1,263 research outputs found

    Linalol, principal componente químico dos óleos essenciais da folha da sacaca (Croton cajucara Benth) e da madeira do pau-rosa (Aniba duckei Kostermans).

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    Verificação, de forma exploratória, dos efeitos de nutrientes químicos e orgânicos no rendimento em óleo e no teor de linalol de sacaca cultivada na área experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental (Manaus-AM).bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/2734/1/Com_Tec_15.pd

    Biodiversity of natural enemies of Pseudococcidae in the Semiarid region of Brazil.

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    Pseudococcidae species, also known as mealybugs, comprises a complex of pests in various cultivated and non-cultivated plant species, among which fruit plants are most affected by both direct and indirect damage. The incidence of these pest species has been constant in productive environments, causing significant losses due to sap suction, virus transmission, and damage to fruit quality. Thus, this study aimed to know and investigate the population dynamics of natural enemies of Pseudococcidae in different fruit plants cultivated in the semiarid region of Brazil. For this, mealybugs associated with roots, stems, leaves, and fruits of vine, pear, apple, persimmon, guava, and acerola trees were collected biweekly in 14 properties in the São Francisco Valley region, from July 2016 to June 2017. These mealybugs were properly separated for the removal of their predators and the emergence of parasitoids associated with them (Pseudococcidae). Coccophagus sp., Aenasius sp., Anagyrus kamali, Anagyrus sp. 1, Anagyrus sp. 2, Anagyrus sp. 3, Anagyrus sp. 4, Coccidoxenoides perminutus, Gyranusoidea indica, Leptomastix dactylopii, Prochiloneurus sp., Aprostocetus sp., and Signiphora sp. were identified as parasitoids and Diadiplosis multifila, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, Tenuisvalvae notata, Cycloneda sanguinea, and Hippodamia convergens were identified as predators, in addition to unidentified species of Coccinellidae and Chrysopidae

    The KnowRISK project: Tools and strategies to reduce non-structural damage

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    The project KnowRISK (Know your city, Reduce seISmic risK through non-structural elements) is financed by the European Commission to develop prevention measures that may reduce non-structural damage in urban areas. Pilot areas of the project are within the three European participating countries, namely Portugal, Iceland and Italy. Non-structural components of a building include all those components that are not part of the structural system, more specifically the architectural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, as well as furniture, fixtures, equipment, and contents. Windows, partitions, granite veneer, piping, ceilings, air conditioning ducts and equipment, elevators, computer and hospital equipment, file cabinets, and retail merchandise are all examples of nonstructural components that are vulnerable to earthquake damage. We will use the experience gained during past earthquakes, which struck in particular Iceland, Italy and Portugal (Azores). Securing the non-structural elements improves the safety during an earthquake and saves lives. This paper aims at identifying non-structural seismic protection measures in the pilot areas and to develop a portfolio of good practices for the most common and serious non-structural vulnerabilities. This systematic identification and the portfolio will be achieved through a “crossknowledge” strategy based on previous researches, evidence of non-structural damage in past earthquakes. Shake table tests of a group of non-structural elements will be performed. These tests will be filmed and, jointly with portfolio, will serve as didactic supporting tools to be used in workshops with building construction stakeholders and in risk communication activities. A Practical Guide for non-structural risk reduction will be specifically prepared for citizens on the basis of the outputs of the project, taking into account the local culture and needs of each participating countryPublishedVienna3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischiorestricte

    Seleção de primers ISSR para caracterização molecular de acessos de Aannona squamosa.

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    No presente estudo, o objetivo foi selecionar primers ISSR adequados a estudos genéticos de acessos de pinha que compõem o Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Fruteiras da Embrapa Meio-Norte

    Avaliação de métodos de purificação de amostras de DNA extraídas de Pinha.

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    A partir disso, o presente trabalho objetivou testar três diferentes tratamentos para purificação de amostras de DNA extraídas com protocolo orgânico

    Similaridade genética de acessos de pinha por meio de marcadores morfológicos.

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar e avaliar a diversidade genética entre 19 acessos de pinha, pertencentes ao banco ativo de germoplasma da Embrapa Meio-Norte, Teresina, PI, por meio de marcadores morfoagronômicos