49 research outputs found

    Parent\u2019s perception of children\u2019s fear: from FSSC-IT to FSSC-PP

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    Studies involving parents' reports about children's fears and multiple informant comparisons are less extended than investigations on children's self-reporting fear schedules. Starting with the Italian version of FSSC-R, the FSSC-IT, the main aims of this study were to adapt a schedule for parents' perception of their children's fear: the FSSC-Parent Perception. Its psychometric properties were examined in a large sample of parents (N = 2970) of children aged 8-10 years. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial structures were examined and compared with the Italian children's ones. Mother vs. father, children's gender and school age group effects were analyzed. The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed a four correlated factors solution model (Fear of Danger and Death; Fear of Injury and Animals; Fear of Failure and Criticism; Fear of the unknown and Phobic aspects). Some effects related to child gender, age group, mother vs. father, were found. The FSSC-PP properties supported its use by parents to assess their children's fears. A qualitative analysis of the top 10 fears most endorsed by parents will be presented and compared with children's fears. Clinical implications about the quality of parent-child relationships where discussed, comparing mothers and fathers, and parents' perception about daughters' and sons' most endorsed fears

    Joint Observation of the Galactic Center with MAGIC and CTA-LST-1

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    MAGIC is a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), designed to detect very-high-energy gamma rays, and is operating in stereoscopic mode since 2009 at the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos in La Palma, Spain. In 2018, the prototype IACT of the Large-Sized Telescope (LST-1) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, a next-generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory, was inaugurated at the same site, at a distance of approximately 100 meters from the MAGIC telescopes. Using joint observations between MAGIC and LST-1, we developed a dedicated analysis pipeline and established the threefold telescope system via software, achieving the highest sensitivity in the northern hemisphere. Based on this enhanced performance, MAGIC and LST-1 have been jointly and regularly observing the Galactic Center, a region of paramount importance and complexity for IACTs. In particular, the gamma-ray emission from the dynamical center of the Milky Way is under debate. Although previous measurements suggested that a supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* plays a primary role, its radiation mechanism remains unclear, mainly due to limited angular resolution and sensitivity. The enhanced sensitivity in our novel approach is thus expected to provide new insights into the question. We here present the current status of the data analysis for the Galactic Center joint MAGIC and LST-1 observations

    Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Revised. Adattamento italiano

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    Il presente contributo intende evidenziare le diverse fasi attraverso le quali si \ue8 predisposto l\u2019adattamento al contesto italiano delle scale di personalit\ue0 di Eysenck. Tale lavoro riguarda sia la versione completa dell\u2019Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R), dal quale \ue8 possibile ricavare anche misure di variabili quali Dipendenza e Criminalit\ue0, sia la sua versione ridotta, nonch\ue9 il questionario Impulsivit\ue0 (IVE)

    Percezione di similarit\ue0 e competitivit\ue0 intergruppi

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    AB Studied the relation of similarity perception and intergroup competitiveness among physicians. Human Ss: 120 normal male Italian adults (hospital doctors). Ss were asked to compare their own practice group with university doctors or with lawyers with or without knowing which group was being compared. The results were evaluated according to perception of similarity or difference in status and competitiveness, dimensions of status, and comparison with own group and either doctors or lawyers, and knowledge of comparison group

    Analisi di una scala di identificazione secondo l'Extended Logistic Model (ELM).

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    Il presente contributo si propone di analizzare una scala si misura dell'identificazione con un gruppo attraverso l'utilizzo di due diversi approcci metodologici (la teoria classica dei test e i modelli di Rasch), al fine di verificarne le diverse potenzialit\ue0

    The Eysenck personality questionnaire \u2013 Revised (EPQ-R): A confirmation of the factorial structure in the Italian context.

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    The aim of the present paper was to examine the factorial structure of the Revised Eysenck personality questionnaire (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1991) in the Italian context and present its psychometric properties. Data from a sample of volunteers belonging to different professional categories and Italian regions were used. The factorial structure of EPQ-R was examined using confirmatory factor analysis. Also invariance across gender was tested by means of a multi-group analysis. Findings confirm the dimensions of the Eysenck personality model for males and females in the Italian context. The invariance across gender was supported. Reliabilities of the subscales were satisfactory. The revised form of the questionnaire can be confidently used also in the Italian context

    E\u2019 valida ed affidabile la grafologia? Una rassegna della letteratura

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    The aim of this review is to provide an as comprehensive as possible overview of the present conditions of the research in the field of graphology, on its assessment and psychodiagnostic capacity. After a deep analysis of the letterature it has been found that many authors, dealing with this topic, used the methods commonly applied for the psychological tests. The purpose was to verify if graphology provides the same characteristics we require of a test to be identified as a real psychometric instrument. As a concern the psychometric properties of graphology only in a very few cases accetable data were obtained

    Motivazione intrinseca ed estrinseca e disagio scolastico: un contributo alla validazione del test \u201cPerch\ue9 studio?\u201d

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    The aims of the present study were to implement a measurement instrument to assess school motivation and to test the hypothesis that the main motivational components, underling school achievement and difficulties, can be lead to four dimensions. According to a theoretical model of motivation in study, a 40-item questionnaire has been set up (Dazzi, Pedrabissi e Ratti, 1997). To evaluate the psychometric properties of the test and the validity of the model of motivation it has been compared to another theoretically concordant one: the Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire of Ryan and Connell (1989). The questionnaires have been administered to a sample of 324 students (160 males and 164 female), attending the middle school (11-14 years-old). The metric properties of the tests have been verified. Results showed that the test has good psychometric properties and confirme the hypotized motivational structure

    Fondamenti ed esercitazioni di statistica applicata ai test.

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    Il presente lavoro si propone di approfondire i concetti essenziali della statistica applicata ai test psicologici, sia attraverso il richiamo ad alcuni fondamenti teorici della psicometria, sia attraverso semplici applicazioni operative

    Contributo alla costruzione di uno strumento di valutazione della gelosia morbosa non psicotica

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    The research study involves the construction of an instrument for the assessment of non-psychotic morbid jealousy. Morbidly jealous individuals develop a cognitive schema--based on erroneous assumptions--that leads them to systematic distortions in the interpretation of events and excessive behavioural and emotional reactions, which produce severe repercussions on individual and couple functioning. In accordance with this formulation, a 64-item instrument has been devised. It is divided into four sections: cognitive, behavioural, emotional and a scale to assess the frequency with which jealousy ruminations interfere with couple relationship. The instrument was administered to a sample of 130 participants to verify its metric properties. Reliability and validity reached satisfactory levels. Single items showed good discriminant ability