54 research outputs found

    Prevalence and risk factors for atopic disease in a population of preschool children in Rome: Challenges to early intervention

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    Background: Allergic diseases are complex identities determined by an interplay of genetic and environmental factors, resulting in the clinical manifestation of the disease. So far in Italy, updated data about the prevalence and risk factors of respiratory and allergic diseases in preschool children are not available. Methods: Children aged 3-5 years, attending four different nursery schools in an urban district of the city of Rome. A standardized questionnaire developed under the SIDRIA-2 protocol was administered to the parents of the children for the assessment of the potential risk factors and the outcomes. Results: A total of 494 children were enrolled in the study; 289 of them (60.3%) performed a skin prick test (SPT). In the 12 months preceding the interviews, 15% of children experienced at least one episode of wheezing, 5.5% of allergic rhinitis, 11% of children had a doctor diagnosis of asthma, 12% of children who underwent the SPT were positive to at least one of the tested allergens, being diagnosed as atopic. The univariate analysis for the health outcomes of the study shows that asthma was positively associated with daycare attendance, mother's history of atopy, siblings' history of atopy, recurrent siblings' bronchitis, and dermatitis. Atopy was positively associated with mother's history of atopy and dermatitis, whereas there is a borderline protective association with recurrent siblings' bronchitis. Conclusions: This study represents a first comprehensive epidemiological evaluation of prevalence of respiratory and allergic diseases in children aged 3-5 years in the city of Rome and an updating of the evolution of allergic diseases

    Updates on Children with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma during the COVID‐19 Outbreak

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    Background: During the lockdown period caused by the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic, we monitored via online survey the trend of allergic symptoms and the therapeutic compliance in pa‐ tients followed at our center. Material and methods: In June 2020, we selected children followed at the Allergy and Immunology Service of Umberto I Hospital, aged between 6 and 16 years old, di‐ agnosed with asthma and/or rhinitis and sensitized to grass pollen or dust mite. We sent an email with 12 multiple‐choice questions investigating several areas: type of disease and sensitization, recurrence of symptoms, medication use during lockdown compared to the same period of the previous year. Results: The results of 82 questionnaires showed that 17.8% of patients suffered from asthma, 24.4% from rhinitis, and 57.8% from both. Within the group of asthmatic children, most of them presented an improvement of their symptoms. Likewise, with regard to allergic rhi‐ nitis, most of them reported better clinical conditions. Regarding treatment, we observed a global decrease in the use of on‐demand therapies (salbutamol, nasal corticosteroid, and antihistamine) for both pathologies. In addition, there was a reduction in the use of basal therapy for asthma and rhinitis from 2019 (23.3%) to 2020 (15.5%). Conclusions: Our data show a general trend of clinical improvement and a reduction in the use of on‐demand and basal therapy in allergic children during the lockdown

    The Role of Nasal Nitric Oxide and Anterior Active Rhinomanometry in the Diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma: A Message for Pediatric Clinical Practice

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    Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma are two common atopic diseases, often associated with a common ethiopathogenesis characterized by a Th2 inflammatory response with the release of many biomarkers, such as nitric oxide (NO). Purpose: To evaluate and compare inflammatory (nFeNO and eFeNO) and functional (mNF and FEV1) parameters in AR children with or without asthma in comparison to controls. Secondly, we aimed to identify nFeNO cut-off values and verify their reliability to predict the presence of rhinitis or asthma alone or in combination. Patients and Methods: We enrolled 160 children (6– 12 years of age) with AR and/or asthma divided into four groups: controls, AR, asthma, and AR + asthma. All children underwent the following inflammatory and functional measurements: nFeNO, eFeNO, mNF and FEV1. Results: We observed that levels of nFeNO were extremely higher in children with AR and even more in those with AR + asthma in respect to controls. Notably, all the pathological conditions, especially AR + asthma, showed significantly lower values of mNF compared to healthy children. A negative correlation linked mNF and nFeNO. Then, we found eFeNO values significantly higher in all the pathological groups compared to controls, with major values of this marker in patients affected by asthma and AR + asthma, as well as FEV1 values significantly lower in all the disease groups, especially in children with asthma and AR+ asthma. ROC curve analysis showed that nFeNO was a great predictor for rhinitis alone or with asthma, revealing an accurate cut-off of 662 ppb. Conclusion: nFeNO measurement is non-invasive, easy to perform, economic and a valuable test in case of AR alone or in association with asthma. Thus, it should be used in patients with rhinitis, together with anterior active rhinomanometry (AAR) to diagnose and estimate the degree of nasal obstruction but also in children with asthma to assess their nasal involvement and improve the therapeutic management

    Impatto del microbioma (polmonare e intestinale) sull’asma

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    L’asma è una delle patologie croniche più diffuse e rappresenta la malattia respiratoria cronica più frequente nell’età pediatrica. Sono sempre più numerosi gli studi volti a individuare delle strategie preventive per ridurne l’incidenza: negli ultimi decenni è stato dimostrato che esiste una “finestra” temporale che si apre già durante la vita intrauterina e nella quale vari fattori ambientali possono interagire con il substrato genetico per favorire l’insorgenza dell’asma e, più in generale, delle malattie allergiche. Negli ultimi anni è stato ampiamente studiato il ruolo del microbioma intestinale dimostrandone la capacità di modulare la risposta immunitaria. Una disbiosi intestinale in epoca precoce, con sbilanciamento della composizione del microbioma a favore di Escherichia coli e Clostridium difficile e a discapito dei Bifidobacteria, può predisporre allo sviluppo delle allergopatie. Più recentemente è stato dimostrato che esiste un microbioma anche a livello delle vie aeree inferiori, la cui composizione può essere influenzata dalle infezioni virali e che, nei soggetti asmatici, è caratterizzata dalla prevalenza del phylum Proteobacteria. Non è stato ancora dimostrato se sia possibile ridurre l’insorgenza dell’asma agendo sul microbioma, mentre è necessario tenere a mente la necessità di ridurre l’impiego degli antibiotici per limitare le interferenze sul microbioma, soprattutto nei neonati e nei lattanti

