628 research outputs found
On infrared divergences in spin glasses
By studying the structure of infrared divergences in a toy propagator in the
replica approach to the Ising spin glass below , we suggest a possible
cancellation mechanism which could decrease the degree of singularity in the
loop expansion.Comment: 13 pages, Latex , revised versio
Symmetry breaking via fermion 4-point functions
We construct the effective action and gap equations for nonperturbative
fermion 4-point functions. Our results apply to situations in which fermion
masses can be ignored, which is the case for theories of strong flavor
interactions involving standard quarks and leptons above the electroweak scale.
The structure of the gap equations is different from what a naive
generalization of the 2-point case would suggest, and we find for example that
gauge exchanges are insufficient to generate nonperturbative 4-point functions
when the number of colors is large.Comment: 36 pages, uses Revtex and eps files for figure
Recursive Graphical Construction of Feynman Diagrams in phi^4 Theory: Asymmetric Case and Effective Energy
The free energy of a multi-component scalar field theory is considered as a
functional W[G,J] of the free correlation function G and an external current J.
It obeys non-linear functional differential equations which are turned into
recursion relations for the connected Greens functions in a loop expansion.
These relations amount to a simple proof that W[G,J] generates only connected
graphs and can be used to find all such graphs with their combinatoric weights.
A Legendre transformation with respect to the external current converts the
functional differential equations for the free energy into those for the
effective energy Gamma[G,Phi], which is considered as a functional of the free
correlation function G and the field expectation Phi. These equations are
turned into recursion relations for the one-particle irreducible Greens
functions. These relations amount to a simple proof that Gamma[G,J] generates
only one-particle irreducible graphs and can be used to find all such graphs
with their combinatoric weights. The techniques used also allow for a
systematic investigation into resummations of classes of graphs. Examples are
given for resumming one-loop and multi-loop tadpoles, both through all orders
of perturbation theory. Since the functional differential equations derived are
non-perturbative, they constitute also a convenient starting point for other
expansions than those in numbers of loops or powers of coupling constants. We
work with general interactions through four powers in the field.Comment: 34 pages; abstract expanded; section IV.E about absorption of
tadpoles and one related reference added; eqs. (20) and (23) corrected;
further references added; some minor beautifications; to be published by
Local excitations in mean field spin glasses
We address the question of geometrical as well as energetic properties of
local excitations in mean field Ising spin glasses. We study analytically the
Random Energy Model and numerically a dilute mean field model, first on
tree-like graphs, equivalent to a replica symmetric computation, and then
directly on finite connectivity random lattices. In the first model,
characterized by a discontinuous replica symmetry breaking, we found that the
energy of finite volume excitation is infinite whereas in the dilute mean field
model, described by a continuous replica symmetry breaking, it slowly decreases
with sizes and saturates at a finite value, in contrast with what would be
naively expected. The geometrical properties of these excitations are similar
to those of lattice animals or branched polymers. We discuss the meaning of
these results in terms of replica symmetry breaking and also possible relevance
in finite dimensional systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publicatio
Statistical mechanics of the random K-SAT model
The Random K-Satisfiability Problem, consisting in verifying the existence of
an assignment of N Boolean variables that satisfy a set of M=alpha N random
logical clauses containing K variables each, is studied using the replica
symmetric framework of diluted disordered systems. We present an exact
iterative scheme for the replica symmetric functional order parameter together
for the different cases of interest K=2, K>= 3 and K>>1. The calculation of the
number of solutions, which allowed us [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3881 (1996)] to
predict a first order jump at the threshold where the Boolean expressions
become unsatisfiable with probability one, is thoroughly displayed. In the case
K=2, the (rigorously known) critical value (alpha=1) of the number of clauses
per Boolean variable is recovered while for K>=3 we show that the system
exhibits a replica symmetry breaking transition. The annealed approximation is
proven to be exact for large K.Comment: 34 pages + 1 table + 8 fig., submitted to Phys. Rev. E, new section
added and references update
Is the droplet theory for the Ising spin glass inconsistent with replica field theory?
