17 research outputs found

    Morphisms, Symbolic sequences, and their Standard Forms

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    Morphisms are homomorphisms under the concatenation operation of the set of words over a finite set. Changing the elements of the finite set does not essentially change the morphism. We propose a way to select a unique representing member out of all these morphisms. This has applications to the classification of the shift dynamical systems generated by morphisms. In a similar way, we propose the selection of a representing sequence out of the class of symbolic sequences over an alphabet of fixed cardinality. Both methods are useful for the storing of symbolic sequences in databases, like The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. We illustrate our proposals with the kk-symbol Fibonacci sequences

    Intersections of homogeneous Cantor sets and beta-expansions

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    Let Γβ,N\Gamma_{\beta,N} be the NN-part homogeneous Cantor set with β∈(1/(2N−1),1/N)\beta\in(1/(2N-1),1/N). Any string (jℓ)ℓ=1N(j_\ell)_{\ell=1}^\N with jℓ∈{0,±1,...,±(N−1)}j_\ell\in\{0,\pm 1,...,\pm(N-1)\} such that t=∑ℓ=1Njℓβℓ−1(1−β)/(N−1)t=\sum_{\ell=1}^\N j_\ell\beta^{\ell-1}(1-\beta)/(N-1) is called a code of tt. Let Uβ,±N\mathcal{U}_{\beta,\pm N} be the set of t∈[−1,1]t\in[-1,1] having a unique code, and let Sβ,±N\mathcal{S}_{\beta,\pm N} be the set of t∈Uβ,±Nt\in\mathcal{U}_{\beta,\pm N} which make the intersection Γβ,N∩(Γβ,N+t)\Gamma_{\beta,N}\cap(\Gamma_{\beta,N}+t) a self-similar set. We characterize the set Uβ,±N\mathcal{U}_{\beta,\pm N} in a geometrical and algebraical way, and give a sufficient and necessary condition for t∈Sβ,±Nt\in\mathcal{S}_{\beta,\pm N}. Using techniques from beta-expansions, we show that there is a critical point βc∈(1/(2N−1),1/N)\beta_c\in(1/(2N-1),1/N), which is a transcendental number, such that Uβ,±N\mathcal{U}_{\beta,\pm N} has positive Hausdorff dimension if β∈(1/(2N−1),βc)\beta\in(1/(2N-1),\beta_c), and contains countably infinite many elements if β∈(βc,1/N)\beta\in(\beta_c,1/N). Moreover, there exists a second critical point αc=[N+1−(N−1)(N+3) ]/2∈(1/(2N−1),βc)\alpha_c=\big[N+1-\sqrt{(N-1)(N+3)}\,\big]/2\in(1/(2N-1),\beta_c) such that Sβ,±N\mathcal{S}_{\beta,\pm N} has positive Hausdorff dimension if β∈(1/(2N−1),αc)\beta\in(1/(2N-1),\alpha_c), and contains countably infinite many elements if β∈[αc,1/N)\beta\in[\alpha_c,1/N).Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    The structure of base phi expansions

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    In the base phi expansion any natural number is written uniquely as a sum of powers of the golden mean with coefficients 0 and 1, where it is required that the product of two consecutive digits is always 0. We tackle the problem of describing how these expansions look like. We classify the positive parts of the base phi expansions according to their suffices, and the negative parts according to their prefixes, specifying the sequences of occurrences of these digit blocks. Here the situation is much more complex than for the Zeckendorf expansions, where any natural number is written uniquely as a sum of Fibonacci numbers with coefficients 0 and 1, where, again, it is required that the product of two consecutive digits is always 0. In a previous work we have classified the Zeckendorf expansions according to their suffices. It turned out that if we consider the suffices as labels on the Fibonacci tree, then the numbers with a given suffix in their Zeckendorf expansion appear as generalized Beatty sequences in a natural way on this tree. We prove that the positive parts of the base phi expansions are a subsequence of the sequence of Zeckendorf expansions, giving an explicit formula in terms of a generalized Beatty sequence. The negative parts of the base phi expansions no longer appear lexicographically. We prove that all allowed digit blocks appear, and determine the order in which they do appear

    The structure of base phi expansions

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    In the base phi expansion, a natural number is written uniquely as a sum of powers of the golden mean with coefficients 0 and 1, where it is required that the product of two consecutive digits is always 0. We tackle the problem of describing these expansions in detail. We classify the positive parts of the base phi expansions according to their suffixes, and the negative parts according to their prefixes, specifying the sequences of occurrences of these digit blocks. We prove that the positive parts of the base phi expansions are a subsequence of the sequence of Zeckendorf expansions, giving an explicit formula in terms of a generalized Beatty sequence. The negative parts of the base phi expansions no longer appear lexicographically. We prove that all allowed digit blocks appear, and determine the order in which they do appear