1,144 research outputs found

    Prevention of Fungal Growth on Rubber Earpads of Telecommunication Equipments

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    This paper recommends an addition of 100% zinc oxide to the rubber composition during its manufacture to effectively prevent fungal growth on the earpads without producing any adverse on its materials/performance or the user

    Analysis of Livelihood Structure of Pastoralists in Banni Grassland in Kachchh District of Gujarat in India

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    Banni grassland in Kachchh district of Gujarat in India is situated at 69024’ E longitude to 23042’ N latitude axis and spread in about 3847 sq km area. Banni region is a vast salt affected plain and experiences arid climate with average rainfall of 317mm received by southwest monsoon spread between June to September with high coefficient of Variation of 65%. Banni grassland is home to migratory pastoralists, generally called maldharies, for more than 500 years. Banni area comprises of 48 hamlets/villages organized into 19 Panchayats with a population of approximately 40,000 people. Maldharies are landless and depend upon village commons (Gauchars) for their livestock rearing. Banni buffaloes, kankrej cows, sheep, goat and camel are the domesticated animals. Breeding of kankrej bullocks and banni buffaloes for draught and milch purpose respectively was the traditional occupation and main source of income for maldharies. They breed and sell these animals to farmers in Gujarat and other parts of the country. Since late 1970s there has been a gradual shift in livestock population formerly dominated by kankrej cows to one now dominated by banni buffaloes. Change in vegetation pattern, especially invasion of Prosopis juliflora is attributed as one of the main reasons by farmers for this occupational shift. Feeding on P. juliflora pods over a period of time leads to dislocation and weakening of jaws in cows leading to their death. Mechanization of agriculture in Kachchh and other parts of Gujarat has led to reduction in use of bullocks for draught purpose. Consequently the demand for kankrej bullocks has also reduced drastically. On the other hand, banni buffaloes are tolerant to ill effects of feeding on P. juliflora. Hence, number of banni buffaloes has increased drastically since 1980s when compared to kankrej cows. Improved road connectivity of villages in banni area to Bhuj city and other towns and establishment of milk collection centers in the region has also played a vital role in growth and development of banni buffalo based dairy enterprise. These internal and external factors have led to change in occupational structure in banni region. Hence, documentation of changes in occupational structure and the driving factors behind such change is important. This research paper has the objective of analyzing the combination of various livelihood options available for pastoralist households of banni region

    Performance Limitations of Flat Histogram Methods and Optimality of Wang-Landau Sampling

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    We determine the optimal scaling of local-update flat-histogram methods with system size by using a perfect flat-histogram scheme based on the exact density of states of 2D Ising models.The typical tunneling time needed to sample the entire bandwidth does not scale with the number of spins N as the minimal N^2 of an unbiased random walk in energy space. While the scaling is power law for the ferromagnetic and fully frustrated Ising model, for the +/- J nearest-neighbor spin glass the distribution of tunneling times is governed by a fat-tailed Frechet extremal value distribution that obeys exponential scaling. We find that the Wang-Landau algorithm shows the same scaling as the perfect scheme and is thus optimal.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Underground Corrosion by Microorganisms Part-I : Analytical Studies of Some Inclian Soils

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    Fourteen types of Indian soils were analysed far their mechanical, physical, chemical, electrical properties and potential corrosion causing microorganisms. An effort to correlate these individual soil properties was also made

