3 research outputs found

    Gobernanza multinivel de las migraciones para el desarrollo sostenible: perspectivas desde los Sures globales

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    En el presente capítulo se presenta el volumen temático Governing Migration for Development from the Global Souths: Challenges and Opportunities (Gobernanza de la migración para el desarrollo desde los Sures globales: retos y oportunidades). Luego de presentar los objetivos y el alcance de esta publicación, los editores analizan las contribuciones de los Sures Globales a los estudios migratorios, examinando en particular los aspectos positivos y negativos de la gobernanza multinivel de las migraciones. Se presenta también, a grandes rasgos, una conceptualización amplia del desarrollo sostenible a través de cinco dimensiones —las personas, el planeta, la prosperidad, la paz y las alianzas—, y se destaca el contenido principal de cada uno de los capítulos de esta publicación. Por último, se concluye subrayando el aporte que representan las diversas perspectivas provenientes de los países del Sur al análisis de la compleja configuración de la gobernanza de la migración

    Multilevel Governance of Migration for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from the Global Souths

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    This chapter introduces the thematic volume Governing Migration for Development from the Global Souths: Challenges and Opportunities. It presents the aims and scope of the Volume, and a discussion on contributions to migration studies from the global Souths, in particular analysing positive and negative aspects of the multilevel governance of migration. It also provides an overview of a broad conceptualisation of sustainable development through five dimensions—people, planet, profit, peace and partnerships—before highlighting the main contributions of the individual chapters. Finally, we conclude by underlining the insights brought by a multiplicity of perspectives from the global Souths to an analysis of the complex configuration of migration governance.Ce chapitre présente le volume thématique Governing Migration for Development from the Global Souths: Challenges and Opportunities (Gouverner les migrations pour le développement depuis les Suds : défis et opportunités). Après une présentation des objectifs et de la portée du volume, les éditeurs discutent des contributions aux études sur les migrations dans les perspectives des pays du Sud. Ils s’intéressent en particulier à l'analyse des aspects positifs et négatifs de la gouvernance multi-niveaux des migrations. Ils donnent également un aperçu d'une conceptualisation large du développement durable à travers cinq dimensions -les personnes, la planète, le profit, la paix et les partenariats- avant de revenir sur les principales contributions des différents chapitres. Enfin, ils concluent en soulignant les apports de ces perspectives multiples provenant des pays du Sud dans l’analyse de la configuration complexe de la gouvernance des migrations

    Governing Migration for Development from the Global Souths

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    The 14th thematic volume of International Development Policy provides perspectives through case studies from the global South(s) focusing on the challenges and opportunities of governing migration on multiple levels: the subnational, national, regional and international. It explores existing and new policies and frameworks in terms of their successes and best practices, and looks at them through the lens of additional challenges, such as those brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of nationalisms and an increase in xenophobia. The chapters also take the ‘5 Ps’ approach to sustainable development (people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships) and assess how migration policies serve sustainable development in a rapidly evolving context. Guest Editors: Dêlidji Eric Degila and Valeria Marina Valle. ‘A powerful and challenging collection that offers a depth of empirical and conceptual insight in order to demonstrate the need both to think about and understand international migration from perspectives of the ‘global south’.’ Andrew Geddes Professor of Migration Studies/Director of the Migration Policy Centre, Migration Policy Centre / Robert Schuman Centre ‘Governing Migration for Development from the Global Souths is an excellent volume that addresses and unpacks the governance-migration-sustainable development nexus in the global Souths. It maps distinct ways in which global South states are involved in and create new forms of migration governance that tend to be overlooked in analyses of multilevel governance that primarily reflect the concerns of the global North. The present volume is a must read for anyone interested in the role of the global Souths in migration governance.’ Marianne H. Marchand Research Chair in International Relations, Universidad de las Américas Puebla Cite the volume: Dêlidji Eric Degila and Valeria Marina Valle (eds.) (2022) Governing Migration for Development from the Global Souths, International Development Policy | Revue internationale de politique de développement, 14 (Geneva, Boston: Graduate Institute Publications, Brill-Nijhoff). DOI: 10.4000/poldev.4544 (paperback version: forthcoming, Autumn 2022 - https://brill.com/view/title/63268). Watch the videos of the authors explaining their chapter