Symmetry arguments are used to derive a set of exact identities between
irreducible vertex functions for the replica symmetric field theory of the
Ising spin glass in zero magnetic field. Their range of applicability spans
from mean field to short ranged systems in physical dimensions. The replica
symmetric theory is unstable for d>8, just like in mean field theory. For 6<d<8
and d<6 the resummation of an infinite number of terms is necessary to settle
the problem. When d<8, these Ward-like identities must be used to distinguish
an Almeida-Thouless line from the replica symmetric droplet phase.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted for publication in J.Phys.A. This is the accepted
version with the following minor changes: one extra sentence in the abstract;
footnote 2 slightly extended; last paragraph somewhat reformulate
Quenched Random Graphs
Spin models on quenched random graphs are related to many important
optimization problems. We give a new derivation of their mean-field equations
that elucidates the role of the natural order parameter in these models.Comment: 9 pages, report CPTH-A264.109
Stability of self-consistent solutions for the Hubbard model at intermediate and strong coupling
We present a general framework how to investigate stability of solutions
within a single self-consistent renormalization scheme being a parquet-type
extension of the Baym-Kadanoff construction of conserving approximations. To
obtain a consistent description of one- and two-particle quantities, needed for
the stability analysis, we impose equations of motion on the one- as well on
the two-particle Green functions simultaneously and introduce approximations in
their input, the completely irreducible two-particle vertex. Thereby we do not
loose singularities caused by multiple two-particle scatterings. We find a
complete set of stability criteria and show that each instability, singularity
in a two-particle function, is connected with a symmetry-breaking order
parameter, either of density type or anomalous. We explicitly study the Hubbard
model at intermediate coupling and demonstrate that approximations with static
vertices get unstable before a long-range order or a metal-insulator transition
can be reached. We use the parquet approximation and turn it to a workable
scheme with dynamical vertex corrections. We derive a qualitatively new theory
with two-particle self-consistence, the complexity of which is comparable with
FLEX-type approximations. We show that it is the simplest consistent and stable
theory being able to describe qualitatively correctly quantum critical points
and the transition from weak to strong coupling in correlated electron systems.Comment: REVTeX, 26 pages, 12 PS figure
The 3-SAT problem with large number of clauses in -replica symmetry breaking scheme
In this paper we analyze the structure of the UNSAT-phase of the
overconstrained 3-SAT model by studying the low temperature phase of the
associated disordered spin model. We derive the Replica Symmetry
Broken equations for a general class of disordered spin models which includes
the Sherrington - Kirkpatrick model, the Ising -spin model as well as the
overconstrained 3-SAT model as particular cases. We have numerically solved the
Replica Symmetry Broken equations using a pseudo-spectral code down to
and including zero temperature. We find that the UNSAT-phase of the
overconstrained 3-SAT model is of the -RSB kind: in order to get a
stable solution the replica symmetry has to be broken in a continuous way,
similarly to the SK model in external magnetic field.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures; some section improved; iopart styl
The spherical 2+p spin glass model: an analytically solvable model with a glass-to-glass transition
We present the detailed analysis of the spherical s+p spin glass model with
two competing interactions: among p spins and among s spins. The most
interesting case is the 2+p model with p > 3 for which a very rich phase
diagram occurs, including, next to the paramagnetic and the glassy phase
represented by the one step replica symmetry breaking ansatz typical of the
spherical p-spin model, other two amorphous phases. Transitions between two
contiguous phases can also be of different kind. The model can thus serve as
mean-field representation of amorphous-amorphous transitions (or transitions
between undercooled liquids of different structure). The model is analytically
solvable everywhere in the phase space, even in the limit where the infinite
replica symmetry breaking ansatz is required to yield a thermodynamically
stable phase.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figure
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