113 research outputs found

    Stochastic Ising model with flipping sets of spins and fast decreasing temperature

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    This paper deals with the stochastic Ising model with a temperature shrinking to zero as time goes to infinity. A generalization of the Glauber dynamics is considered, on the basis of the existence of simultaneous flips of some spins. Such dynamics act on a wide class of graphs which are periodic and embedded in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. The interactions between couples of spins are assumed to be quenched i.i.d. random variables following a Bernoulli distribution with support {−1,+1}\{-1,+1\}. The specific problem here analyzed concerns the assessment of how often (finitely or infinitely many times, almost surely) a given spin flips. Adopting the classification proposed in \cite{GNS}, we present conditions in order to have models of type F\mathcal{F} (any spin flips finitely many times), I\mathcal{I} (any spin flips infinitely many times) and M\mathcal{M} (a mixed case). Several examples are provided in all dimensions and for different cases of graphs. The most part of the obtained results holds true for the case of zero-temperature and some of them for the cubic lattice Ld=(Zd,Ed)\mathbb{L}_d=(\mathbb{Z}^d, \mathbb{E}_d) as well.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in "Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e, Probabilit\'es et Statistiques

    One-dimensional infinite memory imitation models with noise

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    In this paper we study stochastic process indexed by Z\mathbb {Z} constructed from certain transition kernels depending on the whole past. These kernels prescribe that, at any time, the current state is selected by looking only at a previous random instant. We characterize uniqueness in terms of simple concepts concerning families of stochastic matrices, generalizing the results previously obtained in De Santis and Piccioni (J. Stat. Phys., 150(6):1017--1029, 2013).Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Perfect simulation of autoregressive models with infinite memory

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    In this paper we consider the problem of determining the law of binary stochastic processes from transition kernels depending on the whole past. These kernels are linear in the past values of the process. They are allowed to assume values close to both 0 and 1, preventing the application of usual results on uniqueness. More precisely we give sufficient conditions for uniqueness and non-uniqueness. In the former case a perfect simulation algorithm is also given.Comment: 12 page

    Convergence in Energy-Lowering (Disordered) Stochastic Spin Systems

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    We consider stochastic processes, S^t \equiv (S_x^t : x \in Z^d), with each S_x^t taking values in some fixed finite set, in which spin flips (i.e., changes of S_x^t) do not raise the energy. We extend earlier results of Nanda-Newman-Stein that each site x has almost surely only finitely many flips that strictly lower the energy and thus that in models without zero-energy flips there is convergence to an absorbing state. In particular, the assumption of finite mean energy density can be eliminated by constructing a percolation-theoretic Lyapunov function density as a substitute for the mean energy density. Our results apply to random energy functions with a translation-invariant distribution and to quite general (not necessarily Markovian) dynamics.Comment: 11 page

    Relations Between Stochastic Orderings and generalized Stochastic Precedence

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    The concept of "stochastic precedence" between two real-valued random variables has often emerged in different applied frameworks. In this paper we consider a slightly more general, and completely natural, concept of stochastic precedence and analyze its relations with the notions of stochastic ordering. Such a study leads us to introducing some special classes of bivariate copulas. Motivations for our study can arise from different fields. In particular we consider the frame of Target-Based Approach in decisions under risk. This approach has been mainly developed under the assumption of stochastic independence between "Prospects" and "Targets". Our analysis concerns the case of stochastic dependence.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure
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