886 research outputs found

    The Gini Coefficient Reveals More

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    We revisit the well-known decomposition of the Gini coefficient into betweengroups, within-groups and overlap terms in the context of two groups in which the incomes in one group may be scaled and that group’s population weight modified. In this more general setting than usual, we focus on the properties of the overlap term, proving inter alia that overlap unambiguously reduces as a result of a within-group progressive transfer, and is increased by scaling up the incomes in the group with the lower mean, reaching a maximum when the two means become the same. In the case of a socially heterogeneous population and equivalized incomes, the effect on the Gini overlap of changing the income unit is determined, along with that of adjusting the equivalence scale deflator in case the income unit is the equivalent adult (such adjustment simultaneously changing the weighting of income units).

    Dynamiques spatiales de la Cité scientifique Paris sud : innovation, compétitivité, territoire. De l'atome au photon, ou d'une dynamique de "complexe militaro-industriel et nucléaire" vers une dynamique de "cluster

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    L'histoire de la constitution de la technopole Île-de-France sud, l'organisation du système d'innovation francilien, sont rappelés dans ce rapport qui est centré sur l'émergence et le fonctionnement d'un nouveau pôle dans une région métropolitaine, le pôle optronique de l'Île-de-France sud ; l'analyse de ces processus peut relever de trois types d'approches : une approche de type industriel, une approche de type urbain et une approche de type territorial. Si les trois approches ont chacune leur pertinence, la première s'en tient essentiellement aux facteurs génériques de localisation et d'organisation industrielle, tandis que la seconde voit dans la grande ville un contexte général favorisant l'innovation. La troisième enfin permet de préciser plus finement de quels territoires est constituée la métropole et si des logiques territoriales d'innovation apparaissent en certains d'entre eux. C'est cette dernière approche en termes de constitution de réseaux d'innovation, d'émergence de logiques d'apprentissage et de création d'une identité collective au sein du " micro-milieu innovateur " de l'optique qui est développée dans ce rapportterritoire;économie urbaine;innovation;optique, Ile-de-France;Ile-de-France sud;Cité scientifique Paris sud; Paris;dynamique

    On the inexplicability of the implicit: differences in the information provided by implicit and explicit tests

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    Implicit measures are often preferred to overt questioning in many areas of psychology. Their covert nature allows them to circumvent conscious expectations and biases, theoretically providing more objective indicators of people's true attitudes and bel iefs. However, we argue that implicit and explicit measures tap into different memory systems, so that the interpretation of implicit measures is not as straightforward as the interpretation of explicit measures. We conducted an experiment investigating the relation between implicit and explicit measures of person impressions. The results demonstrate that a single stimulus can have opposite effects on implicit and explicit measures, supporting the theory that the measures reflect the contents of different memory systems. We suggest that implicit measures reflect simple associations stored in a "slow-learning" memory system, while explicit measures reflect a combination of these associations with contextually dependent memories stored in a "fast-binding" memory system

    Direct observation of substitutional Ga after ion implantation in Ge by means of extended x-ray absorption fine structure

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    We present an experimental lattice location study of Ga atoms in Ge after ion implantation at elevated temperature (250°C). Using extended x-rayabsorption fine structure (EXAFS) experiments and a dedicated sample preparation method, we have studied the lattice location of Ga atoms in Ge with a concentration ranging from 0.5 at. % down to 0.005 at. %. At Ga concentrations ≤0.05 at.%, all Ga dopants are substitutional directly after ion implantation, without the need for post-implantation thermal annealing. At higher Ga concentrations, a reduction in the EXAFS amplitude is observed, indicating that a fraction of the Ga atoms is located in a defective environment. The local strain induced by the Ga atoms in the Ge matrix is independent of the Ga concentration and extends only to the first nearest neighbor Ge shell, where a 1% contraction in bond length has been measured, in agreement with density functional theory calculations.We acknowledge the support from the Research Foundation Flanders, the epi-team from imec, the KU Leuven GOA 09/06 project, the IUAP program P6/42 and the Australian Research Council. S.C. acknowledges support from OCAS NV by an OCAS-endowed chair at Ghent University

    Knee valgus in self-initiated vertical jump landings: developmental and gender comparisons

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    The study examined gender and developmental differences in knee valgus angle and external knee valgus moment at the time of maximal vertical ground reaction force (MGRFz) in self-initiated vertical jump (VJ) landings. Fifty-six subjects grouped by age (pre-pubescent (8-11 yrs); post-pubescent (19-29 yrs)) and gender jumped for a ball set at 50% of their maximum VJ height then landed on two feet with only their dominant foot on the force plate. Statistical analyses of motion analysis (3-D) and GRF data showed that children had greater valgus angles (p = .003) and moments (p = .026) at MGRFz compared to adults. Females had greater (p = .016) valgus moments than males, but similar valgus angles at MGRFz. It will be important to ensure that as both boys and girls progress through puberty they develop an ability to offset high valgus moments and land with good lower extremity alignment

