132 research outputs found

    Muscles do more positive than negative work in human locomotion

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    Muscle work during level walking and ascent and descent ramp and stairway walking was assessed in order to explore the proposition that muscles perform more positive than negative work during these locomotion tasks. Thirty four healthy human adults were tested while maintaining a constant average walking velocity in the five gait conditions. Ground reaction force and sagittal plane kinematic data were obtained during the stance phases of these gaits and used in inverse dynamic analyses to calculate joint torques and powers at the hip, knee and ankle. Muscle work was derived as the area under the joint power vs time curves and was partitioned into positive, negative and net components. Dependent t-tests were used to compare positive and negative work in level walking and net joint work between ascent and descent gaits on the ramp and stairs (P<0.010). Total negative and positive work in level walking was -34 J and 50 J, respectively, with the difference in magnitude being statistically significant (P<0.001). Level walking was therefore performed with 16 J of net positive muscle work per step. The magnitude of the net work in ramp ascent was 25% greater than the magnitude of net work in ramp descent (89 vs -71 J m-1, P<0.010). Similarly, the magnitude of the net work in stair ascent was 43% greater than the magnitude of net work in stair descent (107 vs -75 J step-1, P<0.000). We identified three potential causes for the reduced negative vs positive work in these locomotion tasks: (1) the larger magnitude of the accelerations induced by the larger ground reaction forces in descending compared to ascending gaits elicited greater energy dissipation in non-muscular tissues, (2) the ground reaction force vector was directed closer to the joint centers in ramp and stair descent compared to ascent, which reduced the load on the muscular tissues and their energy dissipating response, and (3) despite the need to produce negative muscle work in descending gaits, both ramp and stair descent also had positive muscle work to propel the lower extremity upward and forward into the swing phase movement trajectory. We used these data to formulate two novel hypotheses about human locomotion. First, level walking requires muscles to generate a net positive amount of work per gait cycle to overcome energy losses by other tissues. Second, skeletal muscles generate more mechanical energy in gait tasks that raise the center of mass compared to the mechanical energy they dissipate in gait tasks that lower the center of mass, despite equivalent changes in total mechanical energy. Originally Published Journal of Experimental Biology October, 2008 210(19)

    Training History-Dependent Functional Role of EMG Model-Predicted Antagonist Moments in Knee Extensor Moment Generation in Healthy Young Adults

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    Resistance training (RT) improves the skeletal muscle’s ability to generate maximal voluntary force and is accompanied by changes in the activation of the antagonist muscle which is not targeted primarily by RT. However, the nature and role of neural adaptation to RT in the antagonist muscle is paradoxical and not well understood. We compared moments, agonist muscle activation, antagonist activation, agonist-antagonist coactivation, and electromyographic (EMG) model-predicted moments generated by antagonist hamstring muscle coactivation during isokinetic knee extension in leg strength-trained (n = 10) and untrained (n = 11) healthy, younger adults. Trained vs. untrained adults were up to 58% stronger. During knee extension, hamstring activation was 1.6-fold greater in trained vs. untrained adults (p = 0.022). This hamstring activation produced 2.6-fold greater model-predicted antagonist moments during knee extension in the trained (42.7 ± 19.55 Nm) vs. untrained group (16.4 ± 12.18 Nm; p = 0.004), which counteracted (reduced) quadriceps knee extensor moments ~43 Nm (0.54 Nm·kg−1) and by ~16 Nm (0.25 Nm·kg−1) in trained vs. untrained. Antagonist hamstring coactivation correlated with decreases and increases, respectively, in quadriceps moments in trained and untrained. The EMG model-predicted antagonist moments revealed training history-dependent functional roles in knee extensor moment generation

    Muscle work is biased toward energy generation over dissipation in non-level running

