3 research outputs found

    IL-10 and IL-17 as Progression Markers of Syphilis in People Living with HIV: A Systematic Review

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    Much is known about the natural history of syphilis; however, less is known about the immune response against it, and even less is known about people living with HIV (PLWH). Due to the lack of an animal model to study host-pathogen interactions, it remains unclear how the host eliminates the bacteria. Here, we attempt to elucidate the immune response against infection by summarizing all the reported data in a systematic review. We found that only seven papers included PLWH, and they did not accurately describe the immune response against Treponema pallidum since only lymphopenia was reported upon coinfection. On the other hand, at least sixteen papers described the host-pathogen interaction in individual cell populations. Using this information, we established the kinetics of the immune response against syphilis and hypothesized how CD4+ T cells, such as Th17 and T rex cells, worsen the progression of the disease in PLWH through their hallmark cytokines, IL-10 and IL-17, and how these two cytokines may play important roles as biomarkers

    Avidity of Antibodies against HSV-2 and Risk to Neonatal Transmission among Mexican Pregnant Women

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    Objective. To determine HSV-2 seroprevalence, risk factors, and antibody avidity among a sample of Mexican pregnant women. Material and Methods. The avidity test was standardized with different urea concentrations and incubation times; the cut-off point was calculated to determine the low avidity (early infection). IgG antibodies against HSV-2 were detected from pregnant and postpartum women from Morelos, Mexico, and the avidity test was performed to positive samples. Multivariate regression logistic analysis was employed to evaluate demographic and sexual behavior characteristics associated with HSV-2 infection. Results. HSV-2 seroprevalence among Mexican women analyzed was 14.5% (333/2300), demographic factors (location of General Hospital, age, education level, and civil status), and risky sexual behaviors (STI self-report and number of sexual partners during last year) were associated with HSV-2 infection. Seventeen women were detected with low avidity antibodies (early infection) with a cut-off point of 66.1%. Conclusions. HSV-2 infection was common among this group of women from Mexico; the avidity test detected women with recent infections, and these women were more likely to transmit HSV-2 to their neonates. Neonatal herpes has no epidemiological surveillance, the disease could be overlooked, and so more studies are needed to estimate the magnitude of neonatal infection

    Alta seroprevalencia de sífilis y herpes genital en migrantes en tránsito en Chiapas, México

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    Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Treponema pallidum y virus herpes simple tipo 2 (VHS-2), así como identificar los factores asociados a dichas infecciones entre migrantes en tránsito en Chiapas, México.
 Métodos. Estudio transversal realizado durante 2021-2022, en tres albergues para migrantes en Chiapas, México. Las personas contestaron un cuestionario y proporcionaron una muestra de sangre para la detección de anticuerpos contra Treponema pallidum y VHS-2. Se calculó la seroprevalencia y se evaluaron los factores asociados mediante pruebas de χ2 y razones de momios.
 Resultados. Participaron 462 migrantes, con edad promedio de 31,2 años, 56,9 % eran mujeres, 41,1 % provenían de Honduras. La seroprevalencia de VHS-2 fue 29,9 % mientras que la de sífilis fue 4,5 %, siendo mayor en hombres (8,0 %) que en mujeres (1,9 %). El 15,4 % de las embarazadas presentaban anticuerpos contra sífilis. Entre las variables asociadas a sífilis destacan el ser hombre, antecedente de lesiones genitales, así como tener parejas del mismo sexo y la seropositividad a VHS-2. Con relación al VHS-2, factores como ser mujer, edad, escolaridad, dormir en la calle, antecedente de prueba de VIH, debut sexual temprano, número de parejas sexuales y sífilis estuvieron asociados a la infección.
 Conclusiones. Se encontró una prevalencia elevada de sífilis y VHS-2 entre la población migrante evaluada. La sífilis se confirma como una infección reemergente, incluso en las mujeres. Los migrantes presenta vulnerabilidades asociadas al comportamiento sexual, por lo que se deben enfocar medidas de prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento para este grupo poblacional