11 research outputs found

    Pharmaceutical regulation in 15 European countries: review

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    In the context of pharmaceutical care, policy-makers repeatedly face the challenge of balancing patient access to effective medicines with affordability and rising costs. With the aim of guiding the health policy discourse towards questions that are important to actual and potential patients, this study investigates a broad range of regulatory measures, spanning marketing authorization to generic substitution and resulting price levels in a sample of 16 European health systems (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Spain and Sweden). All countries employ a mix of regulatory mechanisms to contain pharmaceutical expenditure and ensure quality and efficiency in pharmaceutical care, albeit with varying configurations and rigour. This variation also influences the extent of publicly financed pharmaceutical costs. Overall, observed differences in pharmaceutical expenditure should be interpreted in conjunction with the differing volume and composition of consumption and price levels, as well as dispensation practices and their impact on measurement of pharmaceutical costs. No definitive evidence has yet been produced on the effects of different cost-containment measures on patient outcomes. Depending on the foremost policy concerns in each country, different levers will have to be used to enable the delivery of appropriate care at affordable prices

    Introduction and utilization of high priced HCV medicines across Europe : implications for the future

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    Background: Infection with the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a widespread transmittable disease with a diagnosed prevalence of 2.0%. Fortunately, it is now curable in most patients. Sales of medicines to treat HCV infection grew 2.7% per year between 2004 and 2011, enhanced by the launch of the protease inhibitors (PIs) boceprevir (BCV) and telaprevir (TVR) in addition to ribavirin and pegylated interferon (pegIFN). Costs will continue to rise with new treatments including sofosbuvir, which now include interferon free regimens. Objective: Assess the uptake of BCV and TVR across Europe from a health authority perspective to offer future guidance on dealing with new high cost medicines. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of medicines to treat HCV (pegIFN, ribavirin, BCV and TVR) among European countries from 2008 to 2013. Utilization measured in defined daily doses (DDDs)/1000 patients/quarter (DIQs) and expenditure in Euros/DDD. Health authority activities to influence treatments categorized using the 4E methodology (Education, Engineering, Economics and Enforcement). Results: Similar uptake of BCV and TVR among European countries and regions, ranging from 0.5 DIQ in Denmark, Netherlands and Slovenia to 1.5 DIQ in Tayside and Catalonia in 2013. However, different utilization of the new PIs vs. ribavirin indicates differences in dual vs. triple therapy, which is down to factors including physician preference and genotypes. Reimbursed prices for BCV and TVR were comparable across countries. Conclusion: There was reasonable consistency in the utilization of BCV and TVR among European countries in comparison with other high priced medicines. This may reflect the social demand to limit the transmission of HCV. However, the situation is changing with new curative medicines for HCV genotype 1 (GT1) with potentially an appreciable budget impact. These concerns have resulted in different prices across countries, with their impact on budgets and patient outcomes monitored in the future to provide additional guidance

    CritÚres utilisés par les Groupes Techniques Consultatifs Nationaux pour la Vaccination pour établir des recommandations de politique vaccinale (étude bibliographique et sur questionnaire dans 13 pays)

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    La vaccination, bien qu Ă©tant une des interventions de santĂ© publique les plus efficaces qui soit n est malheureusement toujours pas utilisĂ©e aujourd hui au maximum de ses capacitĂ©s. Pour tenter d inverser cette tendance beaucoup de pays dans le monde se dotent de GTCV, institutions indĂ©pendantes en charge d Ă©laborer les recommandations vaccinales propres Ă  chaque contexte. Le prĂ©sent travail a pour objet de dĂ©crire les critĂšres utilisĂ©s par les GTCV pour Ă©laborer leurs recommandations. Pour cela, nous avons dans un premier temps effectuĂ© une revue de la littĂ©rature, puis une enquĂȘte auprĂšs de 13 GTCV dans le monde. Nous avons constatĂ© qu assez peu d informations sur le sujet sont publiĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature. Notre enquĂȘte rapporte que les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques de la maladie ainsi que les caractĂ©ristiques des vaccins sont les critĂšres les plus importants dans la prise de dĂ©cision. Autre Ă©lĂ©ment essentiel, beaucoup de pays utilisent une mĂ©thodologie dĂ©finie pour Ă©laborer leurs dĂ©cisions, mais trĂšs peu la rendent publique, entretenant probablement un sentiment de manque de transparence. Il serait Ă  nos yeux nĂ©cessaire que les institutions internationales se saisissent de cette question et tentent d harmoniser les procĂ©dures, voire d Ă©laborer une mĂ©thodologie validĂ©e qui permettrait Ă  l ensemble des GTCV de gagner en transparence, et aux comitĂ©s qui s Ă©tablissent de plus en plus d avoir un rĂ©fĂ©rentiel leur permettant de dĂ©marre leurs activitĂ©s dans les meilleures conditionsPARIS12-CRETEIL BU MĂ©decine (940282101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La France du Sud-Est (Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrénées, Provence-Alpes-CÎte d'Azur)