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    This study tested the hypothesis that skeletal muscles generate more mechanical energy in gait tasks that raise the center of mass compared to the mechanical energy they dissipate in gait tasks that lower the center of mass despite equivalent changes in total mechanical energy. Thirteen adults ran on a 10° decline and incline surface at a constant average velocity. Three-dimensional (3D) joint powers were calculated from ground force and 3D kinematic data using inverse dynamics. Joint work was calculated from the power curves and assumed to be due to skeletal muscle–tendon actuators. External work was calculated from the kinematics of the pelvis through the gait cycle. Incline vs. decline running was characterized with smaller ground forces that operated over longer lever arms causing larger joint torques and work from these torques. Total lower extremity joint work was 28% greater in incline vs. decline running (1.32 vs. -1.03 J/kg m, p<0.001). Total lower extremity joint work comprised 86% and 71% of the total external work in incline (1.53 J/kg m) and decline running (-1.45 J/kg m), which themselves were not significantly different (p<0.180). We conjectured that the larger ground forces in decline vs. incline running caused larger accelerations of all body tissues and initiated a greater energy-dissipating response in these tissues compared to their response in incline running. The runners actively lowered themselves less during decline stance and descended farther as projectiles than they lifted themselves during incline stance and ascended as projectiles. These data indicated that despite larger ground forces in decline running, the reduced displacement during downhill stance phases limited the work done by muscle contraction in decline compared to incline running. Originally published in Journal of Biomechanics, December 2008, 41(16

    Teager-Kaiser Operator improves the accuracy of EMG onset detection independent of signal-to-noise ratio

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    A temporal analysis of electromyographic (EMG) activity has widely been used for non-invasive study of muscle activation patterns. Such an analysis requires robust methods to accurately detect EMG onset. We examined whether data conditioning, supplemented with Teager–Kaiser Energy Operator (TKEO), would improve accuracy of the EMG burst onset detection. EMG signals from vastus lateralis, collected during maximal voluntary contractions, performed by seventeen subjects (8 males, 9 females, mean age of 46 yrs), were analyzed. The error of onset detection using enhanced signal conditioning was significantly lower than that of onset detection performed on signals conditioned without the TKEO (40 ±99 ms vs. 229 ±356 ms, t-test, p = 0.023). The Pearson correlations revealed that neither accuracy after enhanced conditioning nor accuracy after standard conditioning was significantly related to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (r = −0.05, p = 0.8 and r = −0.19, p = 0.46, respectively). It is concluded that conditioning of the EMG signals with TKEO significantly improved the accuracy of the threshold-based onset detection methods, regardless of SNR magnitude. Originally published Acta Bioeng Biomech, Vol. 10, No. 2, 200

    How age and surface inclination affect joint moment strategies to accelerate and decelerate individual leg joints during walking

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    A joint moment also causes motion at other joints of the body. This joint coupling-perspective allows more insight into two age-related phenomena during gait. First, whether increased hip kinetic output compensates for decreased ankle kinetic output during positive joint work. Second, whether preserved joint kinetic patterns during negative joint work in older age have any functional implication. Therefore, we examined how age and surface inclination affect joint moment strategies to accelerate and/or decelerate individual leg joints during walking. Healthy young (age: 22.5 ± 4.1 years, n = 18) and older (age: 76.0 ± 5.7 years, n = 22) adults walked at 1.4 m/s on a split-belt instrumented treadmill at three grades (0%, 10%, −10%). Lower-extremity moment-induced angular accelerations were calculated for the hip (0% and 10%) and knee (0% and −10%) joints. During level and uphill walking, both age groups showed comparable ankle moment-induced ipsilateral (p = 0.774) and contralateral (p = 0.047) hip accelerations, although older adults generated lower ankle moments in late stance. However, ankle moment-induced contralateral hip accelerations were smaller (p = 0.001) in an older adult subgroup (n = 13) who showed larger hip extension moments in early stance than young adults. During level and downhill walking, leg joint moment-induced knee accelerations were unaffected by age (all p > 0.05). These findings suggest that during level and uphill walking increased hip flexor mechanical output in older adults does not arise from reduced ankle moments, contrary to increased hip extensor mechanical output. Additionally, results during level and downhill walking imply that preserved eccentric knee extensor function is important in maintaining knee stabilization in older age

    How do low horizontal forces produce disproportionately high torques in human locomotion?

