4 research outputs found

    Use of a Point-of-Care Progesterone Assay to Predict Onset of Parturition in the Bitch

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    An assay of circulating progesterone (P4) is commonly used to estimate progress through late gestation in the bitch. Point-of-care assays provide rapid results, a major advantage over laboratory-based assays. This study aims to compare P4 levels determined by the Catalyst® Progesterone point-of-care assay with those determined by chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) and to identify the expected distribution of Catalyst P4 levels at time intervals 3 days prior to the onset of parturition in pregnant bitches. Twenty-eight pregnant bitches carrying two or more fetuses were admitted to a specialist veterinary reproduction hospital 53 days after the onset of cytological diestrus or, when that date was not known, 57 days after the last mating. Vaginal speculum examinations were performed every 6 h until the onset of cervical dilatation (TCD). Serum samples were collected twice daily (08h00 and 18h00) until TCD. For most samples, fresh serum was assayed for P4 immediately using the Catalyst assay (CatP4), then frozen until assayed by CLIA (IMMULITE 2000; ImmP4). However, for some samples, CatP4 was not analyzed prior to freezing. For these data points (n = 33), CatP4 for fresh serum was estimated from CatP4 assayed on frozen-thawed serum, based on a comparison between CatP4 on fresh vs. frozen-thawed sera. In comparison to ImmP4, CatP4 levels up to and including 7 nmol/L appear to have a constant bias of −1.69 nmol/L (limits of agreement −4.91 to 1.52), while levels >7 nmol/L appear to have a proportional bias of −17.9% (limits of agreement −68.6% to 32.7%). Bootstrapped percentiles of CatP4 results spanned 0.4–9 nmol/L within 12 h of TCD, 0.9–11 nmol/L 12–24 h from TCD, and 2.2–13.5 nmol/L 24–36 h from TCD. A CatP4 >9 nmol/L indicates a bitch that is unlikely to reach TCD within 12 h. Bitches with CatP4s below 3.5 nmol/L are likely to reach TCD within 36 h and bitches with a CatP4 below 2.2 nmol/L are likely to reach TCD within 24 h. In conclusion, the Catalyst Progesterone assay provides rapid assessment of circulating P4 in the bitch, with clinical application in the monitoring of late term pregnant bitches

    Dizygotic monochorionic canine foetuses with blood chimaerism and suspected freemartinism

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    Two full-term canine fetuses were found to share a placenta during Caesarean section. The fetuses were of discordant gender, with apparently normal male and female external genitalia. Genetic analysis of whole-blood samples obtained from each fetus revealed identical DNA profiles, with more than two alleles detected at six loci. Subsequent genetic analysis of myocardial tissue samples revealed dissimilar DNA profiles, with at most two alleles detected per locus. Superimposition of the tissue-derived profiles matched that derived from the blood samples exactly, except for two loci failing to amplify, and hence demonstrated blood chimaerism. Dissection of the abdomen of the male fetus revealed delayed descent of the testes towards the inguinal canals. Macroscopically, the gonads, uterus and vagina were not identifiable on dissection of the female fetus, although vestigial ovarian tissue and a vagina were detected microscopically. The hypoplastic internal reproductive tract of the female fetus was suggestive of freemartinism and is believed to be the first report of this condition in the canine

    Use of serum progesterone and prostaglandin F-2 alpha metabolite levels to predict onset of parturition in the bitch

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    The prediction of time to onset of parturition in a preparturient bitch is of great clinical value, particularly for bitches at high risk of dystocia and those lacking relevant clinical data from the time of breeding. In a previous study, four cut-offs for plasma progesterone levels, measured by radioimmunoassay, were shown to be useful for predicting the likelihood of a bitch entering stage one of parturition within defined time intervals. The first aim of the current study was to evaluate these cut offs in a clinical setting, using serum progesterone samples drawn from preparturient bitches 12-hourly instead of 6 hourly and assessed using chemiluminescence immunoassay. Furthermore, the use of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F-2 alpha,F- (PGFM), a metabolite of prostaglandin F-2 alpha, in predicting the time to onset of parturition was evaluated. Forty bitches carrying two or more foetuses were admitted to a specialist veterinary reproduction hospital 53 d after the onset of cytological dioestrus when that date was known, or 57 d after the last mating. Vaginal speculum examinations were performed every 6 hr until cervical dilatation was visualized (time of cervical dilatation; TCD). Serum samples were collected at 08h00 and 18h00 daily until TCD. All bitches underwent elective caesarean section at TCD. Results of this study show that approximately 5% and 10% of preparturient bitches will reach TCD within 12 hr despite a serum progesterone level of at least 15.8 nmol/L and 8.7 nmol/L respectively. In addition, there is a 95% probability that a preparturient bitch will reach TCD within 48 hr if her serum progesterone level is below 8.7 nmol/L, and a 91% probability of her reaching TCD within 24 hr if her serum progesterone level is below 3.18 nmol/L. Approximately 90% of bitches that demonstrate a 20% increase in PGFM over a 12-hr period are likely to be within 36 hr of TCD. These results provide useful benchmarks for the management of canine parturition

    Morbidity and mortality following envenomation by the common night adder (<i>Causus rhombeatus</i>) in three dogs

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    In South Africa dogs are frequently presented to veterinarians following snakebite. The offending snakes are usually puff adders (Bitis arietans), cobras (Naja spp.) and mambas (Dendroaspis spp.). Night adder (Causus rhombeatus) bites in dogs have not yet been reported in South Africa. This article deals with three cases of dogs bitten by night adders in which extensive tissue damage was noted and one fatality occurred. Night adder bites may be indistinguishable from puff adder bites. Non-specific treatment included addressing the hypovolaemia and swelling. Specific treatment involving immunotherapy using the South African polyvalent antivenom would be ineffective as it does not contain immunoglobulins against night adder venom. Veterinarians should also include night adders as the possible cause of dogs suffering from severe and painful swellings suspected to be due to snakebites