253 research outputs found

    Learning from Bad Teachers: Leibniz as a Propaedeutic for Chinese Philosophy

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    One of the challenges facing instructors of Chinese philosophy courses at many Western universities is the fact that students can often bring orientalizing assumptions and expectations to their encounters with primary sources. This paper examines the nature of this student bias and surveys four pedagogical approaches to confronting it in the context of undergraduate Chinese philosophy curricula. After showcasing some of the inadequacies of these approaches, I argue in favor of a fifth approach that deploys sources from the “pre-history” of comparative philosophy, viz. documents by some of the first Western interpreters of Chinese thought. Such sources give students an access point to the Chinese primary source material that might be prima facie more culturally familiar, while also prompting them to recognize the limitations of that perspective. Of course, most of these early Western interpretations are naive, ignorant, or even blatantly xenophobic; but as Confucius stresses, even bad role-models can still serve as effective teachers by reminding us of pitfalls to avoid (Analects 7.22). Thus, if we can appreciate the failings of earlier interpretive efforts, we may be more cautious and open-minded in how we ourselves approach primary texts. An analysis is given of the hermeneutic climate of early modern European-Chinese comparativism, and Leibniz’s writings on Confucianism are unpacked as a specific case-study of this teaching strategy

    Postemergence Broadleaf Weed Control in Barley

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    Experiments were conducted from 1981-1983 to determine the efficacy and phytotoxicity of postemergence herbicides used to control broadleaf weeds in spring-planted barley. The following herbicides were evaluated: MCPA amine (0.37, 0.75, 1.5 lb/A, active ingredient), 2,4-D amine (0.25, 0.5, 1 lb/A), bromoxynil (0.21, 0.43, 0.86 lb/A), and metribuzin (0.11, 0.21, 0.43, 0.86 lb/A). In 1982 and 1983, three additional herbicides were included: dinoseb (0.25, 0.5, 1 Ib/A), dicamba (0.09, 0.18, 0.36 lb/A), and chlorsulfuron (0.04, 0.07, 0.14 lb/A). Weed control was determined through measurements of weed biomass in each herbicide and control plot. Phytotoxicity was measured by barley yield and test weight in all years, and additionally by germination of seed produced in 1982. None of the herbicides except dicamba in 1982 significantly reduced the yield or test weights of barley below that of the control. Common lambsquarters was the only weed present in 1981 and 1982. Bromoxynil and metribuzin provided both early-and late-season control MCPA, 2,4-D, and j dinoseb took longer to control common lambsquarters but provided adequate control by midseason. Dicamba did not control common lambsquarters as well as the other herbicides. In 1983, prostrate knotweed was also present at the study site. None of the herbicides significantly reduced the number of prostrate knotweed below that of the control Germination of 'Galt' barley was not \, affected by treating parent plants with any of the herbicides tested. The following barley varieties were screened for susceptibility to metribuzin injury in 1982: Galt, Lidal, Weal, Otal, Datal, Eero, Paavo, Otra, and Klondike. Only 'Klondike' was highly sensitive to metribuzin

    A Social Justice Context for Wesley\u27s Ethics: Composing a Social Justice Position for the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)

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    Introduction: In this thesis I will be investigating John Wesley\u27s ethics, both his personal, and social ethics. One of Wesley\u27s most intentional statements on this subject of personal ethics can be found in his General Rules, and a series of public tracts. One concern is that the strong emphasis in his General Rules has an individualistic bent, which places the focus on personal piety. This writer believes, however, that a close look at Wesley\u27s works will show that his strong emphasis on love, as the driving force behind a Christian ethic, prevents it from being a solely personal issue. In fact, when looking at Wesley\u27s social ethics, you find its foundation in his theology oflove. This theology points out that God\u27s love alone is the power that regenerates human love. This thesis will show that Wesley\u27s theology is rooted in his strong emphasis on love. This motif of love permeates every other aspect of his theology. A focus of study will be Wesley\u27s thirteen discourses on the Sermon on the Mount. These discourses, in part, form his perfect love theology; which Wesley felt was dynamic in causing moral and social reform. This thesis will conclude with a proposal for a social justice position for the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana.

    Backcountry Bartleby: The Account Books of James L. Smith

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    Ms. Moffett reviews the accounts of James Smith for their historical significance

    Preparing for racial discrimination : the role of cognition and emotion in the proactive coping process of African American college students.

