975 research outputs found

    Ethnic parity in labour market outcomes for benefit claimants

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    A significant gap exists in the UK between the employment rate for Ethnic Minorities and that for Whites. From a policy perspective, it is important to know whether this gap is due to differences in the characteristics of White and Ethnic Minority groups (which reduce the employability of Ethnic Minority groups relative to Whites) or whether it results from some form of discriminatory behaviour in the labour market. In this paper, we use administrative data to estimate ethnic differences in employment and benefit receipt amongst individuals who began claiming a Jobcentre Plus benefit in 2003. In contrast to much of the previous UK literature, we use a number of different quantitative techniques to estimate this gap, and show that in a lot of cases the estimates obtained are very sensitive to the techniques used. We argue that for the questions we are interested in and the data we have, propensity score matching methods are the most robust approach to estimating ethnic parity. We compare this preferred approach with estimates derived using alternative approaches commonly used in the literature (generally regression-based techniques) to determine the extent to which more straightforward methods are able to replicate those produced by matching. In many cases, it turns out not to be possible to calculate satisfactory quantitative estimates even with matching techniques: the characteristics of Whites and Ethnic Minorities are simply too different before the Jobcentre Plus intervention to reliably estimate the parameters of interest. Moreover, for a number of the groups, results seem to be very sensitive to the methodology used. This calls into question previous results based on simple regression techniques, which are likely to hide the fact that observationally different ethnic groups are de facto being compared on the basis of parametric extrapolations. Two groups for which it was possible to calculate reasonably reliable results are incapacity benefit (IB) and income support (IS). For these groups we find that large and significant raw penalties almost always disappear once we appropriately control for pre-inflow background and labour market characteristics. There is also a good degree of consistency across methodologies

    National evaluation of the neighbourhood nurseries: impact report

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    This study assessed the impact of NNI on parental employment, use of formal childcare, and take-up of benefits and tax credits, particularly for disadvantaged groups such as lone parents, low income families and ethnic minority groups

    A hermeneutic inquiry into user-created personas in different Namibian locales

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    Persona is a tool broadly used in technology design to support communicational interactions between designers and users. Different Persona types and methods have evolved mostly in the Global North, and been partially deployed in the Global South every so often in its original User-Centred Design methodology. We postulate persona conceptualizations are expected to differ across cultures. We demonstrate this with an exploratory-case study on user-created persona co-designed with four Namibian ethnic groups: ovaHerero, Ovambo, ovaHimba and Khoisan. We follow a hermeneutic inquiry approach to discern cultural nuances from diverse human conducts. Findings reveal diverse self-representations whereby for each ethnic group results emerge in unalike fashions, viewpoints, recounts and storylines. This paper ultimately argues User-Created Persona as a potentially valid approach for pursuing cross-cultural depictions of personas that communicate cultural features and user experiences paramount to designing acceptable and gratifying technologies in dissimilar locales

    Representing older people: towards meaningful images of the user in design scenarios

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    Designing for older people requires the consideration of a range of difficult and sometimes highly personal design problems. Issues such as fear, loneliness, dependency, and physical decline may be difficult to observe or discuss in interviews. Pastiche scenarios and pastiche personae are techniques that employ characters to create a space for the discussion of new technological developments and as a means to explore user experience. This paper argues that the use of such characters can help to overcome restrictive notions of older people by disrupting designers' prior assumptions. In this paper, we reflect on our experiences using pastiche techniques in two separate technology design projects that sought to address the needs of older people. In the first case pastiche scenarios were developed by the designers of the system and used as discussion documents with users. In the second case, pastiche personae were used by groups of users themselves to generate scenarios which were scribed for later use by the design team. We explore how the use of fictional characters and settings can generate new ideas and undermine rhetorical devices within scenarios that attempt to fit characters to the technology, rather than vice versa. To assist in future development of pastiche techniques in designing for older people, we provide an array of fictional older characters drawn from literary and popular culture.</p

    Is Improving Access to University Enough? Socio-Economic Gaps in the Earnings of English Graduates

