83 research outputs found

    Different Behavioral Experiences Produce Distinctive Parallel Changes in, and Correlate With, Frontal Cortex and Hippocampal Global Post-translational Histone Levels.

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    While it is clear that behavioral experience modulates epigenetic profiles, it is less evident how the nature of that experience influences outcomes and whether epigenetic/genetic biomarkers could be extracted to classify different types of behavioral experience. To begin to address this question, male and female mice were subjected to either a Fixed Interval (FI) schedule of food reward, or a single episode of forced swim followed by restraint stress, or no explicit behavioral experience after which global expression levels of two activating (H3K9ac and H3K4me3) and two repressive (H3K9me2 and H3k27me3) post-translational histone modifications (PTHMs), were measured in hippocampus (HIPP) and frontal cortex (FC). The specific nature of the behavioral experience differentiated profiles of PTHMs in a sex- and brain region-dependent manner, with all 4 PTHMs changing in parallel in response to different behavioral experiences. These different behavioral experiences also modified the pattern of correlations of PTHMs both within and across FC and HIPP. Unexpectedly, highly robust correlations were found between global PTHM levels and behavioral performances, suggesting that global PTHMs may provide a higher-order pattern recognition function. Further efforts are needed to determine the generality of such findings and what characteristics of behavioral experience are critical for modulating PTHM responses

    Developmental Lead and/or Prenatal Stress Exposures Followed by Different Types of Behavioral Experience Result in the Divergence of Brain Epigenetic Profiles in a Sex, Brain Region, and Time-Dependent Manner: Implications for Neurotoxicology.

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    Over a lifetime, early developmental exposures to neurocognitive risk factors, such as lead (Pb) exposures and prenatal stress (PS), will be followed by multiple varied behavioral experiences. Pb, PS and behavioral experience can each influence brain epigenetic profiles. Our recent studies show a greater level of complexity, however, as all three factors interact within each sex to generate differential adult variation in global post-translational histone modifications (PTHMs), which may result in fundamentally different consequences for life-long learning and behavioral function. We have reported that PTHM profiles differ by sex, brain region and time point of measurement following developmental exposures to Pb±PS, resulting in different profiles for each unique combination of these parameters. Imposing differing behavioral experience following developmental Pb±PS results in additional divergence of PTHM profiles, again in a sex, brain region and time-dependent manner, further increasing complexity. Such findings underscore the need to link highly localized and variable epigenetic changes along single genes to the highly-integrated brain functional connectome that is ultimately responsible for governing behavioral function. Here we advance the idea that increased understanding may be achieved through iterative reductionist and holistic approaches. Implications for experimental design of animal studies of developmental exposures to neurotoxicants include the necessity of a \u27no behavioral experience\u27 group, given that epigenetic changes in response to behavioral testing can confound effects of the neurotoxicant itself. They also suggest the potential utility of the inclusion of salient behavioral experiences as a potential effect modifier in epidemiological studies

    Sustained Exposure to the Widely Used Herbicide Atrazine: Altered Function and Loss of Neurons in Brain Monoamine Systems

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    The widespread use of atrazine (ATR) and its persistence in the environment have resulted in documented human exposure. Alterations in hypothalamic catecholamines have been suggested as the mechanistic basis of the toxicity of ATR to hormonal systems in females and the reproductive tract in males. Because multiple catecholamine systems are present in the brain, however, ATR could have far broader effects than are currently understood. Catecholaminergic systems such as the two major long-length dopaminergic tracts of the central nervous system play key roles in mediating a wide array of critical behavioral functions. In this study we examined the hypothesis that ATR would adversely affect these brain dopaminergic systems. Male rats chronically exposed to 5 or 10 mg/kg ATR in the diet for 6 months exhibited persistent hyperactivity and altered behavioral responsivity to amphetamine. Moreover, when measured 2 weeks after the end of exposure, the levels of various monoamines and the numbers of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (TH(+)) and -negative (TH(−)) cells measured using unbiased stereology were reduced in both dopaminergic tracts. Acute exposures to 100 or 200 mg/kg ATR given intraperitoneally to evaluate potential mechanisms reduced both basal and potassium-evoked striatal dopamine release. Collectively, these studies demonstrate that ATR can produce neurotoxicity in dopaminergic systems that are critical to the mediation of movement as well as cognition and executive function. Therefore, ATR may be an environmental risk factor contributing to dopaminergic system disorders, underscoring the need for further investigation of its mechanism(s) of action and corresponding assessment of its associated human health risks

    Unmasking silent neurotoxicity following developmental exposure to environmental toxicants