    Knee valgus in self-initiated vertical jump landings: developmental and gender comparisons

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    The study examined gender and developmental differences in knee valgus angle and external knee valgus moment at the time of maximal vertical ground reaction force (MGRFz) in self-initiated vertical jump (VJ) landings. Fifty-six subjects grouped by age (pre-pubescent (8-11 yrs); post-pubescent (19-29 yrs)) and gender jumped for a ball set at 50% of their maximum VJ height then landed on two feet with only their dominant foot on the force plate. Statistical analyses of motion analysis (3-D) and GRF data showed that children had greater valgus angles (p = .003) and moments (p = .026) at MGRFz compared to adults. Females had greater (p = .016) valgus moments than males, but similar valgus angles at MGRFz. It will be important to ensure that as both boys and girls progress through puberty they develop an ability to offset high valgus moments and land with good lower extremity alignment

    Loading rate in self-initiated vertical jump landings: developmental and gender comparisons

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    The study compared gender and developmental differences in vertical loading rate upon a two-footed landing from a self-initiated VJ. Fifty-seven subjects grouped by age (pre-pubescent (8-11 yrs); post-pubescent (19-29 yrs)) and gender consented to participate. Subjects jumped for a ball set at 50% of their maximum VJ height, and landed on two feet, facing forward, with only their dominant foot on the force plate. Motion analysis (3-D) and ground reaction force (GRF) data were collected. Statistical analyses indicated significant developmental differences in vertical loading rate normalized to kinetic energy, but no gender differences. Children may have higher loading rates because they lack the experience, strength, and associated neuromuscular patterns that prepare them to modulate force as adults do


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    The study examined gender and developmental differences in knee valgus angle and external knee valgus moment at the time of maximal vertical ground reaction force (MGRFz) in self-initiated vertical jump (VJ) landings. Fifty-six subjects grouped by age (pre-pubescent (8-11 yrs); post-pubescent (19-29 yrs)) and gender jumped for a ball set at 50% of their maximum VJ height then landed on two feet with only their dominant foot on the force plate. Statistical analyses of motion analysis (3-D) and GRF data showed that children had greater valgus angles (p = .003) and moments (p = .026) at MGRFz compared to adults. Females had greater (p = .016) valgus moments than males, but similar valgus angles at MGRFz. It will be important to ensure that as both boys and girls progress through puberty they develop an ability to offset high valgus moments and land with good lower extremity alignment


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    The study compared gender and developmental differences in vertical loading rate upon a two-footed landing from a self-initiated VJ. Fifty-seven subjects grouped by age (pre-pubescent (8-11 yrs); post-pubescent (19-29 yrs)) and gender consented to participate. Subjects jumped for a ball set at 50% of their maximum VJ height, and landed on two feet, facing forward, with only their dominant foot on the force plate. Motion analysis (3-D) and ground reaction force (GRF) data were collected. Statistical analyses indicated significant developmental differences in vertical loading rate normalized to kinetic energy, but no gender differences. Children may have higher loading rates because they lack the experience, strength, and associated neuromuscular patterns that prepare them to modulate force as adults do

    Spacecraft Geometry Effects on Kinetic Impactor Missions

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    The DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission will impact a spacecraft on the secondary (Dimorphos) of the binary asteroid system Didymos in 2022 September, with the goal of altering the orbital period of Dimorphos about Didymos sufficiently to be observed from ground-based observations. Numerical impact modeling is a crucial component in understanding the outcome of the DART experiment, and while many have investigated the effects of target properties, such as material strength and porosity (which remain unknown), an often overlooked factor is the importance of accurately representing the spacecraft itself in such models. Most impact modeling to date has considered simple impactor geometries such as a solid uniform sphere, but in reality the spacecraft is a complex shape full of different components, open spaces, and thin walled structures. At a minimum, a simple solid representation underestimates the surface area of the impact: for a small body such as Dimorphos (approximately 160 m in diameter), the difference between a spacecraft spanning 20 m (including solar arrays) impacting and a sub-1 m idealized shape may be important. In this paper, we compare models impacting high-fidelity models of the spacecraft based on the CAD geometry with various simplified impactors, in order to assess the potential importance of this effect. We find that the difference between the simplest impactor geometries (such as a uniform sphere) and the real spacecraft is measurable, and has an interesting dependence on the material properties of the asteroid itself