58 research outputs found

    Unraveling clonal heterogeneity in acute myeloid leukemia

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    The accumulation of mistakes in the DNA of healthy blood (stem) cells can result in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In addition, multiple subclones can co-exist within one AML patient, each with distinct combinations of DNA alterations. In this thesis we identified 50 leukemia-enriched proteins expressed on the outer cell layer of the leukemia (stem) cells. With these proteins, we are able to identify, isolate and study distinct subclones within one AML patient. We show that these AML subclones have different cell biological properties, and thereby differ in their sensitivity towards certain medication. A mouse model is one of the possible ways to study the properties of leukemia cells. We previously developed, with the use of human stromal stem cells, a human bone marrow environment in mice. Herein we can inject leukemia cells and study important interactions with the human bone marrow environment. In this thesis, we studied the effect of two important human growth factors on leukemia cells within this humanized mouse model. Finally, we studied the function of one of the leukemia-specific proteins in more detail. We showed that this protein plays a central role in the formation and maintenance of an inflammatory bone marrow environment. This inflammatory environment affects healthy blood (stem) cells, whereas the AML cells are not affected. Improving the models in which we can study leukemia cells, identification of leukemia-enriched proteins, detailed knowledge of these proteins and further unraveling cell biological properties of distinct AML subclones will improve patient-specific therapy

    Enhanced sensitivity of postsynaptic serotonin-1A receptors in rats and mice with high trait aggression

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    Individual differences in aggressive behaviour have been linked to variability in central serotonergic activity, both in humans and animals. A previous experiment in mice, selectively bred for high or low levels of aggression, showed an up-regulation of postsynaptic serotonin-1A (5-HT1A) receptors, both in receptor binding and in mRNA levels, in the aggressive line. The aim of this experiment was to study whether similar differences in 5-HT1A receptors exist in individuals from a random-bred rat strain, varying in aggressiveness. In addition, because little is known about the functional consequences of these receptor differences, a response mediated via postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors (i.e., hypothermia) was studied both in the selection lines of mice and in the randomly bred rats. The difference in receptor binding, as demonstrated in mice previously, could not be shown in rats. However, both in rats and mice, the hypothermic response to the 5-HT1A agonist alnespirone was larger in aggressive individuals. So, in the rat strain as well as in the mouse lines, there is, to a greater or lesser extent, an enhanced sensitivity of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in aggressive individuals. This could be a compensatory up-regulation induced by a lower basal 5-HT neurotransmission, which is in agreement with the serotonin deficiency hypothesis of aggression.

    Temporal and spatial dynamics of corticosteroid receptor down-regulation in rat brain following social defeat

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    The experiments explored the nature and time course of changes in glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) binding in homogenates of various brain regions and pituitary of male Wistar rats following social defeat stress. One week after defeat, the binding capacity of GRs was decreased in the hippocampus and the hypothalamus while no changes were observed in the parietal cortex and the pituitary. The number of MRs remained at the same level as in undefeated rats. Three weeks postdefeat, the initially down-regulated GR returned to baseline level in the hippocampus and the hypothalamus. However, GR binding was now decreased in the parietal cortex. Severe down-regulation of MRs was detected in the hippocampal and septal tissue. The results show that brief but intense stress like social defeat induces a long-lasting down-regulation of corticosteroid receptors and that the temporal dynamics of these changes are not only differential for GRs and MRs but also for brain sites.

    Repeated victorious and defeat experiences induce similar apical dendritic spine remodeling in CA1 hippocampus of rats

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    In this study, apical dendritic spine density of neurons in hippocampal, amygdalar and prefrontal cortical areas was compared in rats that were repeatedly winning or losing social conflicts. Territorial male wild-type Groningen (WTG) rats were allowed multiple daily attacks (>20 times) on intruder males in the resident-intruder paradigm. Frequent winning experiences are known to facilitate uncontrolled aggressive behavior reflected in aggressive attacks on anesthetized males which was also observed in the winners in this study. Both winners and losers were socially housed during the experiments; winners with females to stimulate territorial behavior, and losers with two other losing male rats. Twenty-four hours after the last social encounter, brains from experienced residential winners and repeatedly defeated intruder rats were collected and neuronal morphology in selected brain regions was studied via Golgi-Cox staining. Results indicate that spine density in the apical dendrites of the hippocampal CA1 reduced similarly in both winners and losers. In addition, winners showed increased spine densities at the proximal segments (20-30 µm) of the basolateral amygdala neurons and losers tended to show a decreased spine density at the more proximal segments of the infralimbic region of prefrontal cortex neurons. No effect of winning and losing was observed in the medial amygdala. The atrophic effect of repeated defeats in hippocampal and prefrontal regions was anticipated despite the fact that social housing of the repeatedly losing intruder males may have played a protective role. The reduction of hippocampal spine density in the winners seems surprising but supports previous findings in hierarchical dominant males in rat colonies. The dominants showed even greater shrinkage of the apical dendritic arbors of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons compared to the stressed subordinates

