112 research outputs found

    Wave Height Attenuation and Flow Resistance Due to Emergent or Near-Emergent Vegetation.

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    Vegetation plays a pivotal role in fluvial and coastal flows, affecting their structure and turbulence, thus having a strong impact on the processes of transport and diffusion of nutrients and sediments, as well as on ecosystems and habitats. In the present experimental study, the attenuation of regular waves propagating in a channel through flexible vegetation is investigated. Specifically, artificial plants mimicking Spartina maritima are considered. Different plant densities and arrangements are tested, as well as different submergence ratios. Measurements of wave characteristics by six wave gauges, distributed all along the vegetated stretch, allow us to estimate the wave energy dissipation. The flow resistance opposed by vegetation is inferred by considering that drag and dissipation coefficients are strictly related. The submergence ratio and the stem density, rather than the wave characteristics, affect the drag coefficient the most. A comparison with the results obtained in the case when the same vegetation is placed in a uniform flow is also shown. It confirms that the drag coefficient for the canopy is lower than for an isolated cylinder, even if the reduction is not affected by the stem density, underlining that flow unsteadiness might be crucial in the process of dissipation

    An experimental study on water surface profiles of high Froude number flows

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    Motivated by need to study supercritical overbank flows on floodplain, we experimentally investigate if initially supercritical flow in a rectangular flume would maintain its state throughout. Varying upstream gate opening, flow rate and angle of the slope, a total of 37 experimental cases were carried out. The experimental results are compared to two existing theories: an inviscid theory based on nonlinear shallow water equations and jump conditions and a hydraulic theory that takes friction into account. The experimental data are consistent with the two theories. Flows on downward slope were stable, while those on upward slope had unstable hydraulic jump and transformed into subcritical flow. The reported results should serve well in designing a laboratory flume with the supercritical inflow and in conducting hydraulic model experiments on overbank flows.OAIID:RECH_ACHV_DSTSH_NO:T201834776RECH_ACHV_FG:RR00200001ADJUST_YN:EMP_ID:A080988CITE_RATE:.94FILENAME:2018KSCE22Park-etal.pdfDEPT_NM:건설환경공학부EMAIL:[email protected]_YN:YFILEURL:https://srnd.snu.ac.kr/eXrepEIR/fws/file/7f084c6c-e938-4359-acd7-76c6151612bc/linkN

    Remote sensing for optimal estimation of water temperature dynamics in shallow tidal environments

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    Given the increasing anthropogenic pressures on lagoons, estuaries, and lakes and considering the highly dynamic behavior of these systems, methods for the continuous and spatially distributed retrieval of water quality are becoming vital for their correct monitoring and management. Water temperature is certainly one of the most important drivers that influence the overall state of coastal systems. Traditionally, lake, estuarine, and lagoon temperatures are observed through point measurements carried out during field campaigns or through a network of sensors. However, sporadic measuring campaigns or probe networks rarely attain a density sufficient for process understanding, model development/validation, or integrated assessment. Here, we develop and apply an integrated approach for water temperature monitoring in a shallow lagoon which incorporates satellite and in-situ data into a mathematical model. Specifically, we use remote sensing information to constrain large-scale patterns of water temperature and high-frequency in situ observations to provide proper time constraints. A coupled hydrodynamic circulation-heat transport model is then used to propagate the state of the system forward in time between subsequent remote sensing observations. Exploiting the satellite data high spatial resolution and the in situ measurements high temporal resolution, the model may act a physical interpolator filling the gap intrinsically characterizing the two monitoring techniques

    Experimental Setup and Measuring System to Study SolitaryWave Interaction with Rigid Emergent Vegetation

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    The aim of this study is to present a peculiar experimental setup, designed to investigate the interaction between solitary waves and rigid emergent vegetation. Flow rate changes due to the opening and closing of a software-controlled electro-valve generate a solitary wave. The complexity of the problem required the combined use of different measurement systems of water level and velocity. Preliminary results of the experimental investigation, which allow us to point out the effect of the vegetation on the propagation of a solitary wave and the effectiveness of the measuring system, are also presented. In particular, water level and velocity field changes due to the interaction of the wave with rigid vegetation are investigated in detail

