25 research outputs found

    Impact of the Volkswagen emissions control defeat device on US public health

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    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has alleged that Volkswagen Group of America (VW) violated the Clean Air Act (CAA) by developing and installing emissions control system 'defeat devices' (software) in model year 2009–2015 vehicles with 2.0 litre diesel engines. VW has admitted the inclusion of defeat devices. On-road emissions testing suggests that in-use NO[subscript x] emissions for these vehicles are a factor of 10 to 40 above the EPA standard. In this paper we quantify the human health impacts and associated costs of the excess emissions. We propagate uncertainties throughout the analysis. A distribution function for excess emissions is estimated based on available in-use NO[subscript x] emissions measurements. We then use vehicle sales data and the STEP vehicle fleet model to estimate vehicle distance traveled per year for the fleet. The excess NO[subscript x] emissions are allocated on a 50 km grid using an EPA estimate of the light duty diesel vehicle NO[subscript x] emissions distribution. We apply a GEOS-Chem adjoint-based rapid air pollution exposure model to produce estimates of particulate matter and ozone exposure due to the spatially resolved excess NO[subscript x] emissions. A set of concentration-response functions is applied to estimate mortality and morbidity outcomes. Integrated over the sales period (2008–2015) we estimate that the excess emissions will cause 59 (95% CI: 10 to 150) early deaths in the US. When monetizing premature mortality using EPA-recommended data, we find a social cost of ~450moverthesalesperiod.Forthecurrentfleet,weestimatethatareturntocomplianceforallaffectedvehiclesbytheendof2016willavert 130earlydeathsandavoid 450m over the sales period. For the current fleet, we estimate that a return to compliance for all affected vehicles by the end of 2016 will avert ~130 early deaths and avoid ~840m in social costs compared to a counterfactual case without recall

    GLOWOPT - A new approach towards global-warming-optimized aircraft design

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    A new concept for designing aircraft with minimum climate impact is presented. The paper describes the GLOWOPT approach, which is currently being implemented in the framework of the Clean Sky 2 programme. It aims at developing and validating so-called Climate Functions for Aircraft Design (CFAD). Those functions constitute an easy-to-use tool, which can be integrated into existing aircraft synthesis workflows without high adaptation effort. They will be made available to the relevant stakeholders including aircraft manufacturers, and thus allow for the development of new aircraft with a significantly reduced impact on global warming

    Accelerating the path towards carbon-free aviation

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    This paper, created by a group of aviation and energy experts from renowned universities and research centres in Europe, who oversee the fields of energy carriers, energy storage and conversion, propulsion, aerodynamics, flight mechanics, controls, structures, materials, multidisciplinary design, and life‐cycle engineering, aims to give an overview and assessment of promising future technologies. The paper therefore identifies the potential as well as research demands of these technologies on the path to a sustainable and more environmentally friendly aviation

    Air pollution and early deaths in the United States : attribution of PM₂.₅ exposure to emissions species, time, location and sector

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    Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 35-37).Combustion emissions constitute the largest source of anthropogenic emissions in the US. They lead to the degradation of air quality and human health, by contributing to the formation of fine particulate matter (PM2 .5 ), which is harmful to human health. Previous work computed the population PM2 .5 exposure and number of early deaths caused by emissions from six major sectors: electric power generation, industry, commercial and residential activities, road transportation, marine transportation and rail transportation. In the present work we go beyond aggregate sectors and now attribute exposure and early deaths to sectors, emissions species, time of emission, and location of emission. This enables determination of the emissions reductions that would have the greatest benefit by sectors, species, time and location. We apply a long-term adjoint sensitivity analysis with population exposure to PM2 .5 in the contiguous US as the objective function, and calculate the four dimensional sensitivities (time and space) of PM2 .5 exposure with respect to each emissions species. Epidemiological evidence is used to relate increased population exposure to premature mortalities. This is the first regional application of the adjoint sensitivity analysis method to characterize long-term air pollution exposure. (A global scale application has been undertaken related to intercontinental pollution.) We find that for the electric power generation sector 75% of the attributable PM2 .5 exposure is due to SO2 emissions, and 80% of the annual impacts are attributed to emissions from April to September. This suggests that burning of low sulfur coal has greatest benefit in the summer. In the road transportation sector, 29% of PM2 .5 exposure is due to NO, emissions and 33% from ammonia (NH3), which is a result of emissions after-treatment technologies. We estimate that the benefit of reducing NH3 emissions from road transportation is ~20 times that of NOx per unit mass. 75% of the road transportation ammonia impacts occur during the months October to March. We rank the states based on their contribution to the overall combustion emissions-attributable PM2 .5 exposure in the US, and calculate that California contributes 12%, Pennsylvania 7% and Ohio 5.8%. We publicly release the sensitivity matrices computed, noting their potential use as a rapid air quality policy assessment tool.by Irene Constantina Dedoussi.S.M