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    Diese Bilanz von zwei Jahrzehnten Forschung in SĂŒdwestfrankreich soll ĂŒber die vorhandenen Bestandsaufnahmen deutlich hinausgehen. Ungelöste Fragen sollen neu formuliert und dazu jĂŒngste Erkenntnisse ĂŒber religiöse Vorstellungen und Praktiken im Rahmen eines umfassenden soziokulturellen Ansatzes ins Blickfeld gerĂŒckt werden. Fine ausfĂŒhrliche tour d'horizon der unterschiedlichen KultstĂ€tten lĂ€ÎČt die entscheidende Rolle der Territorien erkennen und zeigt, wie die der Siedelgemeinschaften bis zu den ersten kulturellen VerĂ€nderungen des 2. Jahrh. v. Chr. allmĂ€hlich an Bedeutung gewinnt. Im beharrlichen Festhalten an Ahnen- und Heroenverehrung erweist sich fĂŒr diese Region Galliens vom Beginn der Eisenzeit an deutlich das machtvolle Wirken einer gesellschaftlichen Elite bzw. (ab dem 3. Jahrh. v. Chr.) einer Reiteraristokratie. Infolgedessen ist auch der Volksglaube hĂ€ufig ĂŒberformt von den religiösen Ausdrucksformen des Strebens nach Rang und Ansehen. Übersetzt vom Stefan WirthThis report of a two decades research in Sout-East France, intends to go beyond the pattern of the previous gazetteers. The purpose is a new definition of the outstanding questions altogether with putting in prospect new established facts in the field of beliefs and practices inside a broad socio-cultural sight. An extensive survey of the different cult sites is presented here and emphasizes the predominant participation of territories and the slow emergence of the part played by settlements until the first cultural mutations in the 2nd century BC. From the assertion of cults to the ancestors and of heroic-cults as soon as the beginning of the Iron Age, this part of Gaul sharply shows the dynamic function of a social elite then of the warrior aristocracy since the 3rd century BC. From then on, the popular devotions will often be absorbed by the growing manifestation of a social valorization.Ce bilan sur les deux dĂ©cennies de recherches dans le Sud-Est de la France veut dĂ©passer le cadre des inventaires prĂ©existants. Il tente de reformuler les questions en suspens, de mettre Ă©galement en perspective les acquis rĂ©cents de la recherche dans le domaine des croyances et de leurs pratiques au sein d'une vision socioculturelle plus large. Un vaste tour d'horizon des diffĂ©rents lieux de culte est rĂ©alisĂ©, qui met en valeur la part majeure des territoires et la lente Ă©mergence de celle des habitats groupĂ©s jusqu'aux premiĂšres mutations culturelles du IIe s. avant J.-C. Au travers de l'affirmation des cultes rendus aux ancĂȘtres et aux hĂ©ros dĂšs le dĂ©but de l'Ăąge du Fer, cette rĂ©gion de la Gaule rĂ©vĂšle avec acuitĂ© le rĂŽle dynamique d'une Ă©lite sociale, puis d'une aristocratie Ă©questre Ă  partir du IIIe s. avant J.-C. DĂšs lors, la piĂ©tĂ© populaire sera souvent absorbĂ©e par l'expression croissante de la valorisation sociale.Arcelin Patrice, Gruat Philippe, Boissinot Philippe, Chausserie-LaprĂ©e Jean, Dedet Bernard, Ferrando Philippe, Gailledrat Éric, Marchand Georges, Maza Guillaume, Nin Nuria, Paillet Jean-Louis, Roth-CongĂšs Anne, TrĂ©ziny Henri. La France du Sud-Est (Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es, Provence-Alpes-CĂŽte d'Azur). In: Gallia, tome 60, 2003. pp. 169-241

    Pharmaceutical policies in a crisis? : Challenges and solutions identified at the PPRI Conference

