119 research outputs found

    Quelques réflexions concernant la recherche sur le Natoufien

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    IntroductionTous les ans, au printemps, se déroule pendant quatre jours la réunion annuelle de la Société des Archéologues Américains (SAA). Celle-ci, depuis des années maintenant, a largement dépassé le seul cadre de l'archéologie des États-Unis. Cette réunion attire ainsi un nombre relativement important de chercheurs étrangers, qui viennent y organiser des sessions sur de thèmes spécifiques de l'archéologie de l'Ancien Monde ou y présenter des communications en relation avec leur recherche..

    Some Thoughts Regarding The Research On The Natufian

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    IntroductionEvery year, in the Spring, takes place for four days the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Annual Meeting. Since years these meetings have grown beyond the scope of the American archaeology. Thus they attract a wide range of foreign scholars who go there either to organize specific sessions on the Old World or to present individual papers regarding their own research. As such, a session on the Upper Palaeolithic of the Near East was organized by Nigel Goring-Morris and Anna B..

    Chert Procurement and Management

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    The last years have seen the development of provenance studies of archaeological remains present in prehistoric sites in the Near East. Materials such as ocher, basalt and obsidian have been subject to detailed archaeometric characterization. Concerning the chert, it was known that it was occurring in abundance in northern Israel. Some rare and limited studies have shown the potential of research on the origin and the knapping methods of prehistoric flint artifacts from the region. Nonetheles..

    Approvisionnement et gestion des silex

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    Les études de provenance des vestiges présents sur les sites préhistoriques se sont particulièrement développées ces dernières années au Proche-Orient. Des matériaux tels que l’ocre, le basalte ou l’obsidienne, ont ainsi fait l’objet de caractérisations archéométriques détaillées. En ce qui concerne le silex, on savait qu’il était présent en abondance au nord d’Israël. Quelques rares études ponctuelles ont montré le potentiel de recherches sur l’origine et les méthodes de taille des silex pré..

    Quelques réflexions concernant la recherche sur le Natoufien

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    IntroductionTous les ans, au printemps, se déroule pendant quatre jours la réunion annuelle de la Société des Archéologues Américains (SAA). Celle-ci, depuis des années maintenant, a largement dépassé le seul cadre de l'archéologie des États-Unis. Cette réunion attire ainsi un nombre relativement important de chercheurs étrangers, qui viennent y organiser des sessions sur de thèmes spécifiques de l'archéologie de l'Ancien Monde ou y présenter des communications en relation avec leur recherche..

    Some Thoughts Regarding The Research On The Natufian

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    IntroductionEvery year, in the Spring, takes place for four days the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Annual Meeting. Since years these meetings have grown beyond the scope of the American archaeology. Thus they attract a wide range of foreign scholars who go there either to organize specific sessions on the Old World or to present individual papers regarding their own research. As such, a session on the Upper Palaeolithic of the Near East was organized by Nigel Goring-Morris and Anna B..

    Mapping out social change in south India : a geographic information system and its applications

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    New data about Cenomanian and Turonian chert from the Charente basin (France)

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    Prehistoric studies in lithic raw materials have experienced some methodological innovations that have resulted in research breakthroughs. The transfer of methods from Geology to Archaeology has led to the development of a new discipline, Petroarcheology, which has allowed to go beyond the study of chert as a raw material, providing archaeological responses from Petrography’s own methods.Why did we choose the Charente’s basin samples?The history of research goes back to early 2000, with works like the PCR led by Anne Delagnes “Paléolithique Moyen dans le bassin de la Charente” and the doctoral thesis of Seon-Jing Park (2007), in relation to the question of Neanderthal human mobility and potential mineral resources of that basin. These works led to the initiation of different geoarchaeological surveys in search of quality siliceous raw materials for the manufacture of stone tools, whose positive results led, in 2002, to the creation of the regional lithothèque of Charente (Angoulême, France).This lithothèque, located at the Museum of Fine Arts in Angoulême and with a collection of 183 samples of siliceous rocks - chert, jasper (Riba, 1997) and claystones (Riba, 1997)-, has become over the years an essential and very important tool for scholars interested in siliceous raw material availability and procurement in that region.Our study has combined petrologic and micropalaeontological (both macroscopic and microscopic) analysis of all samples recovered from two of the four geological stages of the Upper Cretaceous represented in the lithothèque - Cenomanian and Turonian.We’ve described some different kind of chert and we’ve made location maps with the aim, in the future, of compare and relate to archaeological studies on the origin of lithic industries recovered in the archaeological deposits of the area

    Delaunay Tessellations and Voronoi Diagrams in CGAL

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    The Cgal library provides a rich variety of Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations. This variety covers several aspects: generators, dimensions and metrics, which we describe in Section 2. One aim of this paper is to present the main paradigms used in CGAL: Generic programming, separation between predicates/constructions and combinatorics, and exact geometric computation (not to be confused with exact arithmetic!). The first two paradigms translate into software design choices, described in Section 4, while the last covers both robustness and efficiency issues, respectively described in Sec- tion 6 and 7. Other important aspects of the Cgal library are the interface issues, be they for traversing a tessellation, or for interoperability with other libraries or languages, see Section 5. We present in Section 8 some tessellations at work in the context of surface reconstruction and mesh generation. Section 9 is devoted to some on-going and future work on periodic triangulations (triangulations in periodic spaces), and on high-quality mesh generation with optimized tessellations. Section 10 provides typical numbers in terms of efficiency and scalability for constructing tessellations, and lists the remaining weaknesses. We conclude by listing some of our directions for the future
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