52 research outputs found

    Distinct Frontal Networks Are Involved in Adapting to Internally and Externally Signaled Errors

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    Errors trigger changes in behavior that help individuals adapt to new situations. The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) is thought to be central to this response, but more lateral frontal regions are also activated by errors and may make distinct contributions. We investigated error processing by studying 2 distinct error types: commission and timing. Thirty-five subjects performed a version of the Simon Task designed to produce large number of errors. Commission errors were internally recognized and were not accompanied by explicit feedback. In contrast, timing errors were difficult to monitor internally and were explicitly signaled. Both types of error triggered changes in behavior consistent with increased cognitive control. As expected, robust activation within the dACC and bilateral anterior insulae (the Salience Network) was seen for commission errors. In contrast, timing errors were not associated with activation of this network but did activate a bilateral network that included the right ventral attentional system. Common activation for both error types occurred within the pars operculari and angular gyri. These results show that the dACC does not respond to all behaviorally salient errors. Instead, the error-processing system is multifaceted, and control can be triggered independently of the dACC when feedback is unexpected

    Default mode network connectivity predicts sustained attention deficits following traumatic brain injury

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) frequently produces impairments of attention in humans. These can result in a failure to maintain consistent goal-directed behavior. A predominantly right-lateralized frontoparietal network is often engaged during attentionally demanding tasks. However, lapses of attention have also been associated with increases in activation within the default mode network (DMN). Here, we study TBI patients with sustained attention impairment, defined on the basis of the consistency of their behavioral performance over time. We show that sustained attention impairments in patients are associated with an increase in DMN activation, particularly within the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex. Furthermore, the interaction of the precuneus with the rest of the DMN at the start of the task, i.e., its functional connectivity, predicts which patients go on to show impairments of attention. Importantly, this predictive information is present before any behavioral evidence of sustained attention impairment, and the relationship is also found in a subgroup of patients without focal brain damage. TBI often results in diffuse axonal injury, which produces cognitive impairment by disconnecting nodes in distributed brain networks. Using diffusion tensor imaging, we demonstrate that structural disconnection within the DMN also correlates with the level of sustained attention. These results show that abnormalities in DMN function are a sensitive marker of impairments of attention and suggest that changes in connectivity within the DMN are central to the development of attentional impairment after TBI

    Agents physiques et cervicalgies chroniques : problèmes, pratiques et preuves

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    Traitement électrophysiothérapique des cervicalgies. Inventaires des moyens et agents physiques utilisés : chaleur, froid, courant constant, à l'état variable, champs électromagnétiques pulsés de basse fréquence, thérapeutiques par ondes courtes, par micro-ondes, par aimants, lasers de basse intensité, ultrasons, ondes de choc, infrasons. Stratégies thérapeutiques différenciées selon le type de cervicalgi
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