414 research outputs found

    Thermal melting of density waves on the square lattice

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    We present the theory of the effect of thermal fluctuations on commensurate "p x p" density wave ordering on the square lattice (p >= 3, integer). For the case in which this order is lost by a second order transition, we argue that the adjacent state is generically an incommensurate striped state, with commensurate p-periodic long range order along one direction, and incommensurate quasi-long-range order along the orthogonal direction. We also present the routes by which the fully disordered high temperature state can be reached. For p=4, and at special commensurate densities, the "4 x 4" commensurate state can melt directly into the disordered state via a self-dual critical point with non-universal exponents.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    A Path Integral Ground State Monte Carlo Algorithm for Entanglement of Lattice Bosons

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    A ground state path integral quantum Monte Carlo algorithm is introduced that allows for the study of entanglement in lattice bosons at zero temperature. The R\'enyi entanglement entropy between spatial subregions is explored across the phase diagram of the one dimensional Bose-Hubbard model for systems consisting of up to L=256L=256 sites at unit-filling without any restrictions on site occupancy, far beyond the reach of exact diagonalization. The favorable scaling of the algorithm is demonstrated through a further measurement of the R\'enyi entanglement entropy at the two dimensional superfluid-insulator critical point for large system sizes, confirming the existence of the expected entanglement boundary law in the ground state. The R\'enyi estimator is extended to measure the symmetry resolved entanglement that is operationally accessible as a resource for experimentally relevant lattice gases with fixed total particle number.Comment: ~50 pages, 21 figures. Updated refs, figures, and discussion. For associated data and code repository see: https://github.com/DelMaestroGroup/papers-code-pigsfl
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