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    In October 2015, the third international Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information (PPRI) Conference was held in Vienna to foster discussion on challenges in pricing and reimbursement policies for medicines. The research presented highlighted that commonly used pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies are not sufficiently effective to address current challenges. Conference participants called for fundamental reforms to ensure access to medicines, particularly to new and potentially more effective and/or safe medicines, while safeguarding the financial sustainability of health systems and working towards universal health coverage

    Introduction and Utilization of High Priced HCV Medicines across Europe; Implications for the Future

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    Infection with the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a widespread transmittable disease with a diagnosed prevalence of 2.0%. Fortunately, it is now curable in most patients. Sales of medicines to treat HCV infection grew 2.7% per year between 2004 and 2011, enhanced by the launch of the protease inhibitors (PIs) boceprevir (BCV) and telaprevir (TVR) in addition to ribavirin and pegylated interferon (pegIFN). Costs will continue to rise with new treatments including sofosbuvir, which now include interferon free regimens.status: publishe

    How can pricing and reimbursement policies improve affordable access to medicines? Lessons learned from European countries

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    This article discusses pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies in European countries with regard to their ability to ensure affordable access to medicines. A frequently applied pricing policy is external price referencing. While it provides some benchmark for policy-makers and has been shown to be able to generate savings, it may also contribute to delay in product launch in countries where medicine prices are low. Value-based pricing has been proposed as a policy that promotes access while rewarding useful innovation; however, implementing it has proven quite challenging. For high-priced medicines, managed-entry agreements are increasingly used. These agreements allow policy-makers to manage uncertainty and obtain lower prices. They can also facilitate earlier market access in case of limited evidence about added therapeutic value of the medicine. However, these agreements raise transparency concerns due to the confidentiality clause. Tendering as used in the hospital and offpatent outpatient sectors has been proven to reduce medicine prices but it requires a robust framework and appropriate design with clear strategic goals in order to prevent shortages. These pricing and reimbursement policies are supplemented by the widespread use of Health Technology Assessment to inform decision-making, and by strategies to improve the uptake of generics, and also biosimilars. While European countries have been implementing a set of policy options, there is a lack of thorough impact assessments of several pricing and reimbursement policies on affordable access. Increased cooperation between authorities, experience sharing and improving transparency on price information, including the disclosure of confidential discounts, are opportunities to address current challenges

    ‘Heroes of Charity?’ Between Memory and Hagiography: Colonial Medical Heroes in the Era of Decolonisation

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    L’ñge du Fer en Basse-Normandie. Gestes funĂ©raires en Gaule au Second-Âge du Fer. Volumes I et II

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    Cet ouvrage est la publication des actes du 33e colloque international de l’AFEAF, qui s’est tenu Ă  Caen, du 20 au 24 mai 2009. De mĂȘme que le colloque, il comprend deux parties. La premiĂšre, qui contient dix-sept contributions, traite de l’actualitĂ© des recherches sur l’Âge du fer en Basse-Normandie, une rĂ©gion qui a connu un renouvellement important de la documentation permettant d’apprĂ©hender les dynamiques d’occupation et les formes d’organisation territoriale durant la Protohistoire. Plusieurs bilans synthĂ©tiques concernant l’habitat rural, les sites fortifiĂ©s et la culture matĂ©rielle, sont, entre autres, proposĂ©s ici. La seconde partie de l’ouvrage traite du thĂšme de la mort et des pratiques funĂ©raires durant la pĂ©riode Ve-Ier siĂšcles avant J.-C. ; elle contient vingt-deux contributions. Ce sujet a Ă©tĂ© abordĂ© en privilĂ©giant quelques axes de rĂ©flexion, de façon Ă  faciliter les comparaisons entre rĂ©gions. À travers des bilans synthĂ©tiques, le thĂšme spĂ©cialisĂ© du colloque est traitĂ© Ă  l’échelle de la Gaule, avec les Ă©clairages de plusieurs rĂ©gions de l’Europe celtique.This is the publication of the proceedings of the 33rd AFEAF symposium held in Caen from the 20th to the 24th of May 2009. Like the symposium, this book is divided in two parts. The first part, with its 17 contributions, deals with the current knowledge about the Iron Age in Lower Normandy. An important renewal of the documentation concerning this region allows a better understanding of the occupational processes and territorial organization existing throughout Protohistory. This first part also includes several summary reports on rural settlements, fortified sites as well as finds. The second part of the book, with 22 contributions, deals with the subject of death and funerary practices during the 5th to 1st centuries BC. The subject was discussed focussing on a chosen number of thoughts as to make it easier to compare between different regions. Various summary reports allow an overview of this specialized topic throughout Gaul with perspectives from other regions of Celtic Europe