346 research outputs found

    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma associated with osteosarcoma in a true malignant mixed tumor of the submandibular region

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    True malignant mixed tumor, also known as carcinosarcoma, is a rare tumor of the salivary gland composed of both malignant epithelial and malignant mesenchymal elements. Frequently carcinosarcoma arises in the background of a preexisting pleomorphic adenoma; however, if no evidence of benign mixed tumor is present, the lesion is known as carcinosarcoma "de novo." We reported the first case of true malignant mixed tumor of the submandibular gland composed of high grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma associated with osteosarcoma. Case Presentation. A 69-year-old Caucasian male came to our department complaining of the appearance of an asymptomatic left submandibular neoformation progressively increasing in size over 3 months. We opted for surgical treatment. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of carcinosarcoma with the coexistence of high grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma and osteosarcoma. Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, in the true malignant mixed tumor of the submandibular gland, mucoepidermoid carcinoma associated with osteosarcoma has never been previously reported

    Social geography of rhinoscleroma and qualitatively and quantitatively abnormal cell-mediated immunity

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    Rhinoscleroma is a progressive chronic granulomatous disease of the upper respiratory tract that may extend to the tracheobronchial tract. It is common belief that the pathology is determined by Klebsiella Rhinoscleromatis. In the authors' opinion, the infection with Klebsiella Rhinoscleromatis may not represent the only etiopathogenic factor of the disease. Rhinoscleroma is reported in many countries, but has a peculiar social and geographic distribution, in that it assumes an endemic character only in some regions of the Middle East, West Russia, North Africa, Indonesia, Central and South America. In Europe, most of the cases are reported in Poland, Hungary and Romania. In Italy, Rhinoscleroma is almost exclusively located in the southern and island regions. Rhinoscleroma is predominantly reported in rural areas, in the presence of poor socio-economic conditions, which according to many authors would be a co-factor triggering the disease. In this article, the authors review some inconsistencies in etiology, histology and epidemiology of Rhinoscleroma. Based on the overall picture, they propose that intrinsic factors, possibly of genetic origin, may give rise to the disease, and suggest possible lines of research to distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic factors as determinants for Rhinoscleroma

    Nasal pathologies in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Nasal obstruction is a frequent condition in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Nasal obstruction leads to mouth breathing, which is thought to destabilise the upper airway to aggravate the condition. Three conditions could be considered as the cause of the nasal breathing obstruction: anatomical conditions of the nose (septum deviation, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates), chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and chronic nasal inflammation caused by allergic rhinitis or non-allergic cellular rhinitis. In this prospective study, we present an evaluation of all these possible rhino-sinusal aspects in OSA patients to correlate different nasal pathologies with nasal obstruction. Fifty patients with a diagnosis of OSA were enrolled in the study. In 70% of OSA patients, nasal obstruction was confirmed by clinical evaluation and rhinomanometry testing. Normal rhino-sinus aspects were present in only 20% of OSAS patients, whereas one or more pathological rhino-sinus conditions were present in the remaining 80%. The percentage of OSA patients with a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and non-allergic rhinitis was 18% and 26% respectively. Non-allergic rhinitis with neutrophils (NARNE) was the most frequent type of cellular rhinitis diagnosed in OSA patients (20% of cases). The results of the present study support and extend the observation that rhinitis is present in OSA patients. Mucosal inflammation caused by these conditions could be the cause of upper airway patency impairment inducing nasal mucosa swellin

    Olfactory evaluation in obstructive sleep apnoea patients

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    The sense of smell has a high impact on the quality of life. The aim of the present study was to investigate olfactory dysfunction in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) and correlate the severity of disease with olfactory dysfunction. The relationships between nasal obstruction, nasal mucociliary cleareance and olfactory tests were also evaluated. Sixty patients with a diagnosis of OSAS were enrolled and underwent olfactory function evaluation. In all patients olfactory performance was tested with the Sniffin’ Sticks method. Mucociliary transport times and anterior rhinomanometry were performed to identify eventual nasal obstruction and deficits in nasal mucociliary clearance. Olfactory dysfunction was present in 22 (36.6%) patients of the study group: of these, hyposmia was present in 19 (86.4%) and anosmia in 3 (13.6%). The mean TDI score in the study group was 30. A strong correlation between the olfactory dysfunction and severity of sleep apnoea measured using the AHI was found. Patients with OSA would seem to have a high incidence of olfactory dysfunction. The degree of olfactory dysfunction appears to be related to the severity of disease. However, other co-factors such as nasal obstruction and reduced mucociliary clearance might also play a role in of the aetiology of this condition

    CoQ10 and vitamin A supplementation support voice rehabilitation. A double-blind, randomized, controlled, three-period cross-over pilot study

