462 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini diaflikasikan untuk menelaah kemampuan berpikir kreatif murid yang pembelajarannya memakai metode examples non examples. Serta untuk mengetahui kesukaran saat mengisi soal IPA. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode quasi experimental dengan jenis nonequivalent control grup design, sedangkan hipotesis yang dipakai untuk mengetahui selisih hasil pretes dan postes pembelajaran dengan memamakai metode examples non examples. Sampel yang dipakai  di penelitian ini ialah murid kelas IV SDN Jaya Giri, yakni kelas IVa sebagai kelas kontrol, dan kelas IVb selaku kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah keseluruhan sebanyak 60 siswa. Alat  yang dipakai yaitu seperangkat tes pilihan ganda. Data pretest dan posttest dihitung dengan memakai Software SPSS versi 21. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dinyatakan kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang mengunakan metode examples non examples lebih elok dari pada yang menggunakan pembelajaran biasa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis proses pembelajaran telah sesuai dengan tahap-tahap metode examples non examples, ini terlihat dari nilai pretes dan postes di kelas eksperimen dan kontrol terdapat perbedaan dari nilai rata-rata kedua kelas itu. Rata-rata pretes di kelas eksperimen 9,6, rata-rata postes menjadi 13,6, nilai rata-rata di kelas kontrol 8,96, rata-rata postes 12,7. Maka dapat disimpulkan adanya selisih antara kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen.Â

    Songs My Brother Taught Me

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    This is a film review of Songs My Brother Taught Me (2016), directed by Chloe Zhao

    Hopi Oral Tradition and the Archaeology of Identity

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    Native American activists of the civil rights era leveled heavy critiques at archaeology and anthropology for their prior support of colonial legislation and lack of sensitivity towards Native viewpoints. Archaeology in particular was taken to task for the destruction of numerous burial sites and the theft of thousands of Native American bodily remains and cultural items for over a century. The decades-long efforts by Native Americans and their non-Indian allies (which included some archaeologists) to secure the return of these remains and objects paid off in 1990. The passage of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) mandates that all federally funded institutions possessing Native American remains and artifacts return them to tribes able to demonstrate historical and cultural connections to the items. As a consequence of Native American opposition to the racial and cultural insensitivities within archaeology, social scientists in general have learned that Native people can no longer be counted on to passively sit back and accept what outsiders say and write about them. Today, archaeology is a much more collaborative effort between archaeologists and Indians, with Native viewpoints often serving as focal points underpinning studies rather than as quaint addendums or trivial postscripts

    A Black Rift Begins to Yawn

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    This is a film review of A Black Rift Begins to Yawn (2021), directed by Matthew Wade


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    This is a film review of Hierophany (2023), directed by Maria Nitek

    Chasing Shakespeare

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    This is a film review of Chasing Shakespeare (2013), directed by Norry Niven

    Classroom Cannibal: A Guide on how to Teach Ojibwe Spirituality Using the Windigo and Film

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    This paper is intended as a pedagogical guide on how to teach elements of Ojibwe religious and philosophical beliefs using the windigo and its depictions in the films Wendigo and Ravenous. The windigo complex is exceedingly complex and remains an enduring component to the cultures of Ojibwe and several other Algonquian-speaking communities in the United States and Canada. While the windigo enjoys exposure in a variety of popular entertainment sources, film remains one of the most useful methods to incorporate in the classroom to help students comprehend how an anthropophagus “monster” directly relates to Ojibwe ideas of personal balance, social harmony, and kinship relations among nonhuman persons in the natural world and the larger cosmo


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    This project examines the life of renowned anthropologist John Reed Swanton (1873-1953 ) and his work with indigenous peoples. Combining several methodologies that included archaeology, anthropology, history, and linguistics, Swanton's research methods anticipated ethnohistory. His contributions to Native Southeast studies remain indispensable and his work in the Native Northwest, particularly with Haida and Tlingit communities, continues to serve as an important reference point for many scholars. Reared in the "Boasian" school of thought, John Swanton rejected both evolutionary and racial frameworks in which to evaluate Indian cultures. He remained an exemplary anthropologist from the beginning of his professional career at the Bureau of American Ethnology in 1900 through his retirement in 1944. A key aspect of this study concerns the dynamics of the individual dialogs that took place between Swanton and some of his Indian informants. These interactions provide a window into the ways in which anthropologists and Indians interacted. At times, anthropologists and Indian collaborators grasped the other's intentions. Just as often, however, the two parties held incompatible expectations, and as a result, misunderstand each other. For example, Swanton appreciated the storytelling creativity and individual artistry of his Haida collaborators, but often overlooked the intentions of the southeastern Indians who shared their stories with him. Many of the creation stories southeastern Indians told Swanton referenced the difficult circumstances they were currently facing or had undergone in the recent past, such as attacks on their cultures, removal, and alcoholism. Swanton often disregarded creation stories that included such material, as he felt they indicated cultural loss

    Hot Dog!

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    This is a film review of Hot Dog! (2023), directed by Frank Volk

    The Impact of Cooperative Learning Models on Students' Social Skills and Results in Playing Futsal

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    The desire of students to participate in sports is very diverse. Starting from students who want to explore the sport of futsal to those students who want to be popular in their school. It is not uncommon for health teachers to use it as a tool for physical education learning, but it is very unfortunate when physical education learning uses a learning model such as training a sport that only emphasizes technical skills. Cooperative learning has several types, one type of cooperative learning that can foster academic competition to be able to compete sportively is the Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) type cooperative. This type of TGT-type cooperative learning supports student interaction. Students are required to work together, compete and be responsible for achieving group success.  This study aims to:  (1) Know the influence of the TGT-type cooperative learning model on students' social skills, and (2) Know the influence of the TGT-type cooperative learning model on students' futsal playing skills. The research method used is an experimental research method with the research design of One Group Pretest-Postest Design. In this study, the population studied was students who took part in futsal extracurriculars at SMA Negeri 16 Bandung, sampling using the Saturated Sampling technique, which is a technique for determining the sample of all members of the population used as a sample, because the total population is relatively small or less than 30 people, consisting of students who take part in futsal extracurriculars with a total of 20 people.  In the analysis and processing of data, researchers used the two-average similarity test (t-test) at a significance level of 95% or α = 0.05. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) The TGT-type cooperative learning model has a significant influence on students' social skills in learning to play futsal, and (2)  The cooperative learning model has a significant influence on students' futsal playing skills
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