    Decreased dendritic spine density in posterodorsal medial amygdala neurons of proactive coping rats

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    There are large individual differences in the way animals, including humans, behaviorally and physiologically cope with environmental challenges and opportunities. Rodents with either a proactive or reactive coping style not only differ in their capacity to adapt successfully to environmental conditions, but also have a differential susceptibility to develop stress-related (psycho)pathologies when coping fails. In this study, we explored if there are structural neuronal differences in spine density in brain regions important for the regulation of stress coping styles. For this, the individual coping styles of wild-type Groningen (WTG) rats were determined using their level of offensive aggressiveness assessed in the resident-intruder paradigm. Subsequently, brains from proactive (high-aggressive) and reactive (low-aggressive) rats were Golgi-cox stained for spine quantification. The results reveal that dendritic spine densities in the dorsal hippocampal CA1 region and basolateral amygdala are similar in rats with proactive and reactive coping styles. Interestingly, however, dendritic spine density in the medial amygdala (MeA) is strikingly reduced in the proactive coping rats. This brain region is reported to be strongly involved in rivalry aggression which is the criterion by which the coping styles in our study are dissociated. The possibility that structural differences in spine density in the MeA are involved in other behavioral traits of distinct coping styles needs further investigation

    The IL1-IL1RAP axis plays an important role in the inflammatory leukemic niche that favors acute myeloid leukemia proliferation over normal hematopoiesis.

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    Upregulation of the plasma membrane receptor IL1RAP in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) has been reported but its role in the context of the leukemic bone marrow niche is unclear. Here, we studied the signaling events downstream of IL1RAP in relation to leukemogenesis and normal hematopoiesis. High IL1RAP expression was associated with a leukemic GMP-like state, and knockdown of IL1RAP in AML reduced colony-forming capacity. Stimulation with IL1β resulted in the induction of multiple chemokines and an inflammatory secretome via the p38 MAPK and NFκB signaling pathways in IL1RAP-expressing AML cells, but IL1β-induced signaling was dispensable for AML cell proliferation and NFκB-driven survival. IL1RAP was also expressed in stromal cells where IL1β induced expression of inflammatory chemokines and cytokines as well. Intriguingly, the IL1β-induced inflammatory secretome of IL1RAPexpressing AML cells grown on a stromal layer of mesenchymal stem cells affected normal hematopoiesis including hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells while AML cell proliferation was not affected. The addition of Anakinra, an FDA-approved IL1 receptor antagonist, could reverse this effect. Therefore, blocking the IL1-IL1RAP signaling axis might be a good therapeutic approach to reduce inflammation in the bone marrow niche and thereby promote normal hematopoietic recovery over AML proliferation after chemotherapy

    Cross-site reproducibility of social deficits in group-housed BTBR mice using automated longitudinal behavioural monitoring

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    Social withdrawal is associated with a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, including neurodevelopmental disorders. Rodent studies provide the opportunity to study neurobiological mechanisms underlying social withdrawal, however, homologous paradigms to increase translatability of social behaviour between human and animal observation are needed. Standard behavioural rodent assays have limited ethological validity in terms of number of interaction partners, type of behaviour, duration of observation and environmental conditions. In addition, reproducibility of behavioural findings in rodents is further limited by manual and subjective behavioural scoring. Using a newly developed automated tracking tool for longitudinal monitoring of freely moving mice, we assessed social behaviours (approach, sniff, follow and leave) over seven consecutive days in colonies of BTBR and of C57BL/6J mice in two independent laboratories. Results from both laboratories confirmed previous findings of reduced social interaction in BTBR mice revealing a high level of reproducibility for this mouse phenotype using longitudinal colony assessments. In addition, we showed that detector settings contribute to laboratory specific findings as part of the behavioural data analysis procedure. Our cross-site study demonstrates reproducibility and robustness of reduced social interaction in BTBR mice using automated analysis in an ethologically relevant context

    Social Defeat during Adolescence and Adulthood Differentially Induce BDNF-Regulated Immediate Early Genes

