256 research outputs found

    Integrated geophysical and petrological study of fluid expulsion features along the Moroccan Atlantic margin

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    In this study we integrate a geophysical – carbonate petrological data set, collected during the TTR-14 cruise (summer 2004) along the Moroccan Atlantic margin in Gulf of Cadiz (Southern area, 400m – 1000m and El Arraiche mud volcano field). This allows us to investigate the deeper structure and its control on fluid venting, to address the nature of seafloor topographical features, fluid geochemistry and venting processes. The deeper structure of the Southern area is dominated by two NW trending anticlinal acoustic basement ridges. Their northern flank and top is cut by major present-day active, normal faults, along which four dome structures and the Meknes mud volcano (mv), are concentrated. These ridges correspond to rotated, faultbounded blocks breaking up the top of the accretionary wedge. This indicates the southward prolongation of extensional tectonics and its structural control on mud volcanism, south of the El Arraiche field, which is also evidenced by the typical sandstone mud breccias recovered at the Meknes mv. Carbonate cemented mud breccia from the Meknes (type M) and the Kidd (type K) mv, and cemented sediment portions from Pen Duick Escarpment (type PD), all possess similar carbon isotopic (-19 to -29%¸ VPDB) and carbonate geochemical signatures, indicating seepage of a geochemical similar thermogenic hydrocarbon-bearing fluid source. Slightly elevated d18O values of HMC-cemented type M crusts suggest the former presence and dissociation of gas hydrates. The brecciated fabric, intraclasts and aragonite cement morphology, typical of type K crusts testify of a relative vigorous fluid ascent. HMC-calcian dolomite cemented PD crusts were likely formed under conditions of slower fluid ascent. Their actual near-seafloor occurrence, well above the base of the SRZ, is hypothesized to relate to erosion and migration of the SRZ by variations in upward hydrocarbon fluxes

    The effect of a mixture of Lactobacillus strains on silage quality and nutritive value of grass harvested at four growth stages and ensiled for two periods

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    The effect of adding an inoculant containing Lactobacillus buchneri, L. plantarum and L. casei to wilted perennial ryegrass, harvested at four growth stages and ensiled for either 60 or 150 d on silage fermentation quality, chemical composition, rumen degradability of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and organic matter (OM) and in vitro OM digestibility (OMd) was studied. Compared to the control silage, more sugars were fermented to lactic and acetic acid with the inoculant, resulting in a lower pH, less dry matter losses and protein degradation and a better aerobic stability. The effects of the additive on fermentation quality were more pronounced after 150 than after 60 d of ensiling, because the quality of the control silage was worse after the long ensiling period. The treatment lowered NDF content of grass harvested at the first two growth stages by degrading cell walls to complex sugars, but had no effect on NDF degradability of the silage. The inoculant had no effect on rumen OM degradability nor on OMd after the short ensiling period, but increased the rumen OM degradability for the first two growth stages and OMd for all growth stages after the long ensiling period

    Optimization of a yeast estrogen screen and its applicability to study the release of estrogenic isoflavones from a soygerm powder.

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    Here we describe a redesigned protocol of the yeast estrogen screen developed by Routledge and Sumpter. The redesigned test comprises two steps. First, a large amount of yeast with estrogenic compounds is incubated for 24 hr. Subsequently, a mixture of cycloheximide and the chromogenic substrate chlorophenol red-beta-d-galactopyranoside (CPRG) is added. The cycloheximide stops protein synthesis and allows for an end-point measurement of beta-galactosidase activity generated during the first 24 hr. CPRG is converted to chlorophenol red and reflects beta-galactosidase activity, which is indicative of the estrogenic activity. The modifications shorten the duration of the assay at least 1 day and avoid interference of the estrogenic CPRG or chlorophenol red. The redesigned and the original protocol were used to study the estrogenic activity of bisphenol A, methoxychlor, p,p'-DDT, and isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, and glycitein). Bisphenol A, methoxychlor, and genistein triggered higher levels of beta-galactosidase activity in the redesigned protocol. Estrogenic activity of p,p'-DDT could only be demonstrated with the redesigned protocol. Glycitein and daidzein failed to give a response with both protocols. We also studied deconjugation of beta-glycosidic isoflavones present in soygerm powder. Treatment of the soygerm powder with beta-glycosidase released isoflavones. The estrogenic response of the samples was confirmed with the redesigned protocol and correlated with the amount of genistein present. The release of isoflavones under conditions prevailing in the intestines was studied. Bacterial beta-glycosidase present in the large intestine released isoflavones, and moderate estrogenic activity could be demonstrated

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and estrogenic compounds in experimental flue gas streams

