3 research outputs found
A procedure to assess the importance of chemical kinetics in the humic-mediated transport of radionuclides in radiological performance assessment calculations
Previous work has shown that humic substances can bind metal ions in two
fractions: the exchangeable, where it is available instantaneously for reaction with
other sinks (such as mineral surfaces); and the non-exchangeable, from which it may
only dissociate slowly. In the absence of metal ion/humic/mineral surface ternary
complexes, if the dissociation rate is slow compared to the solution residence time in
the groundwater column, then metal in the non-exchangeable will have a
significantly higher mobility than that in the exchangeable. The critical factor is the
ratio of the non-exchangeable first order dissociation rate constant and the residence
time in the groundwater column, metal ion mobility increasing with decreasing rate
Sorption of humic/metal complexes at mineral surfaces may reduce mobility.
In addition to direct retardation, sorption also increases the residence time of the
non-exchangeable fraction, giving more time for dissociation and immobilisation.
The magnitude of the effect depends upon the concentrations of the mineral surface
humic binding sites and the humic in solution, along with the magnitudes of the
equilibrium constant and the forward and backward rate constants.
The non-exchangeable dissociation reaction and the sorption reaction may be
classified in terms of two Damkohler numbers, which can be used to determine the
importance of chemical kinetics during transport calculations. These numbers could
be used to determine when full chemical kinetic calculations are required for a
reliable prediction, and when equilibrium may be assumed, or when the reactions
are sufficiently slow that they may be ignored completely
The role of humic non-exchangeable binding in the promotion of metal ion
Metal ions form strong complexes with humic substances. When the metal ion is first complexed
by humic material, it is bound in an ‘exchangeable’ mode. The metal ion in this fraction is
strongly bound, however, if the metal–humic complex encounters a stronger binding site on a
surface, then the metal ion may dissociate from the humic substance and be immobilised.
However, over time, exchangeably-bound metal may transfer to a ‘non-exchangeable’ mode.
Transfer into this mode and dissociation from it are slow, regardless of the strength of the
competing sink, and so immobilisation may be hindered. A series of coupled chemical transport
calculations has been performed to investigate the likely effects of non-exchangeable binding upon
the transport of metal ions in the environment. The calculations show that metal in the nonexchangeable
mode will have a significantly higher mobility than that in the exchangeable mode.
The critical factor is the ratio of the non-exchangeable first-order dissociation rate constant and
the residence time in the groundwater column, metal ion mobility increasing with decreasing rate
constant. A second series of calculations has investigated the effect of the sorption to surfaces of
humic/metal complexes on the transport of the non-exchangeably bound metal. It was found that
such sorption may reduce mobility, depending upon the humic fraction to which the metal ion is
bound. For the more weakly sorbing humic fractions, under ambient conditions (humic
concentration etc.) the non-exchangeable fraction may still transport significantly. However, for
the more strongly sorbed fractions, the non-exchangeable fraction has little effect upon mobility.
In addition to direct retardation, sorption also increases the residence time of the nonexchangeable
fraction, giving more time for dissociation and immobilisation. The nonexchangeable
dissociation reaction, and the sorption reaction have been classified in terms of two
Damkohler numbers, which can be used to determine the importance of chemical kinetics during
transport calculations. These numbers have been used to develop a set of rules that determine
when full chemical kinetic calculations are required for a reliable prediction, and when
equilibrium may be assumed, or when the reactions are sufficiently slow that they may be ignored
Kinetic studies of the quartz/sand, Eu3+ and humic acid ternary system
The interactions of Eu3+ ions, humic acid and quartz in ternary system
experiments have been studied. The variations in the amount of humic acid and Eu3+
with time have been determined as a function of humic acid concentration. The
desorption of both humic acid and europium have also been measured. A simple
mathematical model has been developed that is able to predict the behaviour of both
metal ion and humic acid. There is multi-component behaviour in the experiments,
and the modelling suggests that for the sorption step at least, heterogeneity of the
surface binding sites dominates. However, there is hysteresis in the desoprtion
behaviour of the humic, which could be due to chemical and/or size fractionation on
the quartz surface