1,467 research outputs found

    Annotated Bibliography Assignment for an Art History Class

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    This assignment aims to help students explore various ways to find scholarly sources for academic research papers using Primo, Google Scholar, and Elicit. It is designed to be completed individually by students in an asynchronous 200-level course. For example, I use this assignment in my 200-level art history survey course as an introduction to the research process. This assignment contains two parts: first, identifying a topic and research question and finding sources, and second, annotating two of the identified sources

    Making America Safe Again: The Proper Interpretation of [Section] 1101 (A)(43)(S) of the Immigration and Nationality Act from Both a Chevron and a Public Policy Perspective

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    The law must give our government every opportunity to protect Americans from the actions of criminal alien residents. This includes interpreting our existing statutes to provide the government with the broadest authority possible to deport resident aliens who violate our laws. As such, the optimal interpretation of the relating to obstruction of justice language within the INA is to implement the common sense textual interpretation applied by the Third Circuit, reading the statute broadly to encompass crimes that are listed in the obstruction of justice heading in the U.S. Code, as well as other logically related crimes

    Spay – L’Enfournoire, la Coyère

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    Le projet d’extension de la carrière Tavano sur les lieux-dits l’Enfournoire et la Coyère a conduit le Service régional de l’archéologie des Pays de la Loire à prescrire un diagnostic archéologique. Sur les 142 953 m2 concernés initialement, seuls 54 095 m2 étaient disponibles, sur lesquels 50 sondages ont été réalisés. Outre des fosses de plantation et des fossés parcellaires de l’époque contemporaine, ce diagnostic a révélé la présence d’au moins deux indices de sites. Le premier, pouvant a..

    Sogs Scores Correlate with Rates fo Delay Discounting of Hypothetical Monetary Amounts, But Not Non-Monetary Outcomes

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    Although several studies have reported that gamblers display steeper rates of delay discounting than non-gamblers, other research has failed to find a systematic relationship between self-reported frequency of gambling and discounting of different outcomes. One hundred fifty six college students self-reported their frequency of gambling, completed the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), and then completed a delay-discounting task involving five different outcomes. Self-reported frequency of gambling was correlated with discounting of one outcome (finding an ideal dating partner) and the correlation was in the opposite direction of what would be expected from the literature. SOGS scores were significantly and positively correlated with rates of discounting monetary outcomes, but not non-monetary outcomes. The present results cast doubt on the usefulness of selfreports of gambling frequency. They also suggest that although gamblers may display steeper rates of delay discounting than non-gamblers, this result may only apply to certain outcomes (e.g., money) and not others (e.g., finding the ideal dating partner, obtaining the ideal body image)

    Entrammes – 8 rue du Moulin de la Roche

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    Ce diagnostic a permis de révéler trois périodes d’occupations bien distinctes, allant de la Protohistoire au haut Moyen Âge. Les vestiges attribués au haut Moyen Âge se composent de deux couches de remblai (US. 3 et 5), d’un empierrement (F. 4/US. 4) et d’un fossé (F. 14) ; la céramique associée peut être datée de l’époque carolingienne. La période antique est elle aussi bien représentée avec deux fossés (F. 6 et F. 16), un éventuel solin (F. 10), ainsi que deux couches de remblai (US. 7 et ..

    Coulaines – VC no 6, l’Illandrie

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    Le diagnostic archéologique a été réalisé au lieu-dit l’Illandrie sur la commune de Coulaines en Sarthe, à l’emplacement d’un futur lotissement. Il consiste en douze sondages, dans lesquels seul un fossé non daté a été mis au jour. Fig. 1 – Plan général de l’opération et coupe du fossé découvert DAO : M. Derenne (Inrap)

    Coulaines – VC no 6, le Croissant

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    Le diagnostic archéologique a été réalisé au lieu-dit du Croissant sur la commune de Coulaines en Sarthe, à l’emplacement d’un futur lotissement. Il a livré quelques structures d’époque médiévale dont une fosse d’extraction de marne et un chemin. On note la présence d’un fossé non daté mais pouvant être ancien (âge du Fer ?), ainsi que de nombreux éléments parcellaires figurant dans le cadastre napoléonien de 1845. Fig. 1 – Plan général de l’opération DAO : Inrap

    Rats Playing a Slot Machine: a Preliminary Attempt at an Animal Gambling Model

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    Due to certain ethical and procedural considerations, it is not possible to con-duct certain experimental studies on human gambling behavior. Animal mod-els of gambling may hold some utility because they can possibly overcome these considerations. The present experiment was a first attempt to establish an animal model of gambling by having rats play a “slot machine.” Rats pressed a lever on a fixed-ratio 5 schedule of reinforcement. In the Cue conditions, a bank of stimulus lights flashed after the completion of the ratio, with the pattern of lights that subsequently remained illuminated signaling what consequence would be received (i.e., a “loss” or small, medium, or large “win”). In the No-Cue conditions, the stimulus display was not used and the consequences were not signaled. Results showed that, in terms of preratio pausing, the rats dis-played a similar pattern of behavior as shown by humans playing an actual slot machine. However, this pattern of behavior did not vary as a function of the presence or absence of the “slot” stimuli as one might expect to observe with human gamblers. Thus, the procedure shows some promise as an animal model of gambling, but additional modifications are necessary before it can be consi-dered an adequate model

    Entrammes – Route de Maisoncelles, Bel Air

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    Le diagnostic archéologique réalisé au lieu-dit Bel Air à Entrammes n’a permis de révéler que très peu de vestiges archéologiques, la grande majorité étant des éléments de parcellaires d’époque moderne ou contemporaine, apparaissant sur le cadastre napoléonien. Une autre trame parcellaire, d’orientation nord-ouest – sud-est et nord-est – sud-ouest, a aussi été observée. Le seul élément de datation recueilli est un fragment de tuile plate antique (tegula) prélevé dans l’un des fossés de ce par..

    Do The Risk Factors For Pathological Gambling Predict Temporal Discounting?

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    Weatherly and Dixon (2007) proposed that gambling was related to the increase in how individuals discount delayed (monetary) consequences and that several of the known risk factors for pathological gambling may serve as establishing operations or setting events that lead to such changes. The present study tested these predictions by having participants complete a paper-and-pencil discount-ing task involving hypothetical monetary consequences and determining wheth-er self-reported measures of the known risk factors would significantly predict participants’ rate of discounting. None of the risk factors served as significant predictors of discounting. Interestingly, however, the rate of discounting varied systematically as a function of the number of preference reversals participants displayed at particular delays. The present findings suggest that, if Weatherly and Dixon’s proposal is correct, then it likely needs to be assessed using a more diverse sample than college freshmen. The results also suggest that measures of discounting may vary systematically as a function of procedure, which may call for a reevaluation of how discounting data are interpreted
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