23 research outputs found

    Dutch National Round Robin Trial on Plasma-Derived Circulating Cell-Free DNA Extraction Methods Routinely Used in Clinical Pathology for Molecular Tumor Profiling

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    BACKGROUND: Efficient recovery of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) depends on the quantity and quality of circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA). Here, we evaluated whether various ccfDNA extraction methods routinely applied in Dutch laboratories affect ccfDNA yield, ccfDNA integrity, and mutant ctDNA detection, using identical lung cancer patient-derived plasma samples. METHODS: Aliquots of 4 high-volume diagnostic leukapheresis plasma samples and one artificial reference plasma sample with predetermined tumor-derived mutations were distributed among 14 Dutch laboratories. Extractions of ccfDNA were performed according to local routine standard operating procedures and were analyzed at a central reference laboratory for mutant detection and assessment of ccfDNA quantity and integrity. RESULTS: Mutant molecule levels in extracted ccfDNA samples varied considerably between laboratories, but there was no indication of consistent above or below average performance. Compared to silica membrane-based methods, samples extracted with magnetic beads-based kits revealed an overall lower total ccfDNA yield (-29%; P < 0.0001) and recovered fewer mutant molecules (-41%; P < 0.01). The variant allelic frequency and sample integrity were similar. In samples with a higher-than-average total ccfDNA yield, an augmented recovery of mutant molecules was observed. CONCLUSIONS: In the Netherlands, we encountered diversity in preanalytical workflows with potential consequences on mutant ctDNA detection in clinical practice. Silica membrane-based methodologies resulted in the highest total ccfDNA yield and are therefore preferred to detect low copy numbers of relevant mutations. Harmonization of the extraction workflow for accurate quantification and sensitive detection is required to prevent introduction of technical divergence in the preanalytical phase and reduce interlaboratory discrepancies

    High quality of SARS-CoV-2 molecular diagnostics in a diverse laboratory landscape through supported benchmark testing and External Quality Assessment

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    A two-step strategy combining assisted benchmark testing (entry controls) and External Quality Assessments (EQAs) with blinded simulated clinical specimens to enhance and maintain the quality of nucleic acid amplification testing was developed. This strategy was successfully applied to 71 diagnostic laboratories in The Netherlands when upscaling the national diagnostic capacity during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The availability of benchmark testing in combination with advice for improvement substantially enhanced the quality of the laboratory testing procedures for SARS-CoV-2 detection. The three subsequent EQA rounds demonstrated high quality testing with regard to specificity (99.6% correctly identified) and sensitivity (93.3% correctly identified). Even with the implementation of novel assays, changing workflows using diverse equipment and a high degree of assay heterogeneity, the overall high quality was maintained using this two-step strategy. We show that in contrast to the limited value of Cq value for absolute proxies of viral load, these Cq values can, in combination with metadata on strategies and techniques, provide valuable information for laboratories to improve their procedures. In conclusion, our two-step strategy (preparation phase followed by a series of EQAs) is a rapid and flexible system capable of scaling, improving, and maintaining high quality diagnostics even in a rapidly evolving (e.g. pandemic) situation.</p

    High quality of SARS-CoV-2 molecular diagnostics in a diverse laboratory landscape through supported benchmark testing and External Quality Assessment

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    A two-step strategy combining assisted benchmark testing (entry controls) and External Quality Assessments (EQAs) with blinded simulated clinical specimens to enhance and maintain the quality of nucleic acid amplification testing was developed. This strategy was successfully applied to 71 diagnostic laboratories in The Netherlands when upscaling the national diagnostic capacity during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The availability of benchmark testing in combination with advice for improvement substantially enhanced the quality of the laboratory testing procedures for SARS-CoV-2 detection. The three subsequent EQA rounds demonstrated high quality testing with regard to specificity (99.6% correctly identified) and sensitivity (93.3% correctly identified). Even with the implementation of novel assays, changing workflows using diverse equipment and a high degree of assay heterogeneity, the overall high quality was maintained using this two-step strategy. We show that in contrast to the limited value of Cq value for absolute proxies of viral load, these Cq values can, in combination with metadata on strategies and techniques, provide valuable information for laboratories to improve their procedures. In conclusion, our two-step strategy (preparation phase followed by a series of EQAs) is a rapid and flexible system capable of scaling, improving, and maintaining high quality diagnostics even in a rapidly evolving (e.g. pandemic) situation.</p

