5 research outputs found

    Is She Chinese or American? On the Identity Communication Patterns between Caucasian Parents and their Adopted Chinese Daughters in the U.S.

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    This study explored patterns of identity communication between Caucasian parents and their adopted Chinese daughters. As they grow up in biracial and bicultural families, adoptees must integrate multiple identities of being ethnically Chinese, culturally American, female, abandoned, and adopted. Using qualitative methods, the researchers conducted 1-1 ½ hour in-depth interviews of adoptive parents to identify communication patterns and strategies used to create and manage the bicultural identities of their Chinese daughters

    Approaching Chinese Culture: Strategies American Expatriates Adopt for Learning Chinese Culture

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    It is generally believed that cultural sojourners have diffi culties adapting to a wide range of business, academic, and social situations in a host culture. They need to adopt certain strategies to learn a foreign culture. Building upon existing literature on intercultural learning, adaptation, and perception, this research investigates American professional expatriates’ experience of coping with cultural others in China. In particular, this research investigates communication strategies that the American expatriates adopt in learning Chinese culture. Twenty in-depth interviews were conducted in China to collect data from multiple perspectives on how American professional expatriates adapt themselves from home (American) culture to host (Chinese) culture. The interviewees range from business executives, business owners, to diplomats, educators, employees at nonprofi t organizations and young graduates fresh out of American schools. American expatriates utilized three strategies in intercultural learning and adaptation. The three strategies are independent approach (obtaining information from the Internet, printed publication, TV, radio, and other mass media), observational approach (obtaining information by active observations in China), and interactional approach (obtaining information by interacting with the Chinese people, as well as interacting with fellow expatriates). Details of these strategies are discussed and future research directions are suggested

    Positive Organizations for Older Adults in Community Settings

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