83 research outputs found

    In tempi di guerra e di peste. Horrea e mobilità del grano pubblico tra gli Antonini e i Severi

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    Si esaminano i problemi logistici connessi al trasferimento del grano pubblico destinato all’approvvigionamento di Roma negli anni segnati dalla peste antonina e dalle campagne militari orientali di Lucio Vero e Settimio Severo

    Migralepsy, hemicrania epileptica, post-ictal headache and “ictal epileptic headache”: a proposal for terminology and classification revision

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    Despite the fact that migraine and epilepsy are among the commoner brain diseases and that comorbidity of these conditions is well known, only few reports of migralepsy and hemicrania epileptica (HE) have been published according to the current ICHD-II criteria. Particularly, ICHD-II describes “migraine-triggered seizure” (i.e., migralepsy) among complications of migraine at “1.5.5” (as a rare event in which a seizure happens during migrainous aura), while hemicrania epileptica (coded at “7.6.1”) and post-ictal headache (coded at “7.6.2”) are described among headaches attributed to epileptic seizure. However, to date neither the International Headache Society nor the International League against Epilepsy mention that headache/migraine may be the sole ictal epileptic manifestation. Based on the current knowledge, migralepsy is highly unlikely to exist as such. We, therefore, propose to delete this term until clear evidence its existence is provided. Moreover, we herein propose a revision of terminology and classification criteria to properly represent the migraine/headache relationships. We suggest the term “ictal epileptic headache” in cases in which headache/migraine is the sole ictal epileptic manifestation

    On Dachinabades and Limyrike in the Peripl us Maris Erythraei

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    Julio-Claudian Denarii and Aurei in Campania and India

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of the India trade on the monetary circulation of central Italy and to highlight an aspect of the evolution of the Roman monetary mass during the crucial decades of the Julio–Claudian dynasty. The argument made here is that some peculiar features revealed by the Vesuvian numismatic evidence were a consequence of the export of coins connected to the India trade, and that the distribution of Roman coins found in India reflects the expansion of gold coinage in the Roman monetary system, especially from Tiberius on

    Exchanging Coins at Barygaza, Periplus 49 and the Devaluation of the Kārṣāpaṇa

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    Archeologia e papirologia lungo la hodòs Myshormitiké. A proposito di un libro recente

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    Recensione di H. Cuvigny (éd.), La route de Myos Hormos, Le Caire, 2003, con approfondimento di problemi connessi all’agibilità degli spazi del deserto orientale egiziano in età imperiale romana