    External Quality Assessment on Molecular Tumor Profiling with Circulating Tumor DNA-Based Methodologies Routinely Used in Clinical Pathology within the COIN Consortium

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    BACKGROUND: Identification of tumor-derived variants in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has potential as a sensitive and reliable surrogate for tumor tissue-based routine diagnostic testing. However, variations in pre(analytical) procedures affect the efficiency of ctDNA recovery. Here, an external quality assessment (EQA) was performed to determine the performance of ctDNA mutation detection work flows that are used in current diagnostic settings across laboratories within the Dutch COIN consortium (ctDNA on the road to implementation in The Netherlands). METHODS: Aliquots of 3 high-volume diagnostic leukapheresis (DLA) plasma samples and 3 artificial reference plasma samples with predetermined mutations were distributed among 16 Dutch laboratories. Participating laboratories were requested to perform ctDNA analysis for BRAF exon 15, EGFR exon 18-21, and KRAS exon 2-3 using their regular circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) analysis work flow. Laboratories were assessed based on adherence to the study protocol, overall detection rate, and overall genotyping performance. RESULTS: A broad range of preanalytical conditions (e.g., plasma volume, elution volume, and extraction methods) and analytical methodologies (e.g., droplet digital PCR [ddPCR], small-panel PCR assays, and next-generation sequencing [NGS]) were used. Six laboratories (38%) had a performance score of >0.90; all other laboratories scored between 0.26 and 0.80. Although 13 laboratories (81%) reached a 100% overall detection rate, the therapeutically relevant EGFR p.(S752_I759del) (69%), EGFR p.(N771_H773dup) (50%), and KRAS p.(G12C) (48%) mutations were frequently not genotyped accurately. CONCLUSIONS: Divergent (pre)analytical protocols could lead to discrepant clinical outcomes when using the same plasma samples. Standardization of (pre)analytical work flows can facilitate the implementation of reproducible liquid biopsy testing in the clinical routine

    Optimized (pre)analytical conditions and workflow for droplet digital PCR analysis of cell-Free DNA from patients with suspected lung carcinoma

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    For patients with suspected lung carcinoma, the analysis of circulating tumor DNA, obtained by liquid biopsy, has the potential to support cancer diagnosis and guide targeted therapy. To ensure sensitive and reproducible detection of circulating tumor DNA in routine clinical practice, a standardized (pre) analytical workflow is required. Plasma was obtained from patients and healthy volunteers. Using the QIAmp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), six different procedures for the isolation of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) were compared. cfDNA was analyzed by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) for KRAS G12/13 mutations and for EGFR Ex19Del, L858R, and L861Q mutations using an in-house EGFR multiplex assay. A new isolation procedure that yields extracts with significantly higher cfDNA concentrations than described previously was selected (P < 0.001). EGFR and KRAS assay sensitivity of at least 0.2% fractional abundance was guaranteed for approximately 76% of patient samples in one run. A flowchart that includes validity criteria for a standardized analytical workflow of ddPCR analysis was designed. An improved protocol for cfDNA isolation enables a higher cfDNA input for ddPCR. The use of sensitive KRAS and EGFR multiplex assays and accompanying validity criteria allows for controlled and efficient testing of patient samples at lower costs. Using the suggested workflow, a guaranteed, reliable, and sensitive analysis of cfDNA can be performed using ddPCR in routine clinical practice

    Sensitive detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 by multiplex droplet digital RT-PCR

