794 research outputs found

    Gamma ray astronomy and baryonic dark matter

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    Recently, Dixon et al. have re-analyzed the EGRET data, finding a statistically significant diffuse γ\gamma-ray emission from the galactic halo. We show that this emission can naturally be explained within a previously-proposed model for baryonic dark matter, in which γ\gamma-rays are produced through the interaction of high-energy cosmic-ray protons with cold H2H_2 clouds clumped into dark clusters - these dark clusters supposedly populate the outer galactic halo and can show up in microlensing observations. Our estimate for the halo γ\gamma-ray flux turns out to be in remarkably good agreement with the discovery by Dixon et al. We also address future prospects to test our predictions.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure included, to appear in ApJ 510, L103 (1999

    Gamma ray emission from a baryonic dark halo

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    A recent re-analysis of EGRET data by Dixon et al. has led to the discovery of a statistically significant diffuse γ\gamma-ray emission from the galactic halo. We show that this emission can naturally be accounted for within a previously-proposed model for baryonic dark matter, according to which dark clusters of brown dwarfs and cold self-gravitating H2H_2 clouds populate the outer galactic halo and can show up in microlensing observations. Basically, cosmic-ray protons in the galactic halo scatter on the clouds clumped into dark clusters, giving rise to the observed γ\gamma-ray flux. We derive maps for the corresponding intensity distribution, which turn out to be in remarkably good agreement with those obtained by Dixon et al. We also address future prospects to test our predictions.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, slightly shortened version. to appear in New Journal of Physic

    Binary brown dwarfs in the galactic halo?

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    Microlensing events towards the Large Magellanic Cloud entail that a sizable fraction of dark matter is in the form of MACHOs (Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects), presumably located in the halo of the Galaxy. Within the present uncertainties, brown dwarfs are a viable candidate for MACHOs. Various reasons strongly suggest that a large amount of MACHOs should actually consist of binary brown dwarfs. Yet, this circumstance looks in flat contradiction with the fact that MACHOs have been detected as unresolved objects so far. We show that such an apparent paradox does not exist within a model in which MACHOs are clumped into dark clusters along with cold molecular clouds, since dynamical friction on these clouds makes binary brown dwarfs very close. Moreover, we argue that future microlensing experiments with a more accurate photometric observation can resolve binary brown dwarfs.Comment: Latex file. To appear in Mont. Not. R. Astr. So

    MACHOs as brown dwarfs

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    Recent observations of microlensing events in the Large Magellanic Cloud suggest that a sizable fraction of the galactic halo is in the form of Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs). Although the average MACHO mass is presently poorly known, the value 0.1M\sim 0.1 M_{\odot} looks as a realistic estimate, thereby implying that brown dwarfs are a viable and natural candidate for MACHOs. We describe a scenario in which dark clusters of MACHOs and cold molecular clouds (mainly of H2H_2) naturally form in the halo at galactocentric distances larger than 10-20 kpc. Moreover, we discuss various experimental tests of this picture.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the workshop DM-ITALIA-9

    Signatures of rotating binaries in micro-lensing experiments

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    Gravitational microlensing offers a powerful method with which to probe a variety of binary-lens systems, as the binarity of the lens introduces deviations from the typical (single-lens) Paczy\'nski behaviour in the event light curves. Generally, a static binary lens is considered to fit the observed light curve and, when the orbital motion is taken into account, an oversimplified model is usually employed. In this paper, we treat the binary-lens motion in a realistic way and focus on simulated events that are fitted well by a Paczy\'nski curve. We show that an accurate timing analysis of the residuals (calculated with respect to the best-fitting Paczy\'nski model) is usually sufficient to infer the orbital period of the binary lens. It goes without saying that the independently estimated period may be used to further constrain the orbital parameters obtained by the best-fitting procedure, which often gives degenerate solutions. We also present a preliminary analysis of the event OGLE-2011-BLG-1127 / MOA-2011-BLG-322, which has been recognized to be the result of a binary lens. The period analysis results in a periodicity of \simeq 12 days, which confirms the oscillation of the observed data around the best-fitting model. The estimated periodicity is probably associated with an intrinsic variability of the source star, and therefore there is an opportunity to use this technique to investigate either the intrinsic variability of the source or the effects induced by the binary-lens orbital motion.Comment: In press on MNRAS, 2014. 8 pages, 4 figures. On-line material available on the Journal web-pag

    Constraints on Cold H_2 Clouds from Gravitational Microlensing Searches

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    It has been proposed that the Galaxy might contain a population of cold clouds in numbers sufficient to account for a substantial fraction of the total mass of the Galaxy. These clouds would have masses of the order of 10^{-3} Solar mass and sizes of the order of 10 AU. We consider here the lensing effects of such clouds on the light from background stars. A semianalytical formalism for calculation of the magnification event rate produced by such gaseous lensing is developed, taking into account the spatial distribution of the dark matter in the Galaxy, the velocity distribution of the lensing clouds and source stars, and motion of the observer. Event rates are calculated for the case of gaseous lensing of stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud and results are directly compared with the results of the search for gravitational microlensing events undertaken by the MACHO collaboration. The MACHO experiment strongly constrains the properties of the proposed molecular clouds, but does not completely rule them out. Future monitoring programs will either detect or more strongly constrain this proposed population.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, typos corrected, minor change

    Observing molecular hydrogen clouds and dark massive objects in galactic halos

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    Molecular hydrogen clouds can contribute substantially to the galactic halo< dark matter and may lead to the birth of massive halo objects (MHOs) observed indirectly by microlensing. We present a method to detect these molecular clouds in the halo of M31 using the Doppler shift effect. We also consider the possibility to directly observe MHOs in the halo of M31 via their infrared emission.Comment: 7 pages, postscript file, to appear in Astron. & Astrophy

    A catalogue sample of low mass galaxies observed in X-rays with central candidate black holes

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    We present a sample of XX-ray selected candidate black holes in 51 low mass galaxies with z0.055z\le 0.055 {and mass up to 101010^{10} M_{\odot}} obtained by cross-correlating the NASA-SLOAN Atlas with the 3XMM catalogue. {We have also searched in the available catalogues for radio counterparts of the black hole candidates and find that 19 of the previously selected sources have also a radio counterpart.} Our results show that about 37%37\% of the galaxies of our sample host { an XX-ray source} (associated to a radio counterpart) spatially coincident with the galaxy center, in agreement with { other recent works}. For these {\it nuclear} sources, the XX-ray/radio fundamental plane relation allows one to estimate the mass of the (central) candidate black holes which results to be in the range 1042×10810^{4}-2\times10^{8} M_{\odot} (with median value of 3×107\simeq 3\times 10^7 M_{\odot} and eight candidates having mass below 10710^{7} M_{\odot}). This result, while suggesting that XX-ray emitting black holes in low-mass galaxies may have had a key role in the evolution of such systems, makes even more urgent to explain how such massive objects formed in galaxies. {Of course, dedicated follow-up observations both in the XX-ray and radio bands, as well as in the optical, are necessary in order to confirm our resultsComment: 15 Pages, 2 Figures, 3 Table