236 research outputs found

    Does foreign environmental policy influence domestic innovation ? Evidence from the wind industry

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    This paper examines the relative influence of domestic and foreign renewable energy policies on innovation activity in wind power using patent data from OECD countries from 1994 to 2005. We distinguish between the impact of demand-pull policies (e.g., guaranteed tariffs, investment and production tax credits), as reflected by wind power capacities installed annually, and technology-push policies (government support to R&D). We show that inventors respond to both domestic and foreign new capacities by increasing their innovation effort. However, the effect on innovation of the marginal wind turbine installed at home is 28 times stronger than that of the foreign marginal wind turbine. Unlike demandpull policies, public R&D expenditures only affect domestic inventors. A simple calculation suggests that the marginal million dollars spent on R&D support generates 0.82 new inventions, whereas the same amount spent on the deployment of wind turbines induces, at best, 0.06 new inventions (0.03 locally and 0.03 abroad).innovation;public R&D;renewable energy policies;wind power

    The Clean Development Mechanism and the International Diffusion of Technologies: An Empirical Study

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    The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is expected to stimulate the North-South transfer of climate-friendly technologies. This paper provides an assessment of the technology transfers that take place through the CDM using a unique data set of 644 registered projects. It provides a detailed description of the transfers (frequency, type, by sector, by host country, etc.). It also includes an econometric analysis of their drivers. We show that transfer likeliness increases with the size of the projects. The transfer probability is 50% higher in projects implemented in a subsidiary of Annex 1 companies while the presence of an official credit buyer has a lower – albeit positive – impact. The analysis also yields interesting results on how technological capabilities of the host country influence technology diffusion in the CDM.Kyoto Protocol, Clean Development Mechanism, International Technology Transfer

    The Clean Development Mechanism and the International Diffusion of Technologies: An Empirical Study

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    The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is expected to stimulate the North-South transfer of climate-friendly technologies. This paper provides an assessment of the technology transfers that take place through the CDM using a unique data set of 644 registered projects. It provides a detailed description of the transfers (frequency, type, by sector, by host country, etc.). It also includes an econometric analysis of their drivers. We show that transfer likeliness increases with the size of the projects. The transfer probability is 50% higher in projects implemented in a subsidiary of Annex 1 companies while the presence of an official credit buyer has a lower-albeit positive-impact. The analysis also yields interesting results on how technological capabilities of the host country influence technology diffusion in the CDM.Protocole de Kyoto; MĂ©canisme de DĂ©veloppement Propre; Transfert International de Technologie

    Technology transfer by CDM projects: A comparison of Brazil, China, India and Mexico

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    In a companion paper [DechezleprĂȘtre, A., Glachant, M., MĂ©niĂšre, Y., 2008. The Clean Development Mechanism and the international diffusion of technologies: An empirical study, Energy Policy 36, 1273–1283], we gave a general description of technology transfers by Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects and we analyzed their drivers. In this paper, we use the same data and similar econometric models to explain inter-country differences. We focus on 4 countries gathering about 75% of the CDM projects: Brazil, China, India and Mexico. Sixty eight percent of Mexican projects include an international transfer of technology. The rates are, respectively, 12%, 40% and 59% for India, Brazil and China. Our results show that transfers to Mexico and Brazil are mainly related to the strong involvement of foreign partners and good technological capabilities. Besides a relative advantage with respect to these factors, the higher rate of international transfers in Mexico seems to be due to a sector-composition effect. The involvement of foreign partners is less frequent in India and China, where investment opportunities generated by fast growing economies seem to play a more important role in facilitating international technology transfers through the CDM. International transfers are also related to strong technology capabilities in China. In contrast, the lower rate of international transfer (12%) in India may be due to a better capability to diffuse domestic technologies.

    Environmental Policy and Directed Technological Change: Evidence from the European Carbon Market

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    This paper investigates the impact of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) on technological change. We exploit installations-level inclusion criteria to estimate the impact of the EU ETS on firms patenting. We find that the EU ETS has increased low-carbon innovation among regulated firms by as much as 10%, while not crowding out patenting for other technologies. We also find evidence that the EU ETS has not impacted patenting beyond the set of regulated companies. These results imply that the EU ETS accounts for nearly a 1% increase in European lowcarbon patenting compared to a counterfactual scenario

    Mortality, temperature, and public health provision: evidence from Mexico

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    We examine the impact of temperature on mortality in Mexico using daily data over the period 1998–2017 and find that 3.8 percent of deaths in Mexico are caused by suboptimal temperature (26,000 every year). However, 92 percent of weather-related deaths are induced by cold (32 degrees C). Furthermore, temperatures are twice as likely to kill people in the bottom half of the income distribution. Finally, we show causal evidence that the Seguro Popular, a universal health care policy, has saved at least 1,600 lives per year from cold weather since 2004

    L’agglomĂ©ration antique de Grand (Vosges)

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    L’annĂ©e 2016 a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©e Ă  la poursuite des objectifs dĂ©finis dans le cadre du projet collectif de recherche (PCR) 2015-2017 qui s’articule autour de trois programmes complĂ©mentaires. Programme I : bilan documentaire et archĂ©ologique ParallĂšlement Ă  la poursuite de l’étude des collections et de la documentation ancienne, l’annĂ©e 2016 a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©e notamment Ă  l’enrichissement de la base de donnĂ©es, tant au niveau de l’intĂ©gration des plans de certaines fouilles anciennes, que de nouvell..

    Vernon – Camp de Mortagne

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    Identifiant de l'opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique : 1311 Date de l'opĂ©ration : 1992 - 1996 (FP) Avec une superficie de prĂšs de 78 ha, le site de Vernon compte parmi les habitats fortifiĂ©s les plus Ă©tendus de la Gaule belgique (Fig. n°1 : Plan gĂ©nĂ©ral de l’enceinte de Vernonnet Ă  Vernon (Eure)). L'enceinte est implantĂ©e sur la rive droite de la Seine, Ă  proximitĂ© de la confluence avec l'Epte, Ă  l'extrĂ©mitĂ© occidentale d'un Ă©peron calcaire naturellement dĂ©fendu par des versants abrupts d'environ 80 m d..

    Boviolles – Oppidum de Chñtel

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : F1355200100040 Date de l'opération : 2001 (PT) L'enceinte de Chùtel à Boviolles fait l'objet, depuis 1998, d'un programme de recherches visant à l'étude de l'organisation et de la chronologie de cet important oppidumdes Leuques implanté à proximité directe de la vaste agglomération antique de Nasium. La superficie du site - plus de 50 ha - et la complexité de ce type d'habitat ont nécessité la mise en place de méthodes diverses d'investigation archéo..
