56 research outputs found

    Phase Boundaries, Isotope Effect and Superconductivity of Lithium Under Hydrostatic Conditions

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    We present theoretical and experimental studies of superconductivity and low temperature structural phase boundaries in lithium. We mapped the structural phase diagram of 6Li and 7Li under hydrostatic conditions between 5 top 55GPa and within the temperature range of 15 to 75K, observing the FCC-hR1-cI16 phase transitions. 6Li and 7Li show some differences at the structural boundaries, with a potential shift of the phase boundaries of 6Li to lower pressures. Density functional theory calculations and topological analysis of the electron density elucidates the superconducting properties and interatomic interactions within these phases of lithium.Comment: (24 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, 2 parts including main manuscript and the supplementary information section

    Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature of MgB2 on Pressure to 20 GPa

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    The dependence of Tc on nearly hydrostatic pressure has been measured for an isotopically pure (11B) MgB2 sample in a helium-loaded diamond-anvil-cell to nearly 20 GPa. Tc decreases monotonically with pressure from 39.1 K at ambient pressure to 20.9 K at 19.2 GPa. The initial dependence is the same as that obtained earlier (dTc/dP = -1.11(2) K/GPa) on the same sample in a He-gas apparatus to 0.7 GPa. The observed pressure dependence Tc(P) to 20 GPa can be readily described in terms of simple lattice stiffening within standard phonon-mediated BCS superconductivity.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Studies on the Weak Itinerant Ferromagnet SrRuO3 under High Pressure to 34 GPa

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    The dependence of the Curie temperature Tc on nearly hydrostatic pressure has been determined to 17.2 GPa for the weak itinerant ferromagnetic SrRuO3 in both polycrystalline and single-crystalline form. Tc is found to decrease under pressure from 162 K to 42.7 K at 17.2 GPa in nearly linear fashion at the rate dTc/dP = -6.8 K/GPa. No superconductivity was found above 4 K in the pressure range 17 to 34 GPa. Room-temperature X-ray diffraction studies to 25.3 GPa reveal no structural phase transition but indicate that the average Ru-O-Ru bond angle passes through a minimum near 15 GPa. The bulk modulus and its pressure derivative were determined to be B =192(3) GPa and B' = 5.0(3), respectively. Parallel ac susceptibility studies on polycrystalline CaRuO3 at 6 and 8 GPa pressure found no evidence for either ferromagnetism or superconductivity above 4 K

    Pressure dependence of the upper critical field of MgB2 and of YNi2B2C

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    We present measurements of Hc2(T)_{c2}(T) under pressure in MgB2_2 and in YNi2_2B2_2C. The changes in the shape of Hc2(T)_{c2}(T) are interpreted within current models and show the evolution of the main Fermi surface velocities vFv_F and electron-phonon coupling parameters λ\lambda with pressure. In MgB2_2 the electron-phonon coupling strength of the nearly two dimensional σ\sigma band, responsible for the high critical temperature, is more affected by pressure than the π\pi band coupling, and the hole doping of the σ\sigma band decreases. In YNi2_2B2_2C, the peculiar positive curvature of Hc2(T)_{c2}(T) is weakened by pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Thermodynamics of the superconducting state in Calcium at 200 GPa

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    The thermodynamic parameters of the superconducting state in Calcium under the pressure at 200 GPa were calculated. The Coulomb pseudopotential values (μ⋆\mu^{\star}) from 0.1 to 0.3 were taken into consideration. It has been shown, that the specific heat's jump at the critical temperature and the thermodynamic critical field near zero Kelvin strongly decrease with μ⋆\mu^{\star}. The dimensionless ratios r1≡ΔC(TC)/CN(TC)r_{1}\equiv \Delta C(T_{C})/C^{N}(T_{C}) and r2≡TCCN(TC)/HC2(0)r_{2}\equiv T_{C}C^{N}(T_{C})/H^{2}_{C}(0) significantly differ from the predictions based on the BCS model. In particular, r1r_{1} decreases from 2.64 to 1.97 with the Coulomb pseudopotential; whereas r2r_{2} increases from 0.140 to 0.157. The numerical results have been supplemented by the analytical approach.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Transparent dense sodium

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    Under pressure, metals exhibit increasingly shorter interatomic distances. Intuitively, this response is expected to be accompanied by an increase in the widths of the valence and conduction bands and hence a more pronounced free-electron-like behaviour. But at the densities that can now be achieved experimentally, compression can be so substantial that core electrons overlap. This effect dramatically alters electronic properties from those typically associated with simple free-electron metals such as lithium and sodium, leading in turn to structurally complex phases and superconductivity with a high critical temperature. But the most intriguing prediction - that the seemingly simple metals Li and Na will transform under pressure into insulating states, owing to pairing of alkali atoms - has yet to be experimentally confirmed. Here we report experimental observations of a pressure-induced transformation of Na into an optically transparent phase at 200 GPa (corresponding to 5.0-fold compression). Experimental and computational data identify the new phase as a wide bandgap dielectric with a six-coordinated, highly distorted double-hexagonal close-packed structure. We attribute the emergence of this dense insulating state not to atom pairing, but to p-d hybridizations of valence electrons and their repulsion by core electrons into the lattice interstices. We expect that such insulating states may also form in other elements and compounds when compression is sufficiently strong that atomic cores start to overlap strongly.Comment: Published in Nature 458, 182-185 (2009

    Assembling the puzzle of superconducting elements: A Review

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    Superconductivity in the simple elements is of both technological relevance and fundamental scientific interest in the investigation of superconductivity phenomena. Recent advances in the instrumentation of physics under pressure have enabled the observation of superconductivity in many elements not previously known to superconduct, and at steadily increasing temperatures. This article offers a review of the state of the art in the superconductivity of elements, highlighting underlying correlations and general trends.Comment: Review, 10 pages, 11 figures, 97 references; to appear in Superc. Sci. Techno
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