18,618 research outputs found

    Perturbation theory for the effective diffusion constant in a medium of random scatterer

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    We develop perturbation theory and physically motivated resummations of the perturbation theory for the problem of a tracer particle diffusing in a random media. The random media contains point scatterers of density ρ\rho uniformly distributed through out the material. The tracer is a Langevin particle subjected to the quenched random force generated by the scatterers. Via our perturbative analysis we determine when the random potential can be approximated by a Gaussian random potential. We also develop a self-similar renormalisation group approach based on thinning out the scatterers, this scheme is similar to that used with success for diffusion in Gaussian random potentials and agrees with known exact results. To assess the accuracy of this approximation scheme its predictions are confronted with results obtained by numerical simulation.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, IOP (J. Phys. A. style

    Effective diffusion constant in a two dimensional medium of charged point scatterers

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    We obtain exact results for the effective diffusion constant of a two dimensional Langevin tracer particle in the force field generated by charged point scatterers with quenched positions. We show that if the point scatterers have a screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potential and are uniformly and independently distributed then the effective diffusion constant obeys the Volgel-Fulcher-Tammann law where it vanishes. Exact results are also obtained for pure Coulomb scatterers frozen in an equilibrium configuration of the same temperature as that of the tracer.Comment: 9 pages IOP LaTex, no figure

    Complex coupled-cluster approach to an ab-initio description of open quantum systems

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    We develop ab-initio coupled-cluster theory to describe resonant and weakly bound states along the neutron drip line. We compute the ground states of the helium chain 3-10He within coupled-cluster theory in singles and doubles (CCSD) approximation. We employ a spherical Gamow-Hartree-Fock basis generated from the low-momentum N3LO nucleon-nucleon interaction. This basis treats bound, resonant, and continuum states on equal footing, and is therefore optimal for the description of properties of drip line nuclei where continuum features play an essential role. Within this formalism, we present an ab-initio calculation of energies and decay widths of unstable nuclei starting from realistic interactions.Comment: 4 pages, revtex

    Medium-mass nuclei from chiral nucleon-nucleon interactions

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    We compute the binding energies, radii, and densities for selected medium-mass nuclei within coupled-cluster theory and employ the "bare" chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction at order N3LO. We find rather well-converged results in model spaces consisting of 15 oscillator shells, and the doubly magic nuclei 40Ca, 48Ca, and the exotic 48Ni are underbound by about 1 MeV per nucleon within the CCSD approximation. The binding-energy difference between the mirror nuclei 48Ca and 48Ni is close to theoretical mass table evaluations. Our computation of the one-body density matrices and the corresponding natural orbitals and occupation numbers provides a first step to a microscopic foundation of the nuclear shell model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Symmetry Relations for Trajectories of a Brownian Motor

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    A Brownian Motor is a nanoscale or molecular device that combines the effects of thermal noise, spatial or temporal asymmetry, and directionless input energy to drive directed motion. Because of the input energy, Brownian motors function away from thermodynamic equilibrium and concepts such as linear response theory, fluctuation dissipation relations, and detailed balance do not apply. The {\em generalized} fluctuation-dissipation relation, however, states that even under strongly thermodynamically non-equilibrium conditions the ratio of the probability of a transition to the probability of the time-reverse of that transition is the exponent of the change in the internal energy of the system due to the transition. Here, we derive an extension of the generalized fluctuation dissipation theorem for a Brownian motor for the ratio between the probability for the motor to take a forward step and the probability to take a backward step