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    Stressful life events generally enhance the vulnerability for the development of human psychopathologies such as anxiety disorders and depression. The incidence rates of adult mental disorders steeply rises during adolescence in parallel with a structural and functional reorganization of the neural circuitry underlying stress reactivity. However, the mechanisms underlying susceptibility to stress and manifestation of mental disorders during adolescence are little understood. We hypothesized that heightened sensitivity to stress during adolescence reflects age-dependent differences in the expression of activity-dependent genes involved in synaptic plasticity. Therefore, we compared the effect of social stress during adolescence with social stress in adulthood on the expression of a panel of genes linked to induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling. We show that social defeat during adolescence and adulthood differentially regulates expression of the immediate early genes BDNF, Arc, Carp, and Tieg1, as measured by qPCR in tissue lysates from prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and hippocampus. In the hippocampus, mRNA levels for all four genes were robustly elevated following social defeat in adolescence, whereas none were induced by defeat in adulthood. The relationship to coping style was also examined using adult reactive and proactive coping rats. Gene expression levels of reactive and proactive animals were similar in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. However, a trend toward a differential expression of BDNF and Arc mRNA in the nucleus accumbens was detected. BDNF mRNA was increased in the nucleus accumbens of proactive defeated animals, whereas the expression level in reactive defeated animals was comparable to control animals. The results demonstrate striking differences in immediate early gene expression in response to social defeat in adolescent and adult rats

    The serotonin transporter and early life stress:Translational perspectives

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    The interaction between the serotonin transporter (SERT) linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) and adverse early life stressing (ELS) events is associated with enhanced stress susceptibility and risk to develop mental disorders like major depression, anxiety, and aggressiveness. In particular, human short allele carriers are at increased risk. This 5-HTTLPR polymorphism is absent in the rodent SERT gene, but heterozygous SERT knockout rodents (SERT+/−) show several similarities to the human S-allele carrier, therefore creating an animal model of the human situation. Many rodent studies investigated ELS interactions in SERT knockout rodents combined with ELS. However, underlying neuromolecular mechanisms of the (mal)adaptive responses to adversity displayed by SERT rodents remain to be elucidated. Here, we provide a comprehensive review including studies describing mechanisms underlying SERT variation × ELS interactions in rodents. Alterations at the level of translation and transcription but also epigenetic alterations considerably contribute to underlying mechanisms of SERT variation × ELS interactions. In particular, SERT+/− rodents exposed to adverse early rearing environment may be of high translational and predictive value to the more stress sensitive human short-allele carrier, considering the similarity in neurochemical alterations. Therefore, SERT+/− rodents are highly relevant in research that aims to unravel the complex psychopathology of mental disorders. So far, most studies fail to show solid evidence for increased vulnerability to develop affective-like behavior after ELS in SERT+/− rodents. Several reasons may underlie these failures, e.g., (1) stressors used might not be optimal or severe enough to induce maladaptations, (2) effects in females are not sufficiently studied, and (3) few studies include both behavioral manifestations and molecular correlates of ELS-induced effects in SERT+/− rodents. Of course, one should not exclude the (although unlikely) possibility of SERT+/− rodents not being sensitive to ELS. In conclusion, future studies addressing ELS-induced effects in the SERT+/− rodents should extensively study both long-term behavioral and (epi)genetic aspects in both sexes. Finally, further research is warranted using more severe stressors in animal models. From there on, we should be able to draw solid conclusions whether the SERT+/− exposed to ELS is a suitable translational animal model for studying 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and stress interactions

    CombiFlow:combinatorial AML-specific plasma membrane expression profiles allow longitudinal tracking of clones

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) often presents as an oligoclonal disease whereby multiple genetically distinct subclones can coexist within patients. Differences in signaling and drug sensitivity of such subclones complicate treatment and warrant tools to identify them and track disease progression. We previously identified >50 AML-specific plasma membrane (PM) proteins, and 7 of these (CD82, CD97, FLT3, IL1RAP, TIM3, CD25, and CD123) were implemented in routine diagnostics in patients with AML (n = 256) and myelodysplastic syndrome (n = 33). We developed a pipeline termed CombiFlow in which expression data of multiple PM markers is merged, allowing a principal component–based analysis to identify distinctive marker expression profiles and to generate single-cell t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding landscapes to longitudinally track clonal evolution. Positivity for one or more of the markers after 2 courses of intensive chemotherapy predicted a shorter relapse-free survival, supporting a role for these markers in measurable residual disease (MRD) detection. CombiFlow also allowed the tracking of clonal evolution in paired diagnosis and relapse samples. Extending the panel to 36 AML-specific markers further refined the CombiFlow pipeline. In conclusion, CombiFlow provides a valuable tool in the diagnosis, MRD detection, clonal tracking, and understanding of clonal heterogeneity in AML