39 research outputs found

    New polynomial delay bounds for maximal subgraph enumeration by proximity search

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    In this paper we propose polynomial delay algorithms for several maximal subgraph listing problems, by means of a seemingly novel technique which we call proximity search. Our result involves modeling the space of solutions as an implicit directed graph called “solution graph”, a method common to other enumeration paradigms such as reverse search. Such methods, however, can become inefficient due to this graph having vertices with high (potentially exponential) degree. The novelty of our algorithm consists in providing a technique for generating better solution graphs, reducing the out-degree of its vertices with respect to existing approaches, and proving that it remains strongly connected. Applying this technique, we obtain polynomial delay listing algorithms for several problems for which output-sensitive results were, to the best of our knowledge, not known. These include Maximal Bipartite Subgraphs, Maximal k-Degenerate Subgraphs (for bounded k), Maximal Induced Chordal Subgraphs, and Maximal Induced Trees. We present these algorithms, and give insight on how this general technique can be applied to other problems

    Director: A user interface designed for robot operation with shared autonomy

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    © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018. Operating a high degree of freedom mobile manipulator, such as a humanoid, in a field scenario requires constant situational awareness, capable perception modules, and effective mechanisms for interactive motion planning and control. A well-designed operator interface presents the operator with enough context to quickly carry out a mission and the flexibility to handle unforeseen operating scenarios robustly. By contrast, an unintuitive user interface can increase the risk of catastrophic operator error by overwhelming the user with unnecessary information. With these principles in mind, we present the philosophy and design decisions behind Director—the open-source user interface developed by Team MIT to pilot the Atlas robot in the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC). At the heart of Director is an integrated task execution system that specifies sequences of actions needed to achieve a substantive task, such as drilling a wall or climbing a staircase. These task sequences, developed a priori, make online queries to automated perception and planning algorithms with outputs that can be reviewed by the operator and executed by our whole-body controller. Our use of Director at the DRC resulted in efficient high-level task operation while being fully competitive with approaches focusing on teleoperation by highly-trained operators. We discuss the primary interface elements that comprise the Director and provide analysis of its successful use at the DRC