693 research outputs found

    Non-linear Lie conformal algebras with three generators

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    We classify certain non-linear Lie conformal algebras with three generators, which can be viewed as deformations of the current Lie conformal algebra of sl_2. In doing so we discover an interesting 1-parameter family of non-linear Lie conformal algebras R_{-1}^d and the corresponding freely generated vertex algebras V_{-1}^d, which includes for d=1 the affine vertex algebra of sl_2 at the critical level k=-2. We construct free-field realizations of the algebras V_{-1}^d extending the Wakimoto realization of the affine vertex algebra of sl_2 at the critical level, and we compute their Zhu algebras.Comment: 36 pages, v2 minor change

    Non-local Hamiltonian structures and applications to the theory of integrable systems I

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    We develop a rigorous theory of non-local Hamiltonian structures, built on the notion of a non-local Poisson vertex algebra. As an application, we find conditions that guarantee applicability of the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability to a pair of compatible non-local Hamiltonian structures.Comment: 55 page

    Non-local Poisson structures and applications to the theory of integrable systems II

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    We develop further the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability for a pair of compatible non-local Poisson structures, which we discussed in Part I. We apply this scheme to several such pairs, proving thereby integrability of various evolution equations, as well as hyperbolic equations. Some of these equations may be new.Comment: 55 page

    Calculus structure on the Lie conformal algebra complex and the variational complex

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    We construct a calculus structure on the Lie conformal algebra cochain complex. By restricting to degree one chains, we recover the structure of a g-complex introduced in [DSK]. A special case of this construction is the variational calculus, for which we provide explicit formulas.Comment: 42 page

    A Lax type operator for quantum finite W-algebras

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    For a reductive Lie algebra g, its nilpotent element f and its faithful finite dimensional representation, we construct a Lax operator L(z) with coefficients in the quantum finite W-algebra W(g,f). We show that for the classical linear Lie algebras gl_N, sl_N, so_N and sp_N, the operator L(z) satisfies a generalized Yangian identity. The operator L(z) is a quantum finite analogue of the operator of generalized Adler type which we recently introduced in the classical affine setup. As in the latter case, L(z) is obtained as a generalized quasideterminant.Comment: 31 pages. Minor editing and corrections following the referee suggestion

    A new approach to the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability

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    We develop a new approach to the Lenard-Magri scheme of integrability of bi-Hamiltonian PDE's, when one of the Poisson structures is a strongly skew-adjoint differential operator.Comment: 20 page

    Poisson vertex algebras in the theory of Hamiltonian equations

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    We lay down the foundations of the theory of Poisson vertex algebras aimed at its applications to integrability of Hamiltonian partial differential equations. Such an equation is called integrable if it can be included in an infinite hierarchy of compatible Hamiltonian equations, which admit an infinite sequence of linearly independent integrals of motion in involution. The construction of a hierarchy and its integrals of motion is achieved by making use of the so called Lenard scheme. We find simple conditions which guarantee that the scheme produces an infinite sequence of closed 1-forms \omega_j, j in Z_+, of the variational complex \Omega. If these forms are exact, i.e. \omega_j are variational derivatives of some local functionals \int h_j, then the latter are integrals of motion in involution of the hierarchy formed by the corresponding Hamiltonian vector fields. We show that the complex \Omega is exact, provided that the algebra of functions V is "normal"; in particular, for arbitrary V, any closed form in \Omega becomes exact if we add to V a finite number of antiderivatives. We demonstrate on the examples of KdV, HD and CNW hierarchies how the Lenard scheme works. We also discover a new integrable hierarchy, which we call the CNW hierarchy of HD type. Developing the ideas of Dorfman, we extend the Lenard scheme to arbitrary Dirac structures, and demonstrate its applicability on the examples of the NLS, pKdV and KN hierarchies.Comment: 95 page

    Adler-Gelfand-Dickey approach to classical W-algebras within the theory of Poisson vertex algebras

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    We put the Adler-Gelfand-Dickey approach to classical W-algebras in the framework of Poisson vertex algebras. We show how to recover the bi-Poisson structure of the KP hierarchy, together with its generalizations and reduction to the N-th KdV hierarchy, using the formal distribution calculus and the lambda-bracket formalism. We apply the Lenard-Magri scheme to prove integrability of the corresponding hierarchies. We also give a simple proof of a theorem of Kupershmidt and Wilson in this framework. Based on this approach, we generalize all these results to the matrix case. In particular, we find (non-local) bi-Poisson structures of the matrix KP and the matrix N-th KdV hierarchies, and we prove integrability of the N-th matrix KdV hierarchy.Comment: 47 pages. In version 2 we fixed the proof of Corollary 4.15 (which is now Theorem 4.14), and we added some reference
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