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    Although horizontal ground forces are only ~15% of vertical forces, they account for 47% and 33% of the metabolic cost in walking and running. To explain these disproportionately high metabolic costs we hypothesized that low horizontal ground forces generate relatively high torques on body segments during locomotion and this is mediated by long moment arms. We compared external force moment arms and discreet torques applied to the body segments by horizontal and vertical forces during walking and running. Sixteen subjects (21.9 ± 1.9 years) walked at 1.5 m/s and 10 subjects (23.2 ± 2.0 years) ran at 3.83 m/s. Segmental torques in the sagittal plane were partitioned into components due to horizontal and vertical forces and quantified by their angular impulses. The mean (±S.E.) ratios of horizontal to vertical ground forces (GF ratio) and angular impulses (AI ratio) in walking were 0.131 (±0.003, 95% C.I. 0.124 to 0.137) and 0.530 (±0.018, C.I. 0.497 to 0.569). Results were similar in running. In both gaits the AI ratios were significantly greater than the GF ratios because the respective C.I.s did not overlap. The horizontal forces produced 53% and 41% as much angular impulse on the body segments as did the vertical forces in walking and running despite being only 13% as large. In the two movements the moment arms for the horizontal forces averaged across foot, leg, thigh, and trunk body segments were 3.8 fold larger than those for the vertical forces. The data supported the hypothesis and suggest that the relatively low horizontal vs vertical forces accounted for a disproportionately higher percentage of the angular impulses placed on the body segments and this effect was due to relatively long moment arms for horizontal forces. These results partially explain the relatively large metabolic cost of generating relatively low horizontal forces. Originally published Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 41, No. 8, 200

    Age does not affect the relationship between muscle activation and joint work during incline and decline walking

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    Older compared with younger adults walk with different configurations of mechanical joint work and greater muscle activation but it is unclear if age, walking speed, and slope would each affect the relationship between muscle activation and net joint work. We hypothesized that a unit increase in positive but not negative net joint work requires greater muscle activation in older compared with younger adults. Healthy younger (age: 22.1 yrs, n = 19) and older adults (age: 69.8 yrs, n = 16) ascended and descended a 7° ramp at slow (~1.20 m/s) and moderate (~1.50 m/s) walking speeds while lower-extremity marker positions, electromyography, and ground reaction force data were collected. Compared to younger adults, older adults took 11% (incline) and 8% (decline) shorter strides, and performed 21% less positive ankle plantarflexor work (incline) and 19% less negative knee extensor work (decline) (all p .05) the regression coefficients between the muscle activation integral and positive hip extensor or ankle plantarflexor work during ascent, nor between that and negative knee extensor or ankle dorsiflexor work during descent. With increased walking speed, muscle activation tended to increase in younger but changed little in older adults across ascent (10 ± 12% vs. -1.0 ± 10%) and descent (3.6 ± 10.2% vs. -2.6 ± 7.7%) (p = .006, r = 0.47). Age does not affect the relationship between muscle activation and net joint work during incline and decline walking at freely-chosen step lengths. The electromechanical cost of joint work production does not underlie the age-related reconfiguration of joint work during walking

    The internationalization of National Biomechanics Day

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    National Biomechanics Day (NBD) was initiated in 2016 as a nation-wide effort to introduce Biomechanics to high school students throughout the United States. After that initial year, many people around the world joined NBD to promote Biomechanics in their own countries. National Biomechanics Day became international. We describe NBD procedures and events in four of these countries with the intent of demonstrating mechanisms that may enable Biomechanists around the world to successfully join the NBD celebration
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