27 research outputs found

    Dataset associated with "Ocean Surface Flux Algorithm Effects on Tropical Indo-Pacific Intraseasonal Precipitation"

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    This dataset is for ocean surface flux diagnostic and to reproduce the analyses and figures in the manuscript "Ocean Surface Flux Algorithm Effects on Tropical Indo-Pacific Intraseasonal Precipitation". The time period is from 1998 to 2014 and focus on the ocean region between 20S-20N and 90E-180Surface latent heat fluxes help maintain tropical intraseasonal precipitation. We develop a latent heat flux diagnostic that depicts how latent heat fluxes vary with the near-surface specific humidity vertical gradient (dq) and surface wind speed (|V|). Compared to fluxes estimated from |V| and dq measured at tropical moorings and the COARE3.0 algorithm, tropical latent heat fluxes in the NCAR CEMS2 and DOE E3SMv1 models are significantly overestimated at |V| and dq extrema. MJO sensitivity to surface flux algorithm is tested with offline and inline flux corrections. The offline correction adjusts model output fluxes toward mooring-estimated fluxes; the inline correction replaces the original bulk flux algorithm with the COARE3.0 algorithm in atmosphere-only simulations of each model. Both corrections reduce the latent heat flux feedback to intraseasonal precipitation, in better agreement with observations, suggesting that model-simulated fluxes are overly supportive for maintaining MJO convection.Department of Energy : DE‐SC002009

    Atmospheric convection and air-sea interactions over the tropical oceans: scientific progress, challenges, and opportunities

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Hagos, S., Foltz, G. R., Zhang, C., Thompson, E., Seo, H., Chen, S., Capotondi, A., Reed, K. A., DeMott, C., & Protat, A. Atmospheric convection and air-sea interactions over the tropical oceans: scientific progress, challenges, and opportunities. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(3), (2020): E253-E258, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0261.1.Over the past 30 years, the scientific community has made considerable progress in understanding and predicting tropical convection and air–sea interactions, thanks to sustained investments in extensive in situ and remote sensing observations, targeted field experiments, advances in numerical modeling, and vastly improved computational resources and observing technologies. Those investments would not have been fruitful as isolated advancements without the collaborative effort of the atmospheric convection and air–sea interaction research communities. In this spirit, a U.S.- and International CLIVAR–sponsored workshop on “Atmospheric convection and air–sea interactions over the tropical oceans” was held in the spring of 2019 in Boulder, Colorado. The 90 participants were observational and modeling experts from the atmospheric convection and air–sea interactions communities with varying degrees of experience, from early-career researchers and students to senior scientists. The presentations and discussions covered processes over the broad range of spatiotemporal scales (Fig. 1).The workshop was sponsored by the United States and International CLIVAR. Funding was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Naval Research, NOAA, NSF, and the World Climate Research Programme. We thank Mike Patterson, Jennie Zhu, and Jeff Becker from the U.S. CLIVAR Project Office for coordinating the workshop

    Vertical structure and modulation of TOGA COARE convection: a radar perspective

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    April 1996.Also issued as author's dissertation (Ph.D.) -- Colorado State University, 1996.Includes bibliographical references.Tropical convection is an important component of the general circulation due to its role in driving large scale circulations which redistribute energy received at the equator to higher latitudes. The behavior of these large scale circulations is sensitive to the vertical distribution of diabatic heating produced by mesoscale precipitation system, which are driven by precipitation formation processes. Convection that occurs in the western Pacific warm pool plays a particularly important role in driving large scale circulations such as the Walker circulation and the inter-annual El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which is influenced by the 30-60 day intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). Budget studies of diabatic heating profiles reveal two basic modes of heating: one with positive heating throughout the depth of the troposphere associated with convective precipitation, and another with positive heating in the upper troposphere and negative heating (cooling) in the lower troposphere associated with stratiform precipitation. Because stratiform heating profile shapes vary little from region to region and case to case, variations in total (convective plus mesoscale) heating profile shapes are thought to be linked to variations in the shape of convective heating profiles (Houze, 1989). However, long-term observations of convective vertical structures in the tropics-particularly the western Pacific warm pool--are either non-existent or limited to a few locations. As a component of the recently completed Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA) Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE), the MIT 5-cm Doppler radar, mounted aboard the NOAA Research Vessel John V. Vickers, was deployed to a fixed location within the warm pool region for three approximately 30-day periods and continuously monitored the three-dimensional structure of precipitating systems. In this study, radar data were partitioned into convective and stratiform components in order to address two main goals: 1) to determine the characteristic distributions of convective vertical structure during COARE and their variability over time, and 2) to relate observed variations of convective vertical structure to larger scale environmental variables. Distributions of convective feature heights and 30 dBZ contour heights (an indicator of convective vigor) reveal that convective activity is modulated by the phase of the ISO as well as by intrusions of low-level dry subtropical air. However, at least some deep convection was nearly always present. The most intense convection--as observed by convective feature reflectivity profiles--occurred in environments with the greatest thermal buoyancy (the vertical distribution of CAPE) experienced by a parcel lifted from the mixed layer. However, these periods were also characterized by strong inhibitors to convective development which limited intense convective activity to just a few days. Convective heating profiles-computed from a combination of budget-derived total beating, radar-derived rainfall characteristics, and ideal and computed radiative heating profiles-varied in a manner consistent with the variations in vertical reflectivity and thermal buoyancy profiles. Namely, less vertically intense convection was associated with a lower altitude convective heating maximum than was observed for those days with convective reflectivity profiles indicative of more vigorous convection. Possibilities for future research include a rigorous comparison of convective characteristics between the COARE and GATE regions, modeling studies of the influence of low-level dry air on convective activity and its relation to tropospheric drying and testing a refinement of passive microwave rainfall retrieval algorithmsSponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Graduate Student Fellowship NGT-30099-0 and grant NAG5-2692