1,151 research outputs found

    Brexit’s impact on West Midlands Transport Manufacturing revealed

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    The official findings and results of a major survey conducted by the Centre for Brexit Studies have been released following an event around Brexit’s impact on the automotive, rail and aerospace industries within the West Midlands, and wider UK

    Brexit, the Bank of England and the Gig Economy: How not to interpret today’s labour market

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    News that the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) unanimously agreed to raise the base interest from 0.5% to 0.75% yesterday was not unexpected, but nevertheless raises eyebrows at a time when the economy remains fragile and Brexit uncertainty continues to cast a cloud over expectations on the economy going forward

    We’ll Know in the Next Few Months If We Face a ‘Deal or No Deal’ Brexit

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    As many of us start reading through the detail in these papers we can start to lift the lid on what the government envisages are the biggest challenges presented by a no-deal scenario. Deal or no deal. As the UK braces itself for the rumoured return of Noel Edmonds’ box-opening gameshow, politicians are playing a slightly different guessing game. The government has finally taken the move to publish ‘no deal’ impact papers detailing the likely outcomes if Britain is to withdraw from the European Union with no agreement in place

    COVID-19: Will the Brexit transition deadline be extended?

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    Centre for Brexit Studies Director Professor Alex de Ruyter has shared his thoughts and views on coronavirus (COVID-19) and the impact a further three-week lockdown extension could have on the economy, gig economy and self-employed workers

    What now for new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer?

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    Centre for Brexit Studies Director Professor Alex de Ruyter has shared his thoughts and views around Coronavirus (COVID-19) and what will happen if Prime Minister Boris Johnson is no longer able to work throughout his stay in hospital

    A Crack in the Union Jack

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    “Draw the blinds and watch the show Heard it on the radio Saw it on the news today Heard the lonely people say There’s a great big crack in the union jack” These lyrics, penned some 25 years ago by Brett Anderson, front man for 90s glam pop group, Suede, in the song “Crack in the Union Jack” seem somewhat apposite as the UK formally departed the EU at 11pm on Friday 31st January

    Great Disruptions: The New Normal?

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    From Brexit to Covid-19, the UK is going through a period of increasing uncertainty and disruption.In the next Centre for Brexit Studies YouTube Live video, Director Professor Alex de Ruyter will provide a reflective, historical account of how seemingly stable periods of economic and social life can be suddenly and dramatically upended by unexpected events

    Is the UK heading towards the worst recession on record?

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    Centre for Brexit Studies Director Professor Alex de Ruyter has shared his thoughts and views on coronavirus (COVID-19) and if the pandemic will push the UK economy towards the deepest recession on record.Being an incredibly worrying time for businesses and livelihoods, Professor de Ruyter discussed what he expects to see unfolding in the coming weeks

    Brexit Negotiations: the Current State of Play

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    In this piece for the CBS blog post series, I thought I would step back and see where we are so far in the goal of leaving the EU, and consider some (of the many) issues that will require an urgent fix. As Tom Enders, CEO of Airbus muses about the Cabinet Chequers meeting today regarding “white smoke, black smoke or no smoke,” being emitted after the meeting, there are now less than 9 months until Britain formally leaves the EU on 29th March 2019 unless Article 50 is rescinded or the negotiating period extended

    Annual Conference 2020 speakers announced

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    The Centre for Brexit Studies is delighted to announce the confirmed speakers and panel members for its third annual conference. The event, which is taking place on 23 September in Birmingham, will feature of a wide range of speakers from business, academia and politics.The conference, titled ‘Global Birmingham –Beyond Brexit’ will discuss the region post-Brexit, thanks to a variety of guest speakers, panel debates and insightful talks