(Soft Tissue B), Pog’ (Soft Tissue Pogonion), Gn’ (Soft Tissue Gnathion), Me’ (Soft Tissue Menton) were evaluated ref-erenced to (True Vertical Line) TVL’. Results: Point A’ was statistically different in the compared groups and clinically significant retru-sion of lower lip was observed due to 2 mm retraction of the lower lip in the extraction group. Conclusion: The null hypothesis was rejected because of statistically important differences in some parameters

    Assessment of reliability of YouTube videos on orthodontics

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    Objective: In addition to being an entertainment channel, YouTube is also one of the most popular visual information sources today. People search YouTube to consult also on orthodontics, as well as on many other topics. The objective of the present study was to analyze the quality and reliability of information of the videos on YouTube about orthodontics. Methods: YouTube was searched systematically by two researchers on orthodontics by using the keywords "Orthodontics,""Orthodontist" and "Orthodontic Treatment!Videos on the first three pages (60 videos) for each keyword were assessed. Researchers evaluated the reliability of the videos by using the Reliability Score (adapted from DISCERN) and the quality of the videos by using the Global Quality Score (GQS). Results: The mean GQS results were 2.6 +/- 1.3 for videos in the"Orthodontist" group, 3.2 +/- 13 for videos in the"Orthodontics" group, and 2.3 +/- 1.2 for videos in the "Orthodontic Treatment" group on a 5-point scale. The Reliability Score results were 2, 2, and 1.5 for videos in the "Orthodontist,""Orthodontics," and "Orthodontic Treatment" groups, respectively, on a 5-point scale. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient results presented a positive relationship between the researchers. Conclusion: Owing to the lack of peer-review process and pre-upload scientific evaluation process, videos on YouTube can lead the public to misinformation

    Sabit ortodontik tedavinin ilk üç ayında kilo kaybının değerlendirilmesi

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    Background: To asses weight changes in patients in the first three months of fixed orthodontic treatment. Materials and Methods: 53 patients (12 males, 41 females) in test group who needed fixed orthodontic treatment were selected. 50 subjects (14 males and 36 females) with similar conditions were selected as control. The mean age was for treatment group was 17.44±0.75 and was 17.67±0.85 for control group. Weight values of patients recorded immediately before bonding of brackets at beginning of treatment, 1 week after bonding and in orderly 1, 2 and 3 months after bonding. The same values were recorded also for the control group. Results: According to the results of Repeated Variance Analysis: time dependent changes were statistically significant (p:0.015) but, Time-Group interaction results were not statistically significant (p: 0.051). There was a statistically significant difference between the weight values according to the time intervals between the baseline values and 1.week and 1.month values; while there was not a statistically significant difference between the other time intervals. There was a statistically significant decrease in the mean weight values of treatment group according to the mean baseline values. Conclusion: Remarkable weight loss was observed in all patients in the first month of the treatment. Patients started to recover weight loss after second month of treatment.Amaç: Sabit ortodontik tedavinin ilk üç ayında gerçekleşen kilo değişimini değerlendirmek. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Sabit ortodontik tedaviye ihtiyaç duyan 53 hasta (12 erkek, 41 kadın) seçildi. Benzer koşullara sahip 50 birey(14 erkek ve 36 kadın) kontrol olarak seçildi. Kontrol grubunda yaş ortalaması 17.44 ± 0.75, tedavi grubunda 17.67 ± 0.85 idi. Tedavi başlangıcında, braketleme sonrası 1. hafta ve 1., 2. ve 3. ay düzenli şekilde hastaların kilo değerleri kaydedildi. Aynı değerler kontrol grubu için de kaydedildi. Bulgular: Tekrarlanan Varyans Analizi sonuçlarına göre zaman bağımlı değişmeler istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p: 0.015), ancak Zaman-Grup etkileşimi sonuçları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p: 0.051). Başlangıç değerleri ile 1. hafta ve 1. ay değerleri arasındaki zaman aralıklarına göre ağırlık değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardı; diğer zaman aralıkları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktu. Tedavi grubunun ortalama ağırlık değerlerinde, ortalama başlangıç değerlerine göre istatistiksel olarak önemli bir düşüş vardı. Sonuç: Tedavi gurubundaki tüm hastalarda tedavinin ilk ayında kayda değer kilo kaybı gözlendi. Tedavinin ikinci ayından sonra ise hastalar tekrar kilo almaya başlad

    Manual tracing versus smartphone application (app) tracing: A comparative study

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    Objective: This study aimed to compare the results of conventional manual cephalometric tracing with those acquired with smartphone application cephalometric tracing. Materials and methods: The cephalometric radiographs of 55 patients (25 females and 30 males) were traced via the manual and app methods and were subsequently examined with Steiner’s analysis. Five skeletal measurements, five dental measurements and two soft tissue measurements were managed based on 21 landmarks. The durations of the performances of the two methods were also compared. Results: SNA (Sella, Nasion, A point angle) and SNB (Sella, Nasion, B point angle) values for the manual method were statistically lower (p <.001) than those for the app method. The ANB value for the manual method was statistically lower than that of app method. L1–NB (°) and upper lip protrusion values for the manual method were statistically higher than those for the app method. Go-GN/SN, U1–NA (°) and U1–NA (mm) values for manual method were statistically lower than those for the app method. No differences between the two methods were found in the L1–NB (mm), occlusal plane to SN, interincisal angle or lower lip protrusion values. Conclusions: Although statistically significant differences were found between the two methods, the cephalometric tracing proceeded faster with the app method than with the manual method