    Il link asma-obesità: aspetti patogenetici, clinico-funzionali e diagnostico-terapeutici

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    L’asma e l’obesità sono considerate un problema primario di salute pubblica dell’età infantile, che sta assumendo proporzioni globalmente “epidemiche”. Diversi studi epidemiologici hanno chiaramente evidenziato la presenza di un’associazione tra le due patologie. Tale complessa interazione patogenetica vede coinvolti fattori genetici, di sviluppo, di funzione polmonare, immunologici e comportamentali; alcuni di essi sono ad oggi ancora poco studiati e conosciuti. Per tale motivo, non è possibile identificare un meccanismo prevalente sugli altri che sia alla base della relazione causale tra le due patologie. Il crescente interesse scientifico nei confronti dell’associazione tra asma e obesità ha contribuito a delineare diversi fenotipi di patologia presenti nelle varie epoche della vita. La caratterizzazione clinica dei soggetti asmatici obesi è presupposto fondamentale per identificare terapie mirate a raggiungere il controllo dell’asma e contemporaneamente a ridurre il peso del soggetto prevenendo le complicanze legate all’obesità

    I farmaci biologici nell’asma del bambino

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    I farmaci biologici hanno recentemente rivoluzionato l’approccio terapeutico al paziente con asma grave. Attraverso l’inibizione di precisi target molecolari implicati nella patogenesi della malattia asmatica, questi farmaci trovano un’innovativa applicazione nell’ambito della medicina moderna che, sempre più spesso, si indirizza verso un trattamento personalizzato sulla base delle specifiche caratteristiche infiammatorie (endotipi con relativi biomarcatori) che la patologia presenta nel singolo paziente. Tra i farmaci biologici disponibili per l’età pediatrica, ad oggi omalizumab è il farmaco di scelta per la terapia aggiuntiva dell’asma grave, con significative evidenze di efficacia e sicurezza e con maggiore esperienza clinica in “real life”. Le nuove molecole, come mepolizumab, reslizumab e dupilumab, sono attualmente in fase di sperimentazione clinica per l’età pediatrica, sulla base dei risultati positivi ottenuti negli studi sulla popolazione adulta

    16S metagenomics reveals dysbiosis of nasal core microbiota in children with chronic nasal inflammation: role of adenoid hypertrophy and allergic rhinitis

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    Allergic rhinitis (AR) and adenoid hypertrophy (AH) are, in children, the main cause of partial or complete upper airway obstruction and reduction in airflow. However, limited data exist about the impact of the increased resistance to airflow, on the nasal microbial composition of children with AR end AH. Allergic rhinitis (AR) as well as adenoid hypertrophy (AH), represent extremely common pathologies in this population. Their known inflammatory obstruction is amplified when both pathologies coexist. In our study, the microbiota of anterior nares of 75 pediatric subjects with AR, AH or both conditions, was explored by 16S rRNA-based metagenomic approach. Our data show for the first time, that in children, the inflammatory state is associated to similar changes in the microbiota composition of AR and AH subjects respect to the healthy condition. Together with such alterations, we observed a reduced variability in the between-subject biodiversity on the other hand, these same alterations resulted amplified by the nasal obstruction that could constitute a secondary risk factor for dysbiosis. Significant differences in the relative abundance of specific microbial groups were found between diseased phenotypes and the controls. Most of these taxa belonged to a stable and quantitatively dominating component of the nasal microbiota and showed marked potentials in discriminating the controls from diseased subjects. A pauperization of the nasal microbial network was observed in diseased status in respect to the number of involved taxa and connectivity. Finally, while stable co-occurrence relationships were observed within both control- and diseases-associated microbial groups, only negative correlations were present between them, suggesting that microbial subgroups potentially act as maintainer of the eubiosis state in the nasal ecosystem. In the nasal ecosysteminflammation-associated shifts seem to impact the more intimate component of the microbiota rather than representing the mere loss of microbial diversity. The discriminatory potential showed by differentially abundant taxa provide a starting point for future research with the potential to improve patient outcomes. Overall, our results underline the association of AH and AR with the impairment of the microbial interplay leading to unbalanced ecosystems

    Comorbidità nell’asma grave pediatrico

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    Asthma comorbidities frequently cause adverse outcomes, such as poor asthma control, frequent asthma attacks, reduced quality of life, and higher healthcare costs. Comorbidities are well-known treatable traits whose proper management can help achieve optimal asthma control. Although multimorbidity is frequent among asthmatics, comorbidities are still a potential cause of misdiagnosis and under or overtreatments, and little is known about their impact on severe pediatric asthma. Over the years, growing scientific evidence has pointed to the existence of a clear epidemiological correlation between asthma and its comorbidities and of possible common pathogenetic mechanisms responsible for a mutual bi-directional influence between the diseases, with sometimes the possibility of describing distinct asthma phenotypes. In this light, the appropriate management of asthma comorbidities could be crucial to propose personalized or adjunctive therapies of apparent efficacy in patients with severe asthma