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    AbstractSilent neurotoxicity, a term introduced approximately 25years ago, is defined as a persistent change to the nervous system that does not manifest as overt evidence of toxicity (i.e. it remains clinically unapparent) unless unmasked by experimental or natural processes. Silent neurotoxicants can be challenging for risk assessors, as the multifactorial experiments needed to reveal their effects are seldom conducted, and they are not addressed by current study design guidelines. This topic was the focus of a symposium addressing the interpretation and use of silent neurotoxicity data in human health risk assessments of environmental toxicants at the annual meeting of the Developmental Neurotoxicology Society (previously the Neurobehavioral Teratology Society) on June 30th, 2014. Several factors important to the design and interpretation of studies assessing the potential for silent neurotoxicity were discussed by the panelists and audience members. Silent neurotoxicity was demonstrated to be highly specific to the characteristics of the animals being examined, the unmasking agent tested, and the behavioral endpoint(s) evaluated. Overall, the experimental examples presented highlighted a need to consider common adverse outcomes and common biological targets for chemical and non-chemical stressors, particularly when the exposure and stressors are known to co-occur. Risk assessors could improve the evaluation of silent neurotoxicants in assessments through specific steps from researchers, including experiments to reveal the molecular targets and mechanisms that may result in specific types of silent neurotoxicity, and experiments with complex challenges reminiscent of the human situation

    Lung-Specific Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Improves Cognition of Adult Mice Exposed to Neonatal Hyperoxia

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    Lung and brain development is often altered in infants born preterm and exposed to excess oxygen, and this can lead to impaired lung function and neurocognitive abilities later in life. Oxygen-derived reactive oxygen species and the ensuing inflammatory response are believed to be an underlying cause of disease because over-expression of some anti-oxidant enzymes is protective in animal models. For example, neurodevelopment is preserved in mice that ubiquitously express human extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) under control of an actin promoter. Similarly, oxygen-dependent changes in lung development are attenuated in transgenic SftpcEC−SOD mice that over-express EC-SOD in pulmonary alveolar epithelial type II cells. But whether anti-oxidants targeted to the lung provide protection to other organs, such as the brain is not known. Here, we use transgenic SftpcEC−SOD mice to investigate whether lung-specific expression of EC-SOD also preserves neurodevelopment following exposure to neonatal hyperoxia. Wild type and SftpcEC−SOD transgenic mice were exposed to room air or 100% oxygen between postnatal days 0–4. At 8 weeks of age, we investigated neurocognitive function as defined by novel object recognition, pathologic changes in hippocampal neurons, and microglial cell activation. Neonatal hyperoxia impaired novel object recognition memory in adult female but not male mice. Behavioral deficits were associated with microglial activation, CA1 neuron nuclear contraction, and fiber sprouting within the hilus of the dentate gyrus (DG). Over-expression of EC-SOD in the lung preserved novel object recognition and reduced the observed changes in neuronal nuclear size and myelin basic protein fiber density. It had no effect on the extent of microglial activation in the hippocampus. These findings demonstrate pulmonary expression of EC-SOD preserves short-term memory in adult female mice exposed to neonatal hyperoxia, thus suggesting anti-oxidants designed to alleviate oxygen-induced lung disease such as in preterm infants may also be neuroprotective

    Lead Exposure Inhibits Fracture Healing and Is Associated with Increased Chondrogenesis, Delay in Cartilage Mineralization, and a Decrease in Osteoprogenitor Frequency

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    Lead exposure continues to be a significant public health problem. In addition to acute toxicity, Pb has an extremely long half-life in bone. Individuals with past exposure develop increased blood Pb levels during periods of high bone turnover or resorption. Pb is known to affect osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and chondrocytes and has been associated with osteoporosis. However, its effects on skeletal repair have not been studied. We exposed C57/B6 mice to various concentrations of Pb acetate in their drinking water to achieve environmentally relevant blood Pb levels, measured by atomic absorption. After exposure for 6 weeks, each mouse underwent closed tibia fracture. Radiographs were followed and histologic analysis was performed at 7, 14, and 21 days. In mice exposed to low Pb concentrations, fracture healing was characterized by a delay in bridging cartilage formation, decreased collagen type II and type X expression at 7 days, a 5-fold increase in cartilage formation at day 14 associated with delayed maturation and calcification, and a persistence of cartilage at day 21. Fibrous nonunions at 21 days were prevalent in mice receiving very high Pb exposures. Pb significantly inhibited ex vivo bone nodule formation but had no effect on osteoclasts isolated from Pb-exposed animals. No significant effects on osteoclast number or activity were observed. We conclude that Pb delays fracture healing at environmentally relevant doses and induces fibrous nonunions at higher doses by inhibiting the progression of endochondral ossification

    Increased Lead Biomarker Levels Are Associated with Changes in Hormonal Response to Stress in Occupationally Exposed Male Participants

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    Background: Lead (Pb) exposure has been associated with a host of pathological conditions in humans. In rodents Pb exposure has been shown to alter the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis function