450 research outputs found

    Signature of strong atom-cavity interaction on critical coupling

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    We study a critically coupled cavity doped with resonant atoms with metamaterial slabs as mirrors. We show how resonant atom-cavity interaction can lead to a splitting of the critical coupling dip. The results are explained in terms of the frequency and lifetime splitting of the coupled system.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Spectroscopic characterizations of the mixed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of 2,2'-biquinoline molecules: evidence of dimer formation

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    This communication reports the -A isotherms and spectroscopic characterizations of mixed Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of nonamphiphilic 2, -biquinoline (BQ) molecules, mixed with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and stearic acid (SA). The pi-A isotherms and molefraction versus area per molecule studies indicate complete immiscibility of sample (BQ) and matrix (PMMA or SA) molecules. This immiscibility may lead to the formation of microcrystalline aggregates of BQ molecules in the mixed LB films. The scanning electron micrograph gives the visual evidence of microcrystalline aggregates of BQ molecules in the mixed LB films. UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence and excitation spectroscopic studies reveal the nature of these microcrystalline aggregates. LB films lifted at higher surface pressure indicate the formation of dimer or higher order n-mers.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Jesu li kolebanja piona u relativističkim i ultrarelativističkim nuklearnim sudarima ovisna o ljestvici?

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    Fluctuation pattern of pions is investigated in a wide range of projectile energy from 4.5 AGeV (24Mg-AgBr interactions) to 200 AGeV (32S-AgBr interactions). Two-dimensional analysis is performed. To obtain the correct phase-space partition condition considering anisotropy of phase space, we use the concept of Hurst exponent H. The analysis is performed in a rigorous way by fitting one-dimensional factorial moment saturation curves. The effective fluctuation strength aeff is calculated. The study reveals that the fluctuation pattern is scale-dependent at both relativistic and ultrarelativistic energies.Proučavamo kolebanje piona nastalih u sudarima 24Mg-AgBr na 4.5 AGeV i 32SAgBr na 200 AGeV za Å”iroko područje energije. Načinili smo dvodimenzijske analize. Zbog anizotropije faznog prostora, primijenili smo Hurstov eksponent H radi postizanja ispravne razdjele faznog prostora. Proveli smo strog račun prilagodbe jednodimenzijskih krivulja zasićenja faktorijalnih momenata. Izračunali smo efektivnu jakost kolebanja Ī±eff. NaÅ”li smo ovisnost slike kolebanja o ljestvici za relativističke i ultrarelativističke energije

    Mnogofraktalnost i tvorba sporih čestica u sudarima 24Mgā€“AgBr na energiji 4.5 AGeV

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    We investigated the multifractality of target fragments of 24Mg-AgBr interaction at low energy (4.5 AGeV) in emission angle phase space, using a new method as proposed by Takagi. The analysis involves the step of measuring the generalised dimension Dq, which in turn deducts the multifractal behaviour of target fragments. We also determine the multifractal specific heat.Istražujemo mnogofraktalnost izlaznih sporih čestica u sudarima 24Mgā€“AgBr na niskoj energiji (4.5 AGeV) u faznom prostoru kuta emisije, primjenom nove metode koju je predložio Takagi. U analizi se određuje poopćena dimenzija Dq iz koje se izvode mnogofraktalna svojstva izlaznih čestica. Također izvodimo mnogofraktalnu specifičnu toplinu

    Role of microenvironment in the mixed Langmuir-Blodgett films

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    This paper reports the pi-A isotherms and spectroscopic characteristics of mixed Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of non-amphiphilic carbazole (CA) molecules mixed with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and stearic acid (SA). pi-A isotherm studies of mixed monolayer and as well as also the collapse pressure study of isotherms definitely conclude that CA is incorporated into PMMA and SA matrices. However CA is stacked in the PMMA/SA chains and forms microcrystalline aggregates as is evidenced from the scanning electron micrograph picture. Nature of these aggregated species in the mixed LB films has been revealed by UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopic studies. The presence of two different kinds of band systems in the fluorescence spectra of the mixed LB films have been observed. This may be due to the formation of low dimensional aggregates in the mixed LB films. Intensity distribution of different band system is highly sensitive to the microenvironment of two different matrices as well as also on the film thicknessComment: 11 pages, 5 figure
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