    Adjoint sensitivity analysis of the atmospheric impacts of combustion emissions

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 127-149).Combustion emissions impact the environment through chemical and transport processes that span varying temporal and spatial scales. Numerical simulation of the effects of combustion emissions and potential corresponding mitigation approaches is computationally expensive. Atmospheric adjoint modeling enables the calculation of receptor-oriented sensitivities of environmental metrics of interest to emissions, overcoming the numerical cost of conventional modeling. This thesis applies and further develops an existing adjoint of a chemistry-transport model to perform three evaluations, where the high number of inputs (due to the nature of the problem or the associated uncertainty) prevented comprehensive assessment in the past. First, this thesis quantifies the pollution exchange between the US states for seven major anthropogenic combustion emissions sectors: electric power generation, industry, commercial/residential, aviation, as well as road, marine, and rail transportation. This thesis presents the state-level fine particulate matter (PM₂.₅) early death impacts of combustion emissions in the US for 2005, 2011 and 2018 (forecast), and how these are driven by sector, chemical species, and location of emission. Results indicate major shifts in the chemical species and sectors that cause most early deaths, and opportunities for further improving air quality in the US. Second, this thesis quantifies how changes in emissions impact the marginal atmospheric PM₂.₅ response to emissions perturbations. State-level annual adjoint sensitivities of PM₂.₅ population exposure to precursor emissions are compared for the years of 2006 and 2011, and correlated with the magnitude of emissions reduction and the background ammonia mixing ratio. Third, this thesis presents the development and evaluation of the discrete adjoint of the GEOS-Chem unified tropospheric-stratospheric chemistry extension (UCX), which enables the calculation of stratospheric sensitivities and the examination of the entire design space of high altitude emissions impacts. To illustrate its potential, sensitivities of stratospheric ozone to precursor species are calculated. This development expands the span of atmospheric chemistry-transport questions (including inversions) that this open-source model can be used to answer. The assessments performed in this thesis span spatial scales from the regional to the global and demonstrate the ability of this approach to provide information on both bottom-up and top-down mitigation approaches.by Irene Constantina Dedoussi.Ph. D

    Investigating landing gear noise using fly-over data: the case of a Boeing 747-400

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    Investigation of the landing gear noise of the Boeing 747-400 in flight. Comparison of different fly-over velocities in order to obtain a scaling law for the Sound pressure Level based on microphone Array measurements

    A multi-method assessment of the regional sensitivities between flight altitude and short-term O3 climate warming from aircraft NO x emissions

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    Flight altitude is relevant to the climate effects resulting from aircraft emissions. Other research has shown that flying higher within the troposphere leads to larger warming from O _3 production. Aircraft NO _x emissions are of particular interest, as they lead to warming via the short-term production of O _3 , but also to reduced warming via processes like CH _4 depletion. We focus on short-term O _3 production, as it constitutes one of aviation’s largest warming components. Understanding how O _3 formation varies altitudinally throughout the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere is essential for designing climate-compatible aircraft and routing. We quantify this variation by performing simulations with a global atmospheric chemistry model for three representative cruise altitudes, five regions and two seasons using three methods: Eulerian tagging, perturbation and Lagrangian tagging. This multi-method, regional approach overcomes limitations of previous studies that utilize only one of these methods and apply global emission inventories biased towards present-day flight distributions, thus limiting their applicability to future aviation scenarios. Our results highlight that underrepresenting emissions in areas with growing flight activity (e.g. Asia Pacific) may lead to significant, regional underestimations of the altitudinal sensitivity of short-term NO _x -related O _3 warming effects in certain cases. We find that emitting in Southern regions, like Australasia, leads to warming larger by a factor of two when compared to global averages. Our findings also suggest that flying lower translates to lower warming from short-term O _3 production and that this effect is strongest during the local summer. We estimate differences ranging from a factor of 1.2–2.6 between tagging and perturbation results that are attributable to non-linearities of NO _x -O _3 chemistry, and derived regional correction factors for a widely-used sub-model. Overall, we stress that a combination of all three methods is necessary for a robust assessment of aviation climate effects as they address fundamentally different questions

    Data accompanying the manuscript "Premature mortality related to United States cross-state air pollution"

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    This dataset includes results and supplementary data of the publication titled “Premature mortality related to United States cross-state air pollution”, which presents the exchange of air pollution attributable early death impacts between the contiguous US states for 7 emissions sectors and 3 years (2005, 2011, and 2018). State-level source-receptor matrices are included for all years and species/sector combinations, in addition to the source-level definitions of each emission sector use