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    The importance of combustion processes as a source of substances with estrogenic activity in the environment was investigated. Wood (nontreated and treated with wood preservatives), barbecue charcoal, meat, and kitchen waste were combusted in a laboratory-scale incinerator. Flue gas emissions (particulates and gaseous pollutants) were trapped in polyurethane foam cartridges. The cartridges were subjected to Soxhlet extraction and part of the extracts redissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for analyses of estrogenic activity by means of the yeast-based human estrogen receptor (hER) bioassay. A synthetic estrogen, 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2), was used as the reference estrogenic compound. Part of the extracts was analyzed for the 16 USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Estrogenic compounds in the flue gas (wood) were as high as 234 +/- 25 ng m(-3) EE2 equivalent compared with 27 to 81 ng m(-3) EE2 equivalent in flue gas from combustion of barbecue charcoal. Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in both flue gas streams were in the range of 21000 +/- 2000 and 240 +/- 110 ng m(-3), respectively. In general, the concentrations of EE2 equivalent in the flue gas samples were at least a factor of 1000 lower than total PAH concentration. The EE2 levels were not related to the concentration of PAHs in any flue gas sample

    Durability of the Indian Kandla Grey sandstone under Western European climatic conditions

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    An increasing amount of imported natural building stones are being used in Western Europe, often as a replacement of more traditional, local building stones. Unlike for these traditional stones, which have been used under the prevailing climatic conditions in Western Europe, the durability of these imported stones is largely unknown. Therefore, it is essential to study their behaviour under these climatic conditions in order to predict their weathering resistance. The chemical and structural properties of these new building materials need to be determined and their behaviour under changing environmental conditions needs to be studied. When these materials are being used in Western Europe, they have to resist to significant mechanical stresses due to the imbibition of de-icing salt solutions. These de-icing salts are very frequently used during winter in Western Europe, while temperature fluctuates between freezing and thaw conditions. In this research, focus has been laid on the multi-disciplinary characterization of the compact Kandla Grey layered sandstone. This stone is recently frequently imported from India to Belgium. Besides traditional techniques, (according to European Standars for natural stone testing) highly advanced research techniques such as µ-XRF and HRXCT were used to characterize and monitor the changes under different external conditions such as freezing, thawing and salt crystallization. The results of this study demonstrate that the structural properties of the laminations inside Kandla Grey have an influence on the resistance of the stone to frost and salt weathering. Based on these results, it can be concluded that Kandla Grey can be vulnerable to these types of weathering under the current climatic conditions in Western Europe

    The AppNL-G-F mouse retina is a site for preclinical Alzheimer's disease diagnosis and research

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    In this study, we report the results of a comprehensive phenotyping of the retina of the AppNL-G-F mouse. We demonstrate that soluble Aβ accumulation is present in the retina of these mice early in life and progresses to Aβ plaque formation by midlife. This rising Aβ burden coincides with local microglia reactivity, astrogliosis, and abnormalities in retinal vein morphology. Electrophysiological recordings revealed signs of neuronal dysfunction yet no overt neurodegeneration was observed and visual performance outcomes were unafected in the AppNL-G-F mouse. Furthermore, we show that hyperspectral imaging can be used to quantify retinal Aβ, underscoring its potential as a biomarker for AD diagnosis and monitoring. These fndings suggest that the AppNL-G-F retina mimics the early, preclinical stages of AD, and, together with retinal imaging techniques, ofers unique opportunities for drug discovery and fundamental research into preclinical AD

    Transport most likely to cause air pollution peak exposures in everyday life: Evidence from over 2000 days of personal monitoring

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    Background Air quality standards are typically based on long term averages – whereas a person may encounter exposure peaks throughout the day. Exposure peaks may contribute meaningfully to health impacts beyond their contribution to long term averages, and therefore should be considered alongside longer-term exposures. We aim to define and explain peak exposure to black carbon air pollution and look at the relationship between short peak exposures and longer term personal exposure. Methods A peak detection algorithm was applied to pooled data from two independent studies. High-resolution personal black carbon monitoring was performed in 175 healthy adult volunteers for a minimum of two 24-h periods per person. At the same time, we retrieved information on the time-activity pattern. Data covered Belgium, Spain, and the United Kingdom. In total, 2053 monitoring days were included. Results Exposure profiles revealed 2.8 ± 1.6 (avg ± SD) peaks per person per day. The average black carbon concentration during a peak was 4206 ng/m³. On 5.5% of the time participants were exposed to peak concentrations, but this contributed to 21.0% of their total exposure. The short time in transport (8%), was responsible for 32.7% of the peaks. 24.1% of the measurements in transport were categorized as peak exposure; while sleeping this was only 0.9%. When considering transport modes, participants were most likely to encounter peaks while cycling (34.0%). Most peaks were encountered at rush hour, from Monday through Friday, and in the cold season. Gender and age had no impact on the presence of peaks. Daily average black carbon exposure showed only a moderate correlation with peak frequency (r = 0.44). This correlation coefficient increased when considering longer term exposure to r > 0.60 from 10 days onward. Conclusions The occurrence of peaks varied substantially over time, across microenvironments and transport modes. Daily average exposure was moderately correlated with peak frequency. Real-time air pollution alerting systems may use the peak detection algorithm to support citizens in self-management of air pollution health effects
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