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    Traditionally, conceptual models of racial discrimination have characterized the reactive experiences of African Americans, particularly identifying how African Americans cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally respond to racial stress. The current study extends beyond the reactive coping experience and identifies nuances in the anticipatory and preparatory coping processes associated with racial discrimination. Methods: 62 African American college students participated in a stress induction experiment that prompted anticipatory judgments of discrimination. The full sample completed quantitative self-report questionnaires about their anticipatory thoughts (SAM; Peacock & Wong, 1990; Roesch & Rowley, 2005), state-based affect (PANAS-X; Watson & Clark, 1994), and proactive coping behaviors (PPCB; adapted from Mallet & Swim, 2009). A subset of the full sample (25 students) completed one-on-one interviews that captured their anticipatory thoughts, feelings, and preparatory behaviors. Results: Threat-oriented thinking and negative affect were experienced in anticipation of racial discrimination; however, the endorsement of challenge-oriented thinking and positive affect were better predictors of how the current sample planned to use proactive coping behaviors to manage the anticipated racial stress. Implications: The current findings expands the discriminatory coping narrative by capturing how the expression of optimism, perceived control, self-confidence, goal attainability, and positive emotion in anticipation of racial discrimination increases one’s intention to implement coping strategies to minimize the impact of racial stress on task completion. Such findings provide cognitive and emotional targets for assessment when attempting to understand how African Americans are preparing themselves to manage anticipated racial stressors

    The Metaethics of Maat

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    This essay attempts to recover the ancient Egyptian category of "maat" as a valuable resource for contemporary metaethics and particular attention is given to its affinity with versions of modern non-cognitivism

    Emily Abrams Ansari, The Sound of a Superpower: Musical Americanism and the Cold War

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    The Sound of a Superpower: Musical Americanism and the Cold War by Emily Abrams Ansari is a provocative, accessible re-evaluation of six well-known and influential American symphonic composers whose careers intersected with Cold War politics. In the decades after World War II, as part of a campaign to demonstrate that its brand of democracy was superior to Soviet communism, the U.S. Government sought to convince European intellectuals and other world leaders that American democratic and capit..

    Cassini observations of the thermal plasma in the vicinity of Saturn's main rings and the F and G rings

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    The ion mass spectrometer on Cassini detected enhanced ion flux near Saturn's main rings that is consistent with the presence of atomic and molecular oxygen ions in the thermal plasma. The ring "atmosphere'' and "ionosphere'' are likely produced by UV photosputtering of the icy rings and subsequent photoionization of O-2. The identification of the O+ and O-2(+) ions is made using time-of-flight analysis and densities and temperatures are derived from the ion counting data. The ion temperatures over the main rings are a minimum near synchronous orbit and increase with radial distance from Saturn as expected from ion pick up in Saturn's magnetic field. The O-2(+) temperatures provide an estimate of the neutral O-2 temperature over the main rings. The ion mass spectrometer also detected significant O-2(+) outside of the main rings, near the F ring. It is concluded that between the F and G rings, the heavy ion population most likely consists of an admixture of O-2(+) and water group ions O+, OH+, and H2O+

    Effect of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) and Insulin-Like Growth Factors Type I (IGF-I) and Type II (IGF-II) on Adult Human Keratinocyte Growth and Fibronectin Secretion

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    Effects of growth factors on keratinocyte migration and proliferation are of interest as an indication of their potential use in acceleration of wound re-epithelialization. Various growth factors were examined for effects on normal adult human keratinocyte growth and fibronectin (Fn) secretion for cells cultured in serum-free medium. Accumulation of Fn in the medium of cells grown with H + I + EGF + BPE paralleled growth during the exponential phase and declined as the cells approached confluence. Cells maintained in low Ca++ (0.15 mM) post-confluence and fed daily to prevent cornification continued to accumulate Fn in the medium, while those grown continuously in 1.2 mM Ca++ ceased Fn secretion at confluence. EGF, bFGF, and transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) stimulated keratinocyte secretion in correlation with literature reports on the ability of these factors to stimulate the migration of these cells. In contrast, despite its marked effects on cell growth, BPE was found to consistently reduce the amount of Fn found in the medium when added to cultures containing either EGF or bFGF. Addition of BPE to cultures containing EGF or bFGF stimulated growth to the same extent, indicating that the effects of BPE on keratinocyte growth are not solely due to its content of bFGF

    Characterization of a Novel Endocannabinoid, Virodhamine, with Antagonist Activity at the CB1 Receptor

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