    MADG: Margin-based Adversarial Learning for Domain Generalization

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    Domain Generalization (DG) techniques have emerged as a popular approach to address the challenges of domain shift in Deep Learning (DL), with the goal of generalizing well to the target domain unseen during the training. In recent years, numerous methods have been proposed to address the DG setting, among which one popular approach is the adversarial learning-based methodology. The main idea behind adversarial DG methods is to learn domain-invariant features by minimizing a discrepancy metric. However, most adversarial DG methods use 0-1 loss based HΔH\mathcal{H}\Delta\mathcal{H} divergence metric. In contrast, the margin loss-based discrepancy metric has the following advantages: more informative, tighter, practical, and efficiently optimizable. To mitigate this gap, this work proposes a novel adversarial learning DG algorithm, MADG, motivated by a margin loss-based discrepancy metric. The proposed MADG model learns domain-invariant features across all source domains and uses adversarial training to generalize well to the unseen target domain. We also provide a theoretical analysis of the proposed MADG model based on the unseen target error bound. Specifically, we construct the link between the source and unseen domains in the real-valued hypothesis space and derive the generalization bound using margin loss and Rademacher complexity. We extensively experiment with the MADG model on popular real-world DG datasets, VLCS, PACS, OfficeHome, DomainNet, and TerraIncognita. We evaluate the proposed algorithm on DomainBed's benchmark and observe consistent performance across all the datasets

    Diagnostic value of elisa serological tests in childhood tuberculosis

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    Two separate studies (study I and study II) were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of ELISA serological test for the detection of IgG antibodies against specific glycolipid antigen (PGLTb1) and ESAT 6 antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, respectively. These results were compared with bacteriological tests [Ziehl Neelson (ZN) staining for acid-fast bacilli and culture on Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) medium] and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting IS6110 sequence. Both studies were carried out on children with pulmonary, central nervous system, lymph node, and gastrointestinal tuberculosis along with matching controls (65 cases and 27 controls for study I and 83 cases and 22 controls for study II). Informed consents of their parents or guardians were taken. They were subjected to clinical examination, relevant laboratory investigations, tuberculin test and chest radiograph. Relevant body fluids were subjected to bacteriological tests and PCR. Sera samples were analyzed for antibodies against PGLTbl and ESAT 6 antigen in study I and study II, respectively. ELISA tests showed a significantly higher sensitivity (49% study I; 53%, study II) as compared with LJ medium culture method (15.4%, study I; 28.9% study II) and ZN staining (27.7%, study I; 20.5%, study II) in all patients (p < 0.05). The results were comparable with PCR (40%, study I; 42.2% study II). Specificity of ELISA test was 100% in all the patients except in those with pulmonary disease (92.8%, study I; 84.8%, study II). In view of the convenience, low cost and comparable sensitivity with PCR, these ELISA tests have a promising future in the diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis

    Effect of tillage and soil amendments on soil quality and yield of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) in shallow hardpan soils of arid Gujarat

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    A field experiment was conducted at CAZRI, Regional Research Station, Kukma-Bhuj during kharif 2009 to find out the management options for improving soil productivity and quality in shallow hard pan soils in arid Gujarat. There were four tillage treatments, viz no-tillage, minimum tillage, shallow tillage and deep tillage in main plots and four amendments (gypsum at 5 Mg/ha, farmyard manure (FYM) at 5 Mg/ha and both gypsum and FYM at 5 Mg/ha each and control) in sub plots. The results of the experiment showed that deep tillage along with the application of gypsum and FYM at 5 Mg/ha produced maximum yield and maximum net returns. The study found a decreased yield and negative net returns under no-tillage in these shallow hard pan soils. However soil biological and physical properties were better under no-tillage. Long term studies may be necessary to find out the applicability of no-tillage in these soils from a yield perspective

    A tachyonic scalar field with mutually interacting components

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    We investigate the tachyonic cosmological potential V(ϕ)V(\phi) in two different cases of the quasi-exponential expansion of universe and discuss various forms of interaction between the two components---matter and the cosmological constant--- of the tachyonic scalar field, which leads to the viable solutions of their respective energy densities. The distinction among the interaction forms is shown to appear in the Om(x)O_{m}(x) diagnostic. Further, the role of the high- and low-redshift observations of the Hubble parameter is discussed to determine the proportionality constants and hence the correct form of matter--cosmological constant interaction.Comment: 14 page