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    Much research and policy attention has been on socio-economic gaps in participation at university, but less attention has been paid to socio-economic gaps in graduates' earnings. This paper addresses this shortfall using tax and student loan administrative data to investigate the variation in earnings of English graduates by socio-economic background. We fi nd that graduates from higher income families (with median income of around 77,000)haveaverageearningswhichare2077,000) have average earnings which are 20% higher than those from lower income families (with median income of around 26,000). Once we condition on institution and subject choices, this premium roughly halves, to around 10%. The premium grows with age and is larger for men, in particular for men at the most selective universities. We estimate the extent to which different institutions and subjects appear to deliver good earnings for relatively less well off students, highlighting the good performance of medicine, economics, law, business, engineering, technology and computer science, as well as the prominent London-based universities.Nuffield Foundation British Academ

    Lifelong exposure to air pollution and cognitive development in young children: the UK Millennium Cohort Study

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    Background. Evidence about the impact of air pollution on cognitive development of children has been growing but remains inconclusive. Objectives. To investigate the association of air pollution exposure and the cognitive development of children in the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Methods. Longitudinal study of a nationally representative sample of 13,058-14,614 singleton births, 2000-2002, analysed at age 3, 5 and 7 years for associations between exposure from birth to selected air pollutants and cognitive scores for: School Readiness, Naming Vocabulary (age 3 and 5), Picture Similarity, Pattern Construction (age 5 and 7), Number Skills and Word Reading. Multivariable regression models took account of design stratum, clustering and sampling and attrition weights with adjustment for major risk factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, region, household income, parents' education, language, siblings and second-hand tobacco smoke. Results: In fully adjusted models, no associations were observed between pollutant exposures and cognitive scores at age 3. At age 5, particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) were associated with lower scores for Naming Vocabulary but no other outcome except for SO2 and Picture Similarity. At age 7, PM2.5, PM10 and NO2 were associated with lower scores for Pattern Construction, SO2 with lower Number Skills and SO2 and ozone with poorer Word Reading scores, but PM2.5, PM10 and NO2 were associated with higher Word Reading scores. Adverse effects of air pollutants represented a deficit of up to around 4 percentile points in Naming Vocabulary at age 5 for an interquartile range increase in pollutant concentration, which is smaller than the impact of various social determinants of cognitive development. Conclusions: In a study of multiple pollutants and outcomes, we found mixed evidence from this UK-wide cohort study for association between lifetime exposure to neighbourhood air pollutants and cognitive development to age 7 years

    Research Project as Boundary Object: negotiating the conceptual design of a tool for International Development

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    This paper reflects on the relationship between who one designs for and what one designs in the unstructured space of designing for political change; in particular, for supporting “International Development” with ICT. We look at an interdisciplinary research project with goals and funding, but no clearly defined beneficiary group at start, and how amorphousness contributed to impact. The reported project researched a bridging tool to connect producers with consumers across global contexts and show players in the supply chain and their circumstances. We explore how both the nature of the research and the tool’s function became contested as work progressed. To tell this tale, we invoke the idea of boundary objects and the value of tacking back and forth between elastic meanings of the project’s artefacts and processes. We examine the project’s role in India, Chile and other arenas to draw out ways that it functioned as a catalyst and how absence of committed design choices acted as an unexpected strength in reaching its goals

    How much does degree choice matter?

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    We use a large and novel administrative dataset to investigate returns to different university ‘degrees’ (subject-institution combinations) in the United Kingdom. Conditioning on a rich set of background characteristics, we find substantial variation in returns across degrees with similar selectivity levels, suggesting students’ degree choices matter a lot for later-life earnings. Returns increase with university selectivity much more at the top of the selectivity distribution than further down, and much more for some subjects than others. Returns are poorly correlated with observable degree characteristics other than selectivity, which could have important implications for student choices and the incentives of universities

    The impact of undergraduate degrees on early-career earnings

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    This report uses the new Longitudinal Educational Outcomes (LEO) administrative dataset to provide the latest estimates of the impact of Higher Education (HE) on individuals’ early-career earnings after accounting for individuals’ pre-university characteristics. This will provide vital evidence for prospective students choosing whether, where and what to study at university
