51 research outputs found

    Stichodactyla helianthus' de novo transcriptome assembly: Discovery of a new actinoporin isoform

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    Transcriptomic profiling of venom producing tissues from different animals is an effective approach for discovering new toxins useful in biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications, as well in evolutionary comparative studies of venomous animals. Stichodactyla helianthus is a Caribbean sea anemone which produces actinoporins as part of its toxic venom. This family of pore forming toxins is multigenic and at least two different isoforms, encoded by separate genes, are produced by S. helianthus. These isoforms, sticholysins I and II, share 93% amino acid identity but differ in their pore forming activity and act synergistically. This observation suggests that other actinoporin isoforms, if present in the venomous mixture, could offer an advantageous strategy to modulate whole venom activity. Using high-throughput sequencing we generated a de novo transcriptome of S. helianthus and determined the relative expression of assembled transcripts using RNA-Seq to better characterize components of this species' venom, focusing on actinoporin diversity. Applying this approach, we have discovered at least one new actinoporin variant from S. helianthus in addition to several other putative venom components

    Synergistic action of actinoporin isoforms from the same sea anemone species assembled into functionally active heteropores

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    Among the toxic polypeptides secreted in the venom of sea anemones, actinoporins are pore forming toxins whose toxic activity relies on the formation of oligomeric pores within biological membranes. Intriguingly, actinoporins appear as multigene families which give rise to many protein isoforms in the same individual displaying high sequence identities but large functional differences. However, the evolutionary advantage of producing such similar isotoxins is not fully understood. Here, using sticholysins I and II (StnI and StnII) from the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus, it is shown that actinoporin isoforms can potentiate each other’s activity. Through hemolysis and calcein releasing assays, it is revealed that mixtures of StnI and StnII are more lytic than equivalent preparations of the corresponding isolated isoforms. It is then proposed that this synergy is due to the assembly of heteropores since (i) StnI and StnII can be chemically cross-linked at the membrane and (ii) the affinity of sticholysin mixtures for the membrane is increased with respect to any of them acting in isolation, as revealed by isothermal titration calorimetry experiments. These results help to understand the multigene nature of actinoporins and may be extended to other families of toxins that require oligomerization to exert toxicity

    Synergistic Action of Actinoporin Isoforms from the Same Sea Anemone Species Assembled into Functionally Active Heteropores

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    Among the toxic polypeptides secreted in the venom of sea anemones, actinoporins are the pore-forming toxins whose toxic activity relies on the formation of oligomeric pores within biological membranes. Intriguingly, actinoporins appear as multigene families that give rise to many protein isoforms in the same individual displaying high sequence identities but large functional differences. However, the evolutionary advantage of producing such similar isotoxins is not fully understood. Here,using sticholysins I and II (StnI and StnII) from the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus, it is shown that actinoporin isoforms can potentiate each other’s activity. Through hemolysis and calcein releasing assays, it is revealed that mixtures of StnI and StnII are more lytic than equivalent preparations of the corresponding isolated isoforms. It is then proposed that this synergy is due to the assembly of heteropores because (i) StnI and StnII can be chemically cross-linked at the membrane and (ii) the affinity of sticholysin mixtures for the membrane is increased with respect to any of them acting in isolation, as revealed by isothermal titration calorimetry experiments. These results help us understand the multigene nature of actinoporins and may be extended to other families of toxins that require oligomerization to exert toxicity

    Sticholysin, Sphingomyelin, and Cholesterol: A Closer Look at a Tripartite Interaction

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    Actinoporins are a group of soluble toxic proteins that bind to membranes containing sphingomyelin (SM) and oligomerize to form pores. Sticholysin II (StnII) is a member of the actinoporin family, produced by Stichodactyla helianthus. Cholesterol (Chol) is known to enhance the activity of StnII. However, the molecular mechanisms behind this activation have remained obscure, although the activation is not Chol specific but rather sterol specific. To further explore how bilayer lipids affect or are affected by StnII, we have used a multiprobe approach (fluorescent analogs of both Chol and SM) in combination with a series of StnII tryptophan (Trp)-mutants, to study StnII/bilayer interactions. First we compared StnII bilayer permeabilization in the presence of Chol or oleoyl-ceramide (OCer). The comparison was done since both Chol and OCer have a 1-hydroxyl which help to orient the molecule in the bilayer (although OCer have additional polar functional groups). Both Chol and OCer also have increased affinity for SM, which StnII may recognize. However, our results show that only Chol was able to activate StnII-induced bilayer permeabilization – OCer failed to active. To further examine possible Chol/StnII interactions, we measured Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between Trp in StnII and cholestatrienol (CTL), a fluorescent analog of Chol. We could show higher FRET efficiency between CTL and Trp:s in position 100 and 114 of StnII, when compared to three other Trp positions further away from the bilayer binding region of StnII. Taken together, our results suggest that StnII was able to attract Chol to its vicinity, maybe by showing affinity for Chol. SM interactions are known to be important for StnII binding to bilayers, and Chol is known to facilitate subsequent permeabilization of the bilayers by StnII. Our results help to better understand the role of these important membrane lipids for the bilayer properties of StnII

