11 research outputs found

    Automated Whole Slide Imaging for Label-Free Histology using Photon Absorption Remote Sensing Microscopy

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    The field of histology relies heavily on antiquated tissue processing and staining techniques that limit the efficiency of pathologic diagnoses of cancer and other diseases. Current staining and advanced labeling methods are often destructive and mutually incompatible, requiring new tissue sections for each stain. This prolongs the diagnostic process and depletes valuable biopsy samples. In this study, we present an alternative label-free histology platform using the first transmission-mode Photon Absorption Remote Sensing microscope. Optimized for automated whole slide scanning of unstained tissue samples, the system provides slide images at magnifications up to 40x that are fully compatible with existing digital pathology tools. The scans capture high quality and high-resolution images with subcellular diagnostic detail. After imaging, samples remain suitable for histochemical, immunohistochemical, and other staining techniques. Scattering and absorption (radiative and non-radiative) contrasts are shown in whole slide images of malignant human breast and skin tissues samples. Clinically relevant features are highlighted, and close correspondence and analogous contrast is demonstrated with one-to-one gold standard H&E stained images. Our previously reported pix2pix virtual staining model is applied to an entire whole slide image, showcasing the potential of this approach in whole slide label-free H&E emulation. This work is a critical advance for integrating label-free optical methods into standard histopathology workflows, both enhancing diagnostic efficiency, and broadening the number of stains that can be applied while preserving valuable tissue samples.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Photon Absorption Remote Sensing Imaging of Breast Needle Core Biopsies Is Diagnostically Equivalent to Gold Standard H&E Histologic Assessment

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    Photon absorption remote sensing (PARS) is a new laser-based microscope technique that permits cellular-level resolution of unstained fresh, frozen, and fixed tissues. Our objective was to determine whether PARS could provide an image quality sufficient for the diagnostic assessment of breast cancer needle core biopsies (NCB). We PARS imaged and virtually H&E stained seven independent unstained formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast NCB sections. These identical tissue sections were subsequently stained with standard H&E and digitally scanned. Both the 40× PARS and H&E whole-slide images were assessed by seven breast cancer pathologists, masked to the origin of the images. A concordance analysis was performed to quantify the diagnostic performances of standard H&E and PARS virtual H&E. The PARS images were deemed to be of diagnostic quality, and pathologists were unable to distinguish the image origin, above that expected by chance. The diagnostic concordance on cancer vs. benign was high between PARS and conventional H&E (98% agreement) and there was complete agreement for within-PARS images. Similarly, agreement was substantial (kappa > 0.6) for specific cancer subtypes. PARS virtual H&E inter-rater reliability was broadly consistent with the published literature on diagnostic performance of conventional histology NCBs across all tested histologic features. PARS was able to image unstained tissues slides that were diagnostically equivalent to conventional H&E. Due to its ability to non-destructively image fixed and fresh tissues, and the suitability of the PARS output for artificial intelligence assistance in diagnosis, this technology has the potential to improve the speed and accuracy of breast cancer diagnosis