    Incidence, treatment and outcome of central nervous system relapse in adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia patients treated front-line with paediatric-inspired regimens: A retrospective multicentre Campus ALL study

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    Within the Campus ALL network we analyzed the incidence, characteristics, treatment and outcome of a central nervous system (CNS) relapse in 1035 consecutive adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients treated frontline with pediatric-inspired protocols between 2009 and 2020. Seventy-one patients (6.8%) experienced a CNS recurrence, more frequently in T- (28/278; 10%) than in B-ALL (43/757; 5.7%) (p = 0.017). An early CNS relapse—< 12 months from diagnosis—was observed in 41 patients. In multivariate analysis, risk factors for early CNS relapse included T-cell phenotype (p = <0.001), hyperleucocytosis >100 × 109/L (p<0.001) and male gender (p = 0.015). Treatment was heterogeneous, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, intrathecal therapy and novel agents. A complete remission (CR) was obtained in 39 patients (55%) with no differences among strategies. After CR, 26 patients underwent an allogenic transplant, with a significant overall survival benefit compared to non-transplanted patients (p = 0.012). After a median observation of 8 months from CNS relapse, 23 patients (32%) were alive. In multivariate analysis, the time to CNS relapse was the strongest predictor of a lower 2-year post-relapse survival (p<0.001). In conclusion, in adult ALL the outcome after a CNS relapse remains very poor. Effective CNS prophylaxis remains the best approach and allogenic transplant should be pursued when possible

    Paciente laringectomizado total: perspectivas para a ação clínica do psicólogo

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    A cirurgia de laringectomia total implica a necessidade de procedimentos agressivos e provoca lesões estéticas e funcionais irrecuperáveis, acarretando repercussões biopsicossociais. Por meio de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa foram investigadas as repercussões psicossociais na construção subjetiva de pacientes laringectomizados e de seus cuidadores. O percurso do adoecimento é vivido como um momento de crise em que predomina o sentimento de desamparo e desalojamento. A perda da fala pode levar o paciente a isolar-se socialmente, afastar-se de suas funções profissionais, com sentimentos de vergonha e culpa, provocando intensa angústia e sofrimento. Os cuidadores sofrem diante da possibilidade da perda de um ente querido e, também, por tentativas, nem sempre bem sucedidas, de dar suporte e oferecer ambiência para as novas necessidades que se apresentam. Os resultados evidenciam que conhecer as repercussões psicossociais dessa experiência pode fornecer importantes subsídios para a psicologia clínica

    Perancangan Kapal Wisata Katamaran Sebagai Upaya Penunjang Objek Wisata di Rowo Jombor

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    Kapal katamaran merupakan jenis kapal yang memiliki dua lambung. Kapal ini biasa digunakan pada perairan dangkal seperti di rowo jombor. Rowo Jombor terletak di Kabupaten Klaten dengan luas ±198 ha dan kedalaman 6 meter. Kapal jenis katamaran memiliki stabilitas yang baik serta luas pemukaan yang besar sehingga cocok digunakan kapal wisata rowo jombor. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk merancang rencana garis, rencana umum, analisa hambatan, hidrostatik, stabilitas serta analisa biaya ekonomis kapal. Hal ini diharapkan dapat membantu pengelola objek wisata Rowo Jombor untuk membangun kapal wisata yang aman dan sesuai dengan karakteristik perairan disana. Peneliti menggunakan metode perbandingan 5 kapal pembanding untuk menghasillkan ukuran utama L: 18,32 m, B: 6,62 m, T: 1,54 m, H: 2,3 m, Cb: 0,65. Hasil dari tugas akhir berupa DWT sebesar 84,97 ton atau 127,45 GT, analisa hidrostatik yang menghasilkan LCB sebesar 5,22m, perhitungan hambatan kapal sebesar 14,3KN pada Vmax 6 knots, perhitungan stabilitas sesuai dengan standar IMO IS Code No. A 749(18) dengan GZ maksimal terjadi pada kondisi IV atau kondisi kapal kosong serta biaya ekonomis sebesar Rp. 672.089.511,00 dengan break event point tercapai setelah 3,1 tahun. Dari tugas akhir ini didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa katamaran 127,45 GT dapat diaplikasikan pada kapal wisata Rowo Jombor Klaten