    Pore-Forming Proteins from Cnidarians and Arachnids as Potential Biotechnological Tools

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    Animal venoms are complex mixtures of highly specialized toxic molecules. Cnidarians and arachnids produce pore-forming proteins (PFPs) directed against the plasma membrane of their target cells. Among PFPs from cnidarians, actinoporins stand out for their small size and molecular simplicity. While native actinoporins require only sphingomyelin for membrane binding, engineered chimeras containing a recognition antibody-derived domain fused to an actinoporin isoform can nonetheless serve as highly specific immunotoxins. Examples of such constructs targeted against malignant cells have been already reported. However, PFPs from arachnid venoms are less well-studied from a structural and functional point of view. Spiders from the Latrodectus genus are professional insect hunters that, as part of their toxic arsenal, produce large PFPs known as latrotoxins. Interestingly, some latrotoxins have been identified as potent and highly-specific insecticides. Given the proteinaceous nature of these toxins, their promising future use as efficient bioinsecticides is discussed throughout this Perspective. Protein engineering and large-scale recombinant production are critical steps for the use of these PFPs as tools to control agriculturally important insect pests. In summary, both families of PFPs, from Cnidaria and Arachnida, appear to be molecules with promising biotechnological applications

    Structural and functional characterization of Sticholysin III: A newly discovered actinoporin within the venom of the sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus.

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    Actinoporins are a family of pore-forming toxins produced by sea anemones as part of their venomous cocktail. These proteins remain soluble and stably folded in aqueous solution, but when interacting with sphingomyelin-containing lipid membranes, they become integral oligomeric membrane structures that form a pore permeable to cations, which leads to cell death by osmotic shock. Actinoporins appear as multigenic families within the genome of sea anemones: several genes encoding very similar actinoporins are detected within the same species. The Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus produces three actinoporins (sticholysins I, II and III; StnI, StnII and StnIII) that differ in their toxic potency. For example, StnII is about four-fold more effective than StnI against sheep erythrocytes in causing hemolysis, and both show synergy. However, StnIII, recently discovered in the S. helianthus transcriptome, has not been characterized so far. Here we describe StnIII’s spectroscopic and functional properties and show its potential to interact with the other Stns. StnIII seems to maintain the well-preserved fold of all actinoporins, characterized by a high content of β-sheet, but it is significantly less thermostable. Its functional characterization shows that the critical concentration needed to form active pores is higher than for either StnI or StnII, suggesting differences in behavior when oligomerizing on membrane surfaces. Our results show that StnIII is an interesting and unexpected piece in the puzzle of how this Caribbean Sea anemone species modulates its venomous activity

    Oligomerization of Sticholysins from Förster Resonance Energy Transfer

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    Sticholysins are pore-forming toxins produced by sea anemones that are members of the actinoporin family. They exert their activity by forming pores on membranes, provided they have sphingomyelin. To assemble into pores, specific recognition, binding, and oligomerization are required. While recognition and binding have been extensively studied, delving into the oligomerization process and the stoichiometry of the pores has been more difficult. Here, we present evidence that these toxins are capable of oligomerizing in solution and suggesting that the interaction of sticholysin II (StnII) with its isoform sticholysin I (StnI) is stronger than that of StnI with itself. We also show that the stoichiometry of the final, thermodynamically stable StnI pores is, at least, heptameric. Furthermore, our results indicate that this association maintains its oligomerization number when StnII is included, indicating that the stoichiometry of StnII is also of that order, and not tetrameric, as previously thought. These results are compatible with the stoichiometry observed for the crystallized pore of FraC, another very similar actinoporin produced by a different sea anemone species. Our results also indicate that the stoichiometry of actinoporin pores in equilibrium is conserved regardless of the particular composition of a given pore ensemble, which we have shown for mixed sticholysin pores

    Structural foundations of sticholysin functionality

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    Actinoporins constitute a family of α pore-forming toxins produced by sea anemones. The soluble fold of these proteins consists of a β-sandwich flanked by two α-helices. Actinoporins exert their activity by specifically recognizing sphingomyelin at their target membranes. Once there, they penetrate the membrane with their N-terminal α-helices, a process that leads to the formation of cation-selective pores. These pores kill the target cells by provoking an osmotic shock on them. In this review, we examine the role and relevance of the structural features of actinoporins, down to the residue level. We look at the specific amino acids that play significant roles in the function of actinoporins and their fold. Particular emphasis is given to those residues that display a high degree of conservation across the actinoporin sequences known to date. In light of the latest findings in the field, the membrane requirements for pore formation, the effect of lipid composition, and the process of pore formation are also discussed

    Revisión y propuesta de mejora del programa de Prácticum del Grado de Educación Social

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    Este documento se corresponde con la memoria justificativa de trabajo llevada a cabo en el Proyecto de Innova-Gestión nº 73 cuya finalidad principal ha sido acometer la revisión del programa de Prácticum en el Grado de Educación Social para establecer una serie de mejoras con las que se ha pretendido dar solución a algunos de los inconvenientes que los distintos colectivos implicados en el programa han podido constatar durante los cursos transcurridos desde la implantación del Grado, desde el curso 2009-2010 hasta la actualidad