2 research outputs found
A primate model for age related macular drusen.
- Author
- Bressler N.M.
- Dawson W.W.
- Dawson W.W.
- El-Mofty A.A.M.
- FL III, Ferris
- G M Hope
- Gass J.D.M.
- H M Engel
- Hymen L.G.
- Ishibashi T.
- Ishibashi T.
- Kessler M.
- Leibowitz H.
- Liu I.Y.
- M B Sherwood
- M J Kessler
- Maltzman B.A.
- Miller E.D.
- Mufioz B.
- Newsome D.A.
- Odum J.
- Odum J.
- Ordy J.M.
- R J Ulshafer
- Stafford T.J.
- Stafford T.J.
- Tso M.O.M.
- Ulshafer R.J.
- W W Dawson
- WV Jr, Delaney
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Molecular Cloning of ELOVL4 Gene from Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis).
- Author
- Aveldano M.I.
- Bernstein P.S., Tammur, J., Singh,
- Bourre J.M., Paturneau-Jouas, M.Y.
- Cinti D.L., Cook, L., Nagi, M.N.,
- Dawson W.W., Ulshafer, R.J., Engel
- Edwards A.O., Miedziak, A., Vrabec
- El-Mofty A., Gouras, P., Eisner, G
- Griesinger I.B., Sieving, P.A., an
- Hope G.M., Dawson, W.W., Engel, H.
- Ishibashi T., Sorgente, N., Patter
- Jackson M.R., Nilsson, T., and Pet
- Lagali P.S., MacDonald, I.M., Grie
- Mizota A., Sato, E., Taniai, M., A
- Monaco W.A. and Wormington, C.M.
- Nicolas M.G., Fujiki, K., Murayama
- Nicolas M.G., Fujiki, K., Murayama
- Oh C.S., Toke, D.A., Mandala, S.,
- Organisciak D.T., Darrow, R.M., Ji
- Poulos A.
- Rotstein N.P. and Aveldano, M.I.
- Shanklin J., Whittle, E., and Fox,
- Stafford T.J., Anness, S.H., and F
- Stone E.M., Nichols, B.E., Kimura,
- Toke D.A. and Martin, C.E.
- Tvrdik P., Asadi, A., Kozak, L.P.,
- Tvrdik P., Westerberg, R., Silve,
- Weisinger H.S., Vingrys, A.J., Bui
- Wertz P.W.
- Zhang K., Kniazeva, M., Han, M., L
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2003
- Field of study