3 research outputs found

    Tributes to the research of the everyday life of Vinjerac based on the Glagolitic book of the fraternity of St. Anthony of Padua and other Glagolitic sources from the period between the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 19th Century

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    U članku je predstavljena jedina vinjeračka bratovština sv. Antuna Padovanskog za koju je djelomično sačuvana madrikula. Postoji nekoliko dokumenata vezanih uz rad ove bratovštine te knjižica pravila iz 1904. Za župu Vinjerac sačuvano je nekoliko tiskanih glagoljskih misala i brevijara zajedno s glagoljskim zapisima na njihovim praznim stranicama. Narativno pisane (latiničke i glagoljske) matične knjige, knjige godova, knjige krizmanih i knjige izgovorenih misa koje se spominju u izvještajima s biskupskih vizitacija su nestale. Ostalo je nekoliko zapisa krštenja, krizmi, patrimonija te veći broj dozvola za sklapanje braka koji se čuvaju u fondu Ninske biskupije. Na temelju ovih rukopisa istražen je svakodnevni život Vinjerca od kraja 17. do početka 19. stoljeća.The paper studies the fraternity of St. Anthony of Padua – the only fraternity in Vinjerac for which matricula has been partially preserved. Parts of two Glagolitic sermons, several sheets related to this fraternity, and a book of regulations dated 1904 have been discovered. Several printed Glagolitic missals and breviaries, together with Glagolitic notes on empty pages, have been preserved for the parish of Vinjerac. Registry books (in Latin and Glagolitic script) written in the narrative, books of days, books of confirmands, and books of spoken masses, mentioned in the reports of bishop’s visits, have gone missing. Several entries related to christenings, confirmations, patrimonies, and a considerable number of marriage licences have been kept as a part of the holdings of the Nin Diocese. These manuscripts have enabled the authors to conduct a study of the everyday life of Vinjerac in the period between the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 19th ct. The number of the inhabitants of Vinjerac in the period under study has been followed on the basis of various lists; a partial list of civilian and military authorities in the settlement has been composed; the role of fraternities in the context of the development of the village has been examined; the relations with the neighbouring villages and other areas, as well as marriage contracting customs have been studied