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of an adjuvant therapy (CoQ10 in its watersoluble form and vitamin A) in supporting voice rehabilitation in a large group of patients with muscle tension dysphonia (MTD). Study Design: Twelve-week, double-blind, randomized, controlled, three-period crossover pilot study. The primary endpoint was the change in the Dysphonia Severity Index (DSI) over the 12-week study period. Secondary endpoints were the changes in the subcomponents of DSI, including MPT, F0-high, I-low, and jitter. Exploratory endpoints were the changes in the Shimmer and in Voice Handicap Index (VHI). Methods: Patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to two counter-balanced arms. Group A (ADJ-PLA) patients were administered QTer 300 mg and Vit A acetate 500.000 Ul/g 1 mg twice daily for a 4-week intervention period, followed by a 4-week period of wash-out, and then were submitted to a last 4-week period of placebo. Patients in Group B (PLB-ADJ) were given the treatment period in reverse order. Both groups received a 45-min voice therapy in a group format once a day for 4 weeks during the first and the second active periods. The therapy was held during the wash-out period. Results: The analysis of main time effect indicated a trend toward recovery of vocal function regardless of group assignment. A significant time by group effect was found on DSI [F = 3.4 (2.5, 80.5), p = 0.03], F0-high [F = 4.5 (2.6, 82.9), p = 0.008] and Shimmer [F = 3.6 (1.5, 46.9), p = 0.048], under CoQ10 and Vit A treatment, with a small effect size. There was no significant time by group effect on the other study measures, namely MPT, I-low, VHI. Conclusions: A trend toward recovery of vocal function was observed in all the patients, likely due to voice rehabilitation. The improvement of DSI was greater under CoQ10 and Vitamin treatment, indicating a more pronounced improvement of vocal quality under adjuvant therapy. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of Policlinico Umberto I Hospital, Rome, Italy Rif. 3069/13.02.2014

    Prediction of hearing recovery in sudden deafness treated with intratympanic steroids

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    The present study aims to obtain a probability model allowing the prediction of the auditory recovery in patients affected by sudden sensorineural hearing loss treated exclusively with intratympanic steroids. A monocentric retrospective chart review of three-hundred eighty-one patients has been performed. A Probit model was used to investigate the correlation between the success of the treatment (marked or total recovery according to Furuashi's criteria), and the delay between the onset of disease and the beginning of therapy. The age of the patients and the audiometric curve shapes were included in the analysis. Results show that delay is negatively correlated with the variable success. Considering the entire sample, each day of delay decreases by 3% the probability of success. The prediction model shows that for every day that passes from the onset of the disease the probability of success declines in absence of the medical treatment, hence we conclude that early treatment is strongly recommended

    Mortality rate and gender differences in COVID-19 patients dying in Italy: A comparison with other countries

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    Current evidence about COVID-19 symptoms and mortality rate derives from data collected in large case series mainly in China, where the virus first emerged, even if the rate of new cases in the country has nearly stopped. There are now many more COVID-19 cases outside of China than there were inside of it at the height of the outbreak, that is now involving many other countries with relevant impact in particular in Spain, United States, and Italy. As of the end of March 2020, Italy is the country with the highest number of COVID-19-related deaths with a total of 12428 deaths and a mortality rate close to 12

    Risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children: state of the art

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    The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) represents only part of a large group of pathologies of variable entity called respiratory sleep disorders (RSD) which include simple snoring and increased upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS). Although the etiopathogenesis of adult OSAS is well known, many aspects of this syndrome in children are still debated. Its prevalence is about 2% in children from 2 to 8 years of age, mostly related to the size of the upper airways adenoid tissue. Several risk factors linked to the development of OSAS are typical of the pediatric age. The object of this paper is to analyze the state of the art on this specific topic, discussing its implications in terms of diagnosis and management

    Laryngotracheal stenosis treated with multiple surgeries: experience, results and prognostic factors in 70 patients

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    Laryngotracheal stenosis is a complex condition that usually requires multiple procedures to restore physiological respiration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the percentage of decannulation compared to different or multiple surgical treatments. We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 70 patients treated between 1990 and 2005 for laryngotracheal stenosis of various aetiology: iatrogenic stenosis (n = 55), post-traumatic stenosis (n = 11) or other causes (autoimmune disease, n = 3; diphtheria, n = 1). In order to maintain laryngotracheal patency, a Montgomery Safe-T tube was used in all patients as a single dilation treatment or associated with endoscopic and/or open-neck surgery. Fifty-four of the 70 patients (77.1%) were eventually decannulated; 39 of these (72.2%) underwent 3 or fewer surgical procedures, showing a significant difference compared to patients who underwent more than 3 surgeries (p = 0.00002). A total of 257 surgeries were performed. Only seven of 54 patients (13%) were decannulated after more than 5 surgical procedures. Patients over 60 years of age and with a higher grade of stenosis showed a significantly lower success rate (p = 0.0017 and p = 0.007, respectively). There was no significant correlation between the rate of decannulation and gender, aetiology, site of stenosis or surgery. Patients undergoing dilation for laryngotracheal stenosis usually require multiple procedures. The T tube plays an important role in the treatment of this pathology. However, if the tracheostomy is not removed within 3 surgical interventions, the odds of decannulating the patient decrease significantly, and additional surgeries may be of questionable therapeutic benefit

    A rare case of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the parapharyngeal space

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    Un uomo di 24 anni giunse al nostro Dipartimento di Otorinolaringoiatria poiché una TC testa-collo eseguita per un trauma cranico evidenziava una voluminosa neoformazione dello spazio parafaringeo di destra. La risonanza magnetica nucleare confermava la presenza di una formazione ovalare con margini netti e aree colliquative di necrosi, che interessava lo spazio parafaringeo di destra. La massa fu completamente escissa attraverso un approccio laterocervicale. Sulla base alle caratteristiche istologiche e dellanalisi immunoistochimica fu fatta la diagnosi di Rabdomiosarcoma Embrionario dello spazio parafaringeo. La diagnosi incidentale in questa sede di Rabdomiosarcomi Embrionari non è mai stata riportata in uomini adulti
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