14 research outputs found

    Risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus and impact of gestational diabetes mellitus on maternal and fetal health during the antenatal period

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    Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as any degree of dysglycaemia that occurs for the first time or is first detected during pregnancy. The adverse effects of GDM on pregnant women are pre-eclampsia, PIH, PPH, polyhydramanios, PROM, meanwhile, there would be an increase in dystocia, birth injury, and cesarean sectionMethods: This retrospective study was conducted in a Gynecology clinic in District Shivpuri to find out the various risk factors for GDM and to evaluate the impact of GDM on maternal and fetal health during the antenatal period. 84 patients who were diagnosed with GDM were included in the study. Results: Among risk factors; BMI >25 kg/m2 before pregnancy was found in 15.47% of the case, family history of diabetes mellitus 8.33%, Previous history of macrosomia 17.85%, Poor reproductive history 17.85%, baby with congenital malformation 8.33%, H/o unexplained IUFD 11.90%. H/o polyhydramnios 15.47%. History of PCOS 13.09% and preeclampsia was found in 17.85% of cases. In antenatal complications; miscarriages was found in 15.47%. polyhydramnios in 17.85%. Oligohydramnios in 8.33%, preterm labor in 11.90%, PROM in 9.52%, pre-eclampsia in 17.85%, sudden IUFD in 8.33% and congenital malformation was found in 4.76% of cases. On USG; IUGR was found in 7.14% of cases. Large for date fetus in 16.66% of cases and the normal growth was found in 76.19% of cases.Conclusions- In conclusion appropriate and timely diagnosis and treatment of GDM will result in decreased maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes comparable to general population rates, therefore, early diagnosis is important

    30G needle aspiration - A modified technique of capsulorhexis in pediatric cataract with high intra-lenticular pressure

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    This surgical technique describes a modification of the continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) to achieve an adequate-sized capsulorhexis in pediatric cataracts with high intralenticular pressure. Performing CCC in pediatric cataracts is challenging, especially when the intralenticular pressure is high. This technique involves 30 G needle decompression of the lens to reduce positive intralenticular pressure and subsequent flattening of the anterior capsule. This minimizes the chances of extension of CCC without using any special equipment. This technique was used in two eyes of two patients (age 8 and 10 years) with unilateral developmental cataracts. Both surgeries were performed by a single surgeon (PKM). In both eyes, a well-centered CCC was achieved with no extension, and a posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) was placed in the capsular bag. Thus, our technique of 30 G needle aspiration could be extremely useful to achieve an adequately sized CCC in pediatric cataracts with high intralenticular pressure, especially for beginner surgeons

    Continuous intraoperative optical coherence tomography-guided shield ulcer debridement with tuck in multilayered amniotic membrane transplantation

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to describe a modified surgical technique of continuous intraoperative optical coherence tomography (iOCT)-guided shield ulcer debridement with tuck-in multilayered Amniotic membrane transplantation (ML AMT) in vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) with shield ulcer with plaque. Methods: Seven eyes of seven patients presenting with VKC with shield ulcer with plaque were enrolled in this prospective case series and planned for shield ulcer debridement with ML AMT. Debridement of the ulcer base with double-layered AMT was done under the continuous guidance of iOCT. The main outcome measure was the time for complete reepithelialization. Statistical analysis was performed using the Stata-14.0 program for Windows. Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation/median (minimum-maximum) and frequency percentage as applicable. Results: The surgery could be completed successfully in all cases and iOCT could provide real-time assessment of the depth of dissection during the entire procedure. The duration of complete healing and disintegration of amniotic membrane varied from 7 to 12 days. Recurrence was not seen in any case till 2 months follow-up. Conclusion: iOCT provides continuous monitoring of the depth of dissection and allows for a safe and complete debridement of the shield ulcer with plaque

    Component corneal surgery: An update

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    Several decades ago, penetrating keratoplasty was a challenge to corneal surgeons. Constant effort by the corneal surgeon to improve the outcomes as well as utilization of the available resources has led to a revolutionary change in the field of keratoplasty. All these efforts have led to the evolution of techniques that allow a corneal surgeon to disease-specific transplant of individual layers of corneal “so-called component corneal surgery” depending on the layer of cornea affected. This has led to an improvement in corneal graft survival as well as a better utilization of corneal tissues. This article reviews the currently available literature on component corneal surgeries and provides an update on the available techniques