1,588 research outputs found

    Terminal ruthenium carbido complexes as σ-donor ligands

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    The terminal carbido ligand of (Pcy_3)_2(Cl)_2RuC coordinates to other metal centers in a σ-donor fashion, as in (Pcy_3)_2(Cl)_2Ru≡C–Pd(Cl)_2(Sme_2) and (Pcy_3)_2(Cl)_2Ru≡C–Mo(CO)_5

    Skalendokumentation der Gießener Offensive Lehrerbildung zur Reflexionsbereitschaft

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    Ein zentrales Anliegen der Gießener Offensive Lehrerbildung (GOL) ist die (Weiter-)Entwicklung von Reflexionskompetenz Studierender des Lehramts. Insgesamt wurden angelehnt an das Kompetenzmodell von Blömeke, Gustaffson und Shelverson (2015) unterschiedliche Dimensionen von Reflexionskompetenz entwickelt und empirisch getestet. Im Fokus dieser Skalendokumentation stehen drei Dimensionenen der persönlichen Bereitschaft zu reflektieren: 1) Reflexion im zukĂŒnftigen Lehralltag 2) Reflexionsbezogene Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung 3) Reflexive Orientierung (mit den Subskalen innere und externe Orientierung) Das Dokument beinhaltet die operationalisierten Skalen, die im April 2017 in unterschiedlichen Lehrveranstaltungen (hauptsĂ€chlich in Vorlesungen) in LehramtsstudiengĂ€ngen eingesetzt wurden (n=184)

    Practical trapped-ion protocols for universal qudit-based quantum computing

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    The notion of universal quantum computation can be generalized to multi-level qudits, which offer advantages in resource usage and algorithmic efficiencies. Trapped ions, which are pristine and well-controlled quantum systems, offer an ideal platform to develop qudit-based quantum information processing. Previous work has not fully explored the practicality of implementing trapped-ion qudits accounting for known experimental error sources. Here, we describe a universal set of protocols for state preparation, single-qudit gates, a new generalization of the M\o{}lmer-S\o{}rensen gate for two-qudit gates, and a measurement scheme which utilizes shelving to a meta-stable state. We numerically simulate known sources of error from previous trapped ion experiments, and show that there are no fundamental limitations to achieving fidelities above 99%99\% for three-level qudits encoded in 137Ba+^{137}\mathrm{Ba}^+ ions. Our methods are extensible to higher-dimensional qudits, and our measurement and single-qudit gate protocols can achieve 99%99\% fidelities for five-level qudits. We identify avenues to further decrease errors in future work. Our results suggest that three-level trapped ion qudits will be a useful technology for quantum information processing

    Comparisons between intragastric and small intestinal delivery of enteral nutrition in the critically ill: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: The largest cohort of critically ill patients evaluating intragastric and small intestinal delivery of nutrients was recently reported. This systematic review included recent data to compare the effects of small bowel and intragastric delivery of enteral nutrients in adult critically ill patients. METHODS: This is a systematic review of all randomised controlled studies published between 1990 and March 2013 that reported the effects of the route of enteral feeding in the critically ill on clinically important outcomes. RESULTS: Data from 15 level-2 studies were included. Small bowel feeding was associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia (Relative Risk, RR, small intestinal vs. intragastric: 0.75 (95% confidence interval 0.60 to 0.93); P = 0.01; I(2 )= 11%). The point estimate was similar when only studies using microbiological data were included. Duration of ventilation (weighted mean difference: -0.36 days (-2.02 to 1.30); P = 0.65; I(2 )= 42%), length of ICU stay (WMD: 0.49 days, (-1.36 to 2.33); P = 0.60; I(2 )= 81%) and mortality (RR 1.01 (0.83 to 1.24); P = 0.92; I(2 )= 0%) were unaffected by the route of feeding. While data were limited, and there was substantial statistical heterogeneity, there was significantly improved nutrient intake via the small intestinal route (% goal rate received: 11% (5 to 16%); P = 0.0004; I(2 )= 88%). CONCLUSIONS: Use of small intestinal feeding may improve nutritional intake and reduce the incidence of ICU-acquired pneumonia. In unselected critically ill patients other clinically important outcomes were unaffected by the site of the feeding tube

    Late diagenesis of illite-smectite in the Podhale Basin, southern Poland: Chemistry, morphology, and preferred orientation

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    Well-characterized samples from the Podhale Basin, southern Poland, formed the basis for exploring and illuminating subtle diagenetic changes to a mudstone toward the upper end of the diagenetic window, prior to metamorphism.Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) performed on dispersed grains and ion-beam thinned preparations, selected area diffraction patterns,and chemistry by TEM-EDS (energy dispersive spectra) augmented mineralogy and fabric data. The deepest samples show no change in their percent illite in illite-smectite (I-S), yet I-S–phase octahedral Fe3+ and Al3+ are statistically different between samples. A decrease in the Fe3+ concentration in the octahedral sheet correlates with an increase in I-S fabric intensity and apparent crystallinity. The D-statistic from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on TEM- EDS data describes statistical differences in the I-S chemistry. Previous work on these samples showed a significant increase in the preferred orientation of the I-S phase across the smectite to illite transition and a significant slowdown in the rate of development of preferred orientation beyond the termination of smectite illitization. Lattice fringe images describe an I-S morphology that coalesces into larger and tighter packets with increasing burial temperature and a decrease in I-S packet contact angle, yet some evidence for smectite collapse structures is retained. The deepest sample shows the thickest, most coherent I-S packets. We propose that the deepest samples in the Podhale Basin describe the precursor stage in phyllosilicate fabric preferred orientation increase from diagenesis into metamorphism, where continued evolution of crystallite packets and associated crystallinity create higher I-S fabric intensities as the structural formulae of I-S approach an end-member composition

    Understanding Disease Outcome Following Acquisition of Helicobacter pylori

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    Helicobacter pylori causes chronic active (type B) gastritis in the overwhelming majority of infected individuals. The relative contribution of virulence factors in the bacterium and host responses to the microbial infection in determining which subjects will go on to develop complications–such as peptic ulceration, gastric cancers and gastric lymphomas—is the subject of current investigative activities