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a one-step droplet digital RT-PCR (RT-ddPCR) multiplex assay that allows for sensitive quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA with respect to human-derived RNA and could be used for screening and monitoring of Covid-19 patients. A one-step RT-ddPCR multiplex assay was developed for simultaneous detection of SARS-CoV-2 E, RdRp and N viral RNA, and human Rpp30 DNA and GUSB mRNA, for internal nucleic acid (NA) extraction and RT-PCR control. Dilution series of viral RNA transcripts were prepared in water and total NA extract of Covid-19-negative patients. As reference assay, an E-GUSB duplex RT-PCR was used. GUSB mRNA detection was used to set validity criteria to assure viral RNA and RT-PCR assay quality and to enable quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. In a background of at least 100 GUSB mRNA copies, 5 copies of viral RNA are reliably detectable and 10 copies viral RNA copies are reliably quantifiable. It was found that assay sensitivity of the RT-ddPCR was not affected by the total NA background while assay sensitivity of the gold standard RT-PCR assay is drastically decreased when SARS-CoV-2 copies were detected in a background of total NA extract compared with water. The present study describes a robust and sensitive one-step ddRT-PCR multiplex assay for reliable quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. By determining the fractional abundance of viral RNA with respect to a human housekeeping gene, viral loads from different samples can be compared, what could be used to investigate the infectiveness and to monitor Covid-19 patients

    Optimized (pre)analytical conditions and workflow for droplet digital PCR analysis of cell-Free DNA from patients with suspected lung carcinoma

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    \u3cp\u3eFor patients with suspected lung carcinoma, the analysis of circulating tumor DNA, obtained by liquid biopsy, has the potential to support cancer diagnosis and guide targeted therapy. To ensure sensitive and reproducible detection of circulating tumor DNA in routine clinical practice, a standardized (pre) analytical workflow is required. Plasma was obtained from patients and healthy volunteers. Using the QIAmp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), six different procedures for the isolation of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) were compared. cfDNA was analyzed by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) for KRAS G12/13 mutations and for EGFR Ex19Del, L858R, and L861Q mutations using an in-house EGFR multiplex assay. A new isolation procedure that yields extracts with significantly higher cfDNA concentrations than described previously was selected (P &lt; 0.001). EGFR and KRAS assay sensitivity of at least 0.2% fractional abundance was guaranteed for approximately 76% of patient samples in one run. A flowchart that includes validity criteria for a standardized analytical workflow of ddPCR analysis was designed. An improved protocol for cfDNA isolation enables a higher cfDNA input for ddPCR. The use of sensitive KRAS and EGFR multiplex assays and accompanying validity criteria allows for controlled and efficient testing of patient samples at lower costs. Using the suggested workflow, a guaranteed, reliable, and sensitive analysis of cfDNA can be performed using ddPCR in routine clinical practice.\u3c/p\u3

    Journal of Virological Methods 151 (2008) 283–293 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Virological Methods

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    journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jviromet Efficient amplification with NASBA ® of hepatitis B virus, herpes simple

    Reduced number of cardiovascular events and increased cost-effectiveness by genotype-guided antiplatelet therapy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions in the Netherlands

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    AIM: This study explores clinical outcome in cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19)-related poor metaboliser patients treated with either clopidogrel or prasugrel after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and investigates whether this could be cost-effective. METHODS AND RESULTS: This single-centre, observational study included 3260 patients scheduled for elective PCI between October 2010 and June 2013 and followed for adverse cardiovascular events until October 2014. Post PCI, CYP2C19 poor metaboliser patients were treated with clopidogrel or prasugrel, in addition to aspirin. In total, 32 poor metabolisers were treated with clopidogrel and 41 with prasugrel. The number of adverse cardiovascular events, defined as death from cardiovascular cause, myocardial infarction, stent thrombosis, every second visit to the catheterisation room for re-PCI in the same artery, or stroke, within 1.5 years of PCI, was significantly higher in the CYP2C19 poor metaboliser group treated with clopidogrel (n = 10, 31 %) compared with the poor metaboliser group treated with prasugrel (n = 2, 5 %) (p = 0.003). Costs per gained quality-adjusted life years (QALY) were estimated, showing that genotype-guided post-PCI treatment with prasugrel could be cost-effective with less than € 10,000 per gained QALY. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence that for CYP2C19-related poor metabolisers prasugrel may be more effective than clopidogrel to prevent major adverse cardiovascular